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クエリ検索: "竜門山地"
20件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 侯 建勇, 植村 武
    1994年 1994 巻
    発行日: 1994/09/20
    公開日: 2017/08/24
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 山口 はるか, 増田 俊明
    1994年 1994 巻
    発行日: 1994/09/20
    公開日: 2017/08/24
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • *木庭 元晴
    2013年 2013s 巻 535
    発行日: 2013年
    公開日: 2013/09/04
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    奈良盆地南部の盆地縁辺部には低位段丘面とその堆積物が分布している。その堆積原面を侵食地形から復元する。この契機になったのは火成岩からなる大和三山に見られる緩斜面や地質境界であった。下図には稜線沿いに取った三山の垂直断面図を示しているが,破線で示しているように,三山共通のレベルを海抜120m弱に見出すことができる。このレベル付近には,畝傍山では貫入岩と花崗岩の境界が,天香具山でははんれい岩と花崗岩の境界が,耳成山では流紋岩内斜面の緩斜面によって認めることができる。風化による花崗岩の侵食がこのレベルで減速したと読み替えるのである。つまり,このレベル以下が地表下にあったと考える。現在のローカルな侵食基準面は,三山が緩斜面上に位置するため,海抜60~80mと幅がある。現在より40mほど高い安定した侵食基準面を想定することになる。なお,花崗岩の真砂化は水分移動が活発な地表面付近で卓越している。花崗岩中の鉱物を構成するKやNaの溶脱も専ら地下水の飽和帯上面までである。地下水面は当然,ローカルな侵食基準面と連動しており,谷頭侵食が進行する過程でローカルな侵食基準面は進行拡大してゆく。 活断層が見られない三山の
  • 寒川 旭
    1977年 50 巻 10 号 578-595
    発行日: 1977/10/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    紀伊半島中部の中央構造線に沿う紀ノ川中流域は,内帯・外帯両地域の地殻運動や中央構造線の活動を反映した地形発達をとげている.その中で,五条層堆積期は次のような重要な意味をもっている. 1. 更新世初期以来,紀ノ川河谷地域は東西に長い湖沼に近い状態にあり,菖蒲谷層が厚く堆積した.次いで,東より西流する古紀ノ川が生じ,五条層(新称)を広汎に厚く堆積し五条面を形成した.続いて,現紀ノ川沿いに流路を定め,浸食基準面の低下に伴って段丘面群を形成し,現在に至っている.この一連の地形発達過程の中で五条層堆積期は湖沼の時代から段丘の時代への移行期に相当する. 2. 中央構造線の活動や地殻運動の性格も五条層堆積期を境にして変化している.つまり,菖蒲谷層を厚く堆積させた狭義の中央構造線沿いの断層活動が不活発になり,その北側に並走し右横ずれ成分の卓越する断層系の活動が活発になり,和泉-金剛山脈を分離隆起させるような傾向が生じている.それに伴い,外帯山地も含めて周辺地域の隆起傾向が著しくなった.
  • 鈴木 舜一
    2001年 110 巻 5 号 734-743
    発行日: 2001/10/25
    公開日: 2009/11/12
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 植物研究雑誌
    2012年 87 巻 3 号 225-228
    発行日: 2012/06/20
    公開日: 2022/10/20
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 堀井 甚一郎
    1941年 4 巻 3 号 278-298
    発行日: 1941/07/01
    公開日: 2010/03/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 明治前期資料『水車調』による水力開発=利用の実証的研究 (2)
    末尾 至行
    1967年 19 巻 5 号 463-490
    発行日: 1967/10/28
    公開日: 2009/04/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    Generally speaking, as Japan is a rainy and mountainous country, she is blessed with abundant water-power resources, which are now considerably exploited for generation of electricity. But before the Industrial Revolution, to be exact before 1892 when the first hydroelectric-power station was built in Japan, water-power had been used only on a small scale by water-mills scattered throughout the country.
    The author, who is studying water-power utilization in Japan from a standpoint of historical geography, recently found one rare old list of water-mills of Nara Prefecture, which had been compiled from the official investigation in 1881, and may be called “the census of water-mill”. The items of investigation are as follows:
    (1) the name of site where a water-mill was situated,
    (2) the name of stream or ditch on which a water-mill was constructed,
    (3) the date of construction,
    (4) the name and address of the owner,
    (5) uses (…e.g. rice-cleaning, flour-milling, oil-pressing, cotton-ginning, spinning and the rest),
    (6) distinction between commercial and private use,
    (7) the diameter of water-wheel.
    This list, containing 556 water-mills which existed in Nara Prefecture in that year, tells us, through these items, the distribution of water-mills, the purpose of water uses, the degree and the process of water-power utilization and so forth. As the first part of the author's analysis, the distribution and the process of construction of those water-mills were studied (The Faculty of Letters of Nara Women's University: Annual Report of Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. IX, 1965). In this second article, the variety of functions of these 556 water-mills is discussed.
    Most of these water-mills-393 of the total-were used for rice-cleaning, and this fact means that rice-cleaning was the main purpose of water-power utilization in those days. They scattered every sixth village on an average, gathering in some villages and dispersing in others. In Nara Basin, where the yield of rice was abundant but the sites of water-mills were restricted, they were owned by specified people and were used for business. While on Yamato Plateau, where the outturn of rice was not so much as that of Nara Basin, but the water-mills were distributed densely, they were jointly owned by villagers and were employed in rotation for private use.
    Other water-mills were used for the manufacturing of special products which were manufactured at that date in Nara Prefecture. Materials of some groceries, such as Japanese vermicelli and frozen bean curd, were prepared by these water-mills, and rape oil or cotton-seed oil were also pressed by them. Cotton-ginning and spinning also asked water for these motive power.
  • 藪崎 志穂, 島野 安雄
    2023年 65 巻 3 号 275-284
    発行日: 2023/08/31
    公開日: 2023/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 墓郷集団をめぐって
    野崎 清孝
    1973年 25 巻 1 号 1-25
    発行日: 1973/02/28
    公開日: 2009/04/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    Today, there are many Gobakas (_??__??_)-- burial ground built up by some villages --in the middle of the Kinki district. Some of them are chiefly seen in the Nara basin. I call the territorial circles of the Gobakas the Hakogogroups. I'm going to make clear their historical foundation and meaning.
    In the Nara basin, the Gobakas are distributed from the western side of the Yamato plateau to the northern side of the Ryumon mountains, and the eastern side of the Kongo mountains. And some of them are occasionally distributed in the center of the basin in addition to these territories.
    The territories where the Gobaka distributes happens to be accord with the territories of the Jodo sect, and that is distributed in the territory of the Yuzunenbutsu sect, too. The Gobaka is hardly distributed in the teritory of the Jodoshinshu sect. There are burial ground at every village in this territory. The distribution of the Gobaka is closely related to the Buddism sects. The Buddism sects of the Hakadera itself--the temple managing the graveyard--is mostly the Jodo sect. But there are many opinions about the relation of the Hakadera and the Jodo sect.
    The Gobakas mostly stand on the foot of the mountains and the hills. In the center of the basin, the old mounds are often made use as the Gobaka. I suppose that the place of the Gobaka is the graveyard where many people had buried before the circles of the Hakago-groups were formed.
    Most of the Hakago-groups can not be identified with the Suigo-groups (villages combined by irrigating water), the Sango-groups (villages combined by wood), and the Miyago-groups (villages combined by a shrine). I thought that the territorial circles of the Hakago-groups were the traces of baron's sphere of influence which held their respectve stronghold in the latter half of the Middle Ages in the Nara basin. These barons were called Shuto (_??__??_) and Kokumin (_??__??_) in manors of Kofukuji.
    Since the Edo Era, the territorial circles of the Hakago-groups have not been changed. Therefore, it is certain that they were formed from the 15th century to the 16th century, at least to Bunroku (_??__??_).
  • 廣内 大助
    2004年 113 巻 1 号 18-37
    発行日: 2004/02/25
    公開日: 2009/11/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Nara basin, located in the central part of the Kinki triangle in central Japan, mainly consists of Plio-Pleistocene sediments (Osaka group), Pleistocene terrace deposits, and Holocene alluvial deposits.
    The upper most part of the Osaka group extending in this area consist of fluvial deposits, and is correlated with the Ma3, which is includes the Azuki tephra.
    The terrace surfaces have developed along the eastern foot of the Kongo-katsuragi Range, in the southwestern part of the basin. Based on the distribution of surface heights and stratigraphies, these terraces are classified into the H, Ml, M2, M3, Li, and L2 surfaces in descending order.
    The Kongo fault system striking in the north-south direction extends along the eastern foot of the Kongo-katsuragi Range. This fault system consists of the Yamaguchi, Kongo, Nakato, and Yamada faults. These faults have displaced fluvial terrace surfaces, and the slip rates of the vertical component are about 0.03-0.3 m/ky.
    The Median Tectonic Line striking in the west-east direction and extending southward of the Nara basin, separates the Izumi Range and the Kinokawa lowland. The Shobudani fault, one of the fault systems of the Median Tectonic Line, had a tendency of reverse faulting activity in the former half of the Quaternary. On the contrary, right lateral faulting activity of the Gojodani fault started from the middle Pleistocene, and this tectonic movement has continued to the present along the Median Tectonic Line.
    Based on the stratigraphy of the Osaka group and fault activity around the study area, the fact that the Nara basin was divided from the Kinokawa lowland by reverse faulting of the Shoubudani fault at least the early Pleistocene, was, clarified. This faulting also formed the, present drainage pattern and the watershed located in the southwestern part of the Nara basin.
    Fault activity of the Kongo fault system started after the middle Pleistocene. The central part of the fault system shows the highest slip rate. On the contrary, the slip rate at the tips of fault system show a small value compared with the slip rate in the central part of the fault system. Both the height distribution of the terraces and that of the Kongo-katsuragi range, extending to the southwestern part of the Nara basin, have same trend in comparison with the distribution of slip rate along the Kongo fault system.
    In conclusion, tectonic movement with faulting of the Kongo fault system has affected the formation of landforms in the southwestern margin of the Nara basin.
  • 掛部 晋
    2012年 55 巻 6 号 37-62
    発行日: 2012/02/01
    公開日: 2017/07/24
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 松浦 茂樹
    1983年 27 巻 2 号 1-23
    発行日: 1983/06/01
    公開日: 2020/02/03
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 谷 彌兵衛
    2001年 47 巻 2 号 1-8
    発行日: 2001/07/16
    公開日: 2017/08/28
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 髙橋 京子, 髙浦(島田) 佳代子, 矢野 孝喜, 川嶋 浩樹, 吉越 恆, 福田 浩三
    2023年 74 巻 2 号 188-205
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/11/23
    ジャーナル フリー


  • 大和国忍海郡もど川筋の場合
    野崎 清孝
    1974年 26 巻 4 号 412-431
    発行日: 1974/08/28
    公開日: 2009/04/28
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ―外からの吉野と内なる吉野―
    池田 淳
    2024年 22 巻 87-106
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/03/28
    研究報告書・技術報告書 オープンアクセス
  • 日下 雅義
    1964年 16 巻 4 号 353-381
    発行日: 1964/08/28
    公開日: 2009/04/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    The author, having investigated geographically the formation of land surface feature and the development of land utilization concerning plain, of the lower Kinokawa, Wakayama District, has made here a summary of various findings. By using aerial photograph, the area was surveyed though so far little investigation has been done into these matters mentioned-above and more data are needed on these points.
    The results obtained are as follows:
    1) The plain situated on the lower Kinokawa is classified into eight landform types. The floodplain lies in the upper region than the area that links Minami-narukami where is on the left bank of the Kinokawa river with Umehara on the right bank. The author has been further grouped the area into two large classes: The upper and lower surfaces. The lower surface is observed at the foot districts along a mountain, as compared with piecemeal distribution of the upper one except the lower region as a whole.
    The lower surface of delta is looked at the back area of beach ridge nearest to the coast and the district where is the junction area the river Waka and Wada, in contrast to the upper surface of delta on the both banks of Kinokawa river mouth is widely distributed round the sand mound where Wakayama Castle is built, and then the beach ridge or the sand dune branches off three main courses along the shore line. This indicates their growing process of the shore line.
    2) It may be permitted to arrange the channel race as seen on the plain in three classes; a) point bars are observed upon the district where floodplain shifts towards the delta, and b) the floodplain score routes are studded with the floodplain for the most part. c) abandoned courses distribute a bit continuously extending over the floodplain to the delta.
    3) Though one-time Kinokawa river wears away foot edge of the northern fan land, however, after that that gradually turns off the course to the south. Considered the tendency of the course changes in the historical period, the river is turning the course to the south on the upper area and to the north on the lower one revolving around the Nakasu- village.
    From prehistory to ancient times, the river Kinokawa goes through nearly the present Waka-gawa river course. But about A.D. 1, 000, the main course emptied into the sea from the Kitajima- Village to the ôura via the Nezumi-jima. The author supposes the present Kino-kawa river course was formed in the years of 1, 600 or there about.
    4) On the land development work it was not considerably active in the middle age, however, in the ancient times the land utilization was carried out widely extending over the floodplain forward the delta. In the recent times there are two development works: a) the land-utilization of tidal marshy land and sand dune area, and b) re-development of ex-cultivated land buried by the river activity.
    Viewed the aerial photograph and archives, the developmental process on this plain is not so easy as we imagined. According to the archives, devastated field of the cultivated land comes to 3-4 times in the Matsushima and its neighbourhood, in comparison with the landscapes of development works in the ancient times are left in the district along the terrace cliff of the right bank and in the Iwahashi hill lands west of left bank.
  • 藤田 佳久
    1974年 26 巻 4 号 347-379
    発行日: 1974/08/28
    公開日: 2009/04/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    In Japan, the formal possesion of forest-lands were admitted in the early term of Meiji era. These were formed through the policy of land taxation reform. Thus, national, private and common forest-lands, which were distributed with regional differences, were admitted.
    In Nara Prefecuture, most of forest-lands were admitted as the possesion of private and common people villagers. This was due to the development of forestry in Yoshino mountaneous region in the latter term of previous era, Edo era, in which most of forest-lands had been privately utilized for siviculture and shifting cultivation by farmers.
    The object of this paper is to clarify the process and factors of the formation of private and common forest-lands in this advanced region in forest-land use.
    So, small territory belong to Shinohara village which was located in Yoshino mountaneous region, shown in dots in Fig.1, was chosen for this study.
    The results obtained are as follows;
    1. The origin of this village was settled by the group of Kijiya who had special technique to make wooden bowl and ladle and was wandering to seek its material. So, the forest-lands in this territory were important for themselves.
    2. In the early term of Edo era, forest-lands were mainly utilized for the shifting cultivation, which was located outside the settlement shown in Fig.3. It is shown by the land register made in 1769, in which a little differences among the scale of possesion by landowners are admitted shown in Fig.2.
    3. In the latter term of Edo era, inhabitant had increased and small landowners had been added, according to the land register made in 1843, shown in Fig.6. But, on the contrary, large landowners who had mainly concentrated the fields of shifting cultivation had appeared like No.1 shown in Fig.6. The fields owned by large landowners had been tenanted by small landowners to use shifting cultivation. Why had they concentrated the shifting cultivation which had managed extensively?
    4. In next Meiji era, modern some land registers had been made newly. According to these land registers, it is understand that the most of the fields of shifting cultvation in Edo era had been changed into the artificial forest-lands based on the increase of timber market price. Thus, large landowners had concentrated these forest-lands from the latter term of Edo era.
    5. So, through the land taxation reform carried by Meiji government, these forest-lands utilized for silviculture or shifting cultivation had been admitted as private or common holdings. At that time, the other unutilized forest-lands which located far away from these forest-lands had mainly divided into adequate possesion among larger landowners, as private or common holdings, from 1879 to 1885. This was as well perhaps due to the reason why many small landowners could not pay the taxation which was added newly by the increase of the possesion of forest-lands.
    6. Thus, some larger and many smaller forest landowners had been resulted in this village in the early term of Meiji era.
  • 丸山 岩三
    1993年 37 巻 3 号 66-115
    発行日: 1993/08/01
    公開日: 2019/05/02
    ジャーナル フリー