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684件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 高林 萌, 伊藤 裕久
    2017年 15 巻 1-4
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2017/07/30
    研究報告書・技術報告書 オープンアクセス
  • 小規模神社に着目して
    佐下橋 あゆみ, 押田 佳子
    2022年 21 巻 3 号 278-285
    発行日: 2022/12/08
    公開日: 2022/12/08
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー


  • 田 禾, 浅井 俊光, 近藤 三雄
    2012年 40 巻 2 号 141-144
    発行日: 2012/03/31
    公開日: 2021/04/22
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    芝生屋根緑化によって冬季に室内の暖房効率を高めることができるか否かについて明らかにするため, GRC製の約0.32m3の空間面積を有する模擬実験装置を作成した。これに, 日本芝と西洋芝を植栽した実験区と無植栽区の3実験区を設置し, 冬季の屋外環境下と人工環境気象室内にて土壌層や模擬実験装置内部の温度変化を測定した。
    その結果, 日本
    , 西洋
    共に無植栽区よりも暖まりにくく, 平均温度は低かったが, 温度の変動幅については小さく, 特に夜間やヒーターユニット作動停止後の温度低下を抑えることが可能であった。また, 日本
    , 西洋
    共に植栽層や土壌層が熱を奪う性質が強く, 断熱材としての利用には不向きであり, むしろ, 冬季の太陽放射を積極的に受け蓄熱することによって, 室内の温度を高く保つことができるものと推測される。さらに, 冬季の室内の保温という観点からは, 冬枯れをする日本芝の方が土壌水分量や蒸発散量が大きくなり過ぎず効果的であった。
  • 防空照明委員會
    1938年 22 巻 10 号 60-89
    発行日: 1938年
    公開日: 2011/02/09
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 安部 真生, 山田 晋, 根本 正之
    2014年 40 巻 1 号 14-19
    発行日: 2014年
    公開日: 2015/09/18
    ジャーナル フリー
    で裸地区よりも播種した個体の 2年間の生育個体率が高く,2年目の被度は両調査区で高かった。低茎種であるスミレの張
    における生育個体率は,導入方法によらず 2年目にシバに被陰されて低下した。ツリガネニンジンは両調査区で発芽が見られなかった。張芝地への在来種の導入は,シバよりも草高が高くなる種については有効である。
  • 富田 春乃, 宮川 秀則, 佐藤 忠継, 涌井 史郎, 飯島 健太郎
    2013年 42 巻 1 号 31-35
    発行日: 2013/10/31
    公開日: 2021/04/22
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス

    The purpose of this research is verification of the heat insulation effect by sheet planting installed in metallic roof. The heat insulation effect of a grass and a Sedum was compared. And water supply and non-supply Sedum was compared. The temperature point was set to surface of each planting, the back side of planting, and surface of metallic roof under planting. The analysis object period was from Aug. 1 to 31 in 2011. The result is as follows. The surface of metallic roof amounted to 54.3ºC at highest during the experimental period. At the time of the highest temperature, the surface of grass was 44ºC and the surface of the Sedum under water supply was 46ºC. Simultaneously, the back side of grass base was 38.9ºC and the back side of Sedum under water supply base of the base was 34.5ºC. The same temperature fall effect was accepted for Sedum under water supply and Sedum under water non-supply after rain 4 days. That is, as for sedum planting, it was accepted that everyday water supply and water supply of 4 day interval have the same temperature fall effect.

  • 武村 雅之
    2003年 3 巻 1 号 1-36
    発行日: 2003年
    公開日: 2010/08/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    東京都心部での関東地震による地震動の強さ分布は, 河角 (1951) や望月・椿木 (1993) などの結果があり, 相対的には殆ど蛇足を要しないと思われるが, 何れの結果も評価の条件が詳細に書かれていないこと, 結果の表現が評価当時の技術レベルに依存しており, 今日地震防災に生かそうとしたときには, より明解な資料が要求されることから, 本稿では, 近年の調査結果や新しく発掘された資料を用いて再度震度評価を行った。主な結果をまとめると以下の通りである。まず, 山の手台地上は一般に震度が小さく大半が5強以下である。これに対し, 震度が6強から7と判定される地域は, 1つは下町低地の隅田川の東側の本所区, 深川区, 以西の浅草区と下谷区の上野公園と浅草公園を結ぶ線より北側である。下町低地のうちでも南側の浅草区南部, 神田区東部, 日本橋区, 京橋区は震度が低く, これらの地域は現在の上野台地や本郷台地の一部が波によって削られた波食台と呼ばれる埋没台地が地下に存在する地域に対応する。この他震度の高い地域は, 日比谷, 大手町, 神田神保町にかけての地域である。江戸時代以前は, 日比谷から大手町にかけては日比谷の入江が存在し, そこに神田神保町方面から神田川の前身である平川が流れ込んでいた。今でも地下には丸の内谷, 平川谷と呼ばれる沖積基底の谷地形があり, それに沿う形で震度が高い。このように, 震度分布は表層地盤の構造と強く関連し, その理解には長年にわたる土地の人工改変の歴史も重要な情報である。
  • 加治屋 智実
    2014年 80 巻 3 号 315-328
    発行日: 2014/11/25
    公開日: 2017/06/03
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 山口 隆子, 横山 仁, 石井 康一郎
    2005年 68 巻 5 号 509-512
    発行日: 2005年
    公開日: 2006/05/08
    ジャーナル フリー
    A main enumeration was carried out for mitigating the urban heat island effect by light and thin rooftop greening at the existent building. Six kinds of light and thin rooftop greening systems were installed on the existent building roof, and those heat characteristic and heat balance were analyzed. Surface temperature of the non-greening area was the highest, 60°C. Surface temperature of greening area was 30-35°C in the time when the irrigation was done regularly, and it was 35-45°C in the time when the irrigation was reduced. About accumulated evapotranspiration, in the time when the irrigation was reduced, Grass area was about 3kg/m², but Sedum Mexicanum Britton area was 0.4-2.0 kg/m². The results of heat balance analysis show the latent heat consumption of evapotranspiration at greening system to prevent increase sensible heat. It became clear that light and thin rooftop greening had effect of mitigating the urban heat island effect from the above result. It confirmed that mitigating the urban heat island effect by rooftop greening varied in the kind of plant, water condition and so on.
  • 野村 悦子
    1998年 63 巻 504 号 163-170
    発行日: 1998/02/28
    公開日: 2017/02/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this study is to show the urban transition of Tokyo from the point of view of the property ownership system of 1912. An early study done by Yoshojiro Takeuchi entitled "The Large-scale Landlord in Tokyo" which appeared in the Heimin Newspaper in 1907 analyses the property ownership system of Tokyo. The present study uses Takeuchi's first study as a guideline for research and comparison purposes. The aim here is to clarify the divisions of real estate in Tokyo and, by studying the impact of various property ownership systems, present guidelines for future urban development strategies. In this study, the author divided property ownership types into five categories. These categories are based on the ratio of the ownership of one's own residence to the ownership of other(s) properties, then divided into the different social classes. The discovery is that the former feudal lords of the Meiji Era still had huge land holdings, yet there was no concept of urban structure or city planning, thereby creating a congested city form.
  • 今泉 飛鳥
    2008年 51 巻 1 号 19-33
    発行日: 2008/10/30
    公開日: 2017/08/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this article is to substantiate the effects of industrial clusters on constituent individual factories, focusing on the case of the machinery industry in Tokyo in the late Meiji Era. Recently, while the role of small and medium-sized factories in the development of the Japanese economy has come to be evaluated positively, it has also been recognized that many, especially small and medium-sized, factories often formed clusters. Therefore, it is important to investigate the effects of clusters on their constituent factories in order to understand the mechanism of economic development. For this purpose, I use a comprehensive list of factories which covers small and medium-sized factories dating back to the early stages of industrialization. There are principally two conceptual frameworks on industrial clustering. The one focuses on quantitative agglomeration of firms in general, and the other focuses on "flexible specialization" in addition to quantitative agglomeration. In this paper, I use the former framework to examine the broad effects of industrial clusters, such as information sharing, formation of skilled labor market, and development of related industries. First, I analyze quantitatively the influences of clustering, using the panel data constructed from five lists of factories issued in 1904, 1906, 1909, 1911 and 1916. Through this analysis, I show that the establishment of factories was more active inside clusters, factories tended to move out of clusters when they expanded their business, and survivability of factories was higher inside the clusters. Then, I investigate the reasons for these phenomena using descriptive materials, and I conclude that "gathering effects" such as "flexible specialization", a skilled labor market, related industries and the sharing of information played an important role, which was backed by the historical environment of high worker mobility and little transactional relationship between large and small factories.
  • 三坂 育正, 石井 康一郎, 横山 仁, 山口 隆子, 成田 健一
    2005年 11 巻 21 号 195-198
    発行日: 2005/06/20
    公開日: 2017/04/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    In order to evaluate the effects of mitigating urban heat island by light and thin type rooftop greening system which could be applied in existent buildings, basic experiment about thermal characteristics of greening system were carried out. The results of heat balance analysis show the latent heat consumption of evapotranspiration at greening system to prevent increase sensible heat. But mitigating effects by greening system were varied in kind of plants, water condition and so on. Using evaporation efficiency as an index of evaporation ability, it is able to evaluate the difference of the effects by plants and water condition.
  • 上野 邦行, 芮 大虎, 中村 大, 伊藤 陽司, 山下 聡, 鈴木 輝之
    2010年 5 巻 3 号 413-424
    発行日: 2010/09/30
    公開日: 2010/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 藤岡 洋保, 今藤 啓
    1995年 60 巻 470 号 235-242
    発行日: 1995/04/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    By inspecting the 1922, 1926 and 1931 versions of "Maru-no-uchi Shinshiroku (Who's Who)," this paper clarifies some characteristics on residential areas for the middle class in Tokyo in the 1920s as follows : 1) The business elite who worked at Maru-no-uchi, Tokyo, preferred to live in the areas south and west to Maru-no-uchi. 2) Their residential areas had been sprawling to south and west suburbs along railroads during that period. 3) While executives lived in their own lands in the ward districts, middle-class managirial lived in rent houses in farther areas. 4) They commuted from their houses to Maru-no-uchi in less than an hour.
  • 野村 悦子
    1999年 64 巻 517 号 229-234
    発行日: 1999/03/30
    公開日: 2017/02/03
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this study is an attempt to understand the urban transition from the view point of the property ownership system. This report analyzes the cadaster as it was in 1930's, comparing to the one in 1912. The aim here is to clarify the divisions of real estate in Tokyo and, by studying the impact of various property ownership systems, present guidelines for future urban development strategies. The discovery is that the former feudal lords still had huge land holding early in the Showa Era, yet there was no concept of urban structure or city planning, thereby creating a congested city form.
  • 旧大名阿部家の場合
    加藤 仁美
    1997年 32 巻 49-54
    発行日: 1997/10/25
    公開日: 2018/05/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    The Abe-family owned the most lands for housing by Daimyos in Meiji Era. We tried to clarify how land lease systems were operated in Abe family's housing sites from Meiji Era to after the 2nd World War. The following finding is attained the lands in the downtown area were used for investment property, except Nishikata-machi, Hongo that almost aspect of community life is carefully controlled.
  • 山本 昌幸, 伊藤 篤, 山崎 英樹, 兼松 正衛
    2017年 65 巻 3 号 263-269
    発行日: 2017/09/20
    公開日: 2018/09/20
    ジャーナル フリー
    効率的なタイラギ中間育成法を検討するため,3種類の基質(アンスラサイト,砂,人工芝)と密度(2,000~8,000個/m2)での垂下飼育を2回実施し,生残率と成長率を調べた。瀬戸内海屋島湾(水深1.5 m)で試験は2016年8月30日~9月22日(試験1:開始殻長,17.4 mm)と9月14日~11月3日(試験2:6.3 mm)に実施された。試験1(平均水温:26.7℃)では,生残率は95.0~100%,平均殻長は29.9~47.2 mm,成長率は0.54~1.30 mm/day となった。人工
    の成長率が他の基質より低く,低密度区の成長率が高かった。試験2(24.3℃)では,生残率は1.3~92.5%,平均殻長は21.0~47.2 mm,成長率は0.29~0.82 mm/day となった。イシガニの捕食によって砂区の生残率が低かった。基質ではアンスラサイト区の成長率が他の基質より高かった。
  • 井奥 成彦, 鎮目 雅人
    2014年 80 巻 3 号 291-296
    発行日: 2014/11/25
    公開日: 2017/06/03
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 重田 麻紀, 三科 仁伸
    2014年 80 巻 3 号 329-348
    発行日: 2014/11/25
    公開日: 2017/06/03
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 加藤 千尋, 畔柳 昭雄, 菅原 遼
    2017年 82 巻 734 号 987-997
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2017/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
     Koreans who visited Tokyo in employment purposes before the war, the majority of which has been a poor and needy. Therefore, their residence slum of other, some were also present who live in homemade barracks in the land that was illegally occupied. This is, housing shortage, low economic strength, is due to discrimination by the Japanese.
     Koreans of the barracks, went continues to grow with the increase of the Korean population. In the lawn areas and Shenzhen-ku, it has been a Tour of land owners and fight the eviction. However, barracks were those that occurred in the unavoidable situation. Therefore eviction does not proceed, barracks and illegal occupation of the neighboring land also been successful in eviction was built again.
     Badness of these Koreans of the housing situation was a phenomenon that has been seen in Japan as well as Tokyo. Administration was judged to be an obstacle when advancing the assimilation policy this. Therefore be a challenge is improve the lives of the Koreans, the city of Tokyo was planning the supply of public housing intended for the Korean people in the 1930s.
     In 1939, for clearance of the barracks of the illegal occupation state in Shenzhen District and lawn area, to determine the supply of temporary housing. It was built first in Edagawa the town in Shenzhen District. Temporary housing named "Edagawa the town house, " began the move of Koreans in 1941. Thereafter, the expanded 2 times, was composed of 272 units. Others, such as the assembly hall and baths are provided.
     Tokyo City, but have supplied the public housing in addition to this, temporary housing was a completely new standard housing.