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1,002件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • スライドの活用を中心として
    鈴木 喬
    1968年 41 巻 3 号 219-226
    発行日: 1968/03/15
    公開日: 2009/10/16
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 齋藤 秀樹
    2005年 51 巻 2 号 75-79
    発行日: 2005/12/31
    公開日: 2017/11/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    Pollen yield per male inflorescence in a young Alnus sieboldiana community was measured in 1987 and 1988. The seven to eight year old community was growing on freshly dumped detritus with little humus. Male inflorescences from four trees in the study community were sampled at suitable dates before pollen release on 27 March 1987 and 8 April 1988. Number of bracts per inflorescence, number of stamens per bract, and number and dry weight of pollen per stamen were measured, and pollen yields per inflorescence were estimated by multiplying the quantities of pollen grains per stamen by the number of stamens per inflorescence. The number of pollen grains per stamen, taken from trees bearing a large number of stamens per inflorescence, was small whereas for trees with a small number of stamens, the pollen number per stamen was large. No relationship between pollen weight per stamen and the number of stamens per inflorescence was recognized. For trees showing the minimum dry weight for a single pollen grain, the number of pollen grains per stamen was maximal in both years. Comparison of pollen yields per inflorescence between the study years showed that the number in 1987 was less than that in 1988, while the weight was approximately equal in both years; in 1988 a large number of small, light grains were produced. Mean numbers of pollen grains per stamen for the four sample trees in 1987 and 1988 were 10,720 and 14,410, respectively, whereas pollen weights were 0.142mg and 0.126mg, giving a mean single pollen grain dry weight of 13.5×10^<-6>mg and 8.99×10^<-6>mg, respectively. Mean pollen quantities per inflorescence in 1987 and 1988 were 9.94×10^6 grains and 16.5×10^6 grains, and weighed 133mg and 145mg, respectively.
  • 行本 正雄, 山根 浩志
    1996年 82 巻 11 号 911-916
    発行日: 1996/11/01
    公開日: 2009/05/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The rapid solidification process, which omits the hot rolling stage, was employed for the production of a thin strip made of materials which typically have poor workability. The process required the solidified strip to be cooled carefully so that embrittlement or recrystalization did not occur: 30Cr-14Ni stainless steel, solidified to a thin strip by a twin roll caster, was subjected to another cooling (secondary cooling) before coiling. The transition of strip temperatures during the cooling was estimated both by measurement and by calculation. From the experimentally observed relationship between the heat treatment and embrittlement, the optimum condition for the secondary cooling was obtained. Experiments showed that the strip became embrittled when it was subjected to 930 K for 5 min. Therefore the cast strip was passed through the secondary cooling zone of water jets. The coiling temperature was kept below 700 K and no embrittlement was observed. As a result, a strip was delivered as an overlay welding material on a semi-commercial basis.
  • 石原 愛也
    1960年 28 巻 3 号 316-320
    発行日: 1960年
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    The experiments were carried out to follow the process of vernalization in winter wheat plants, var. Norin no. 64, under the field condition in late autumn and winter seasons. At successive stages, some of the growing plants in field were removed to the continuous light condition under the temperature of about 20°C, and the affected degree by natural vernalization in the plants was estimated by counting the number of leaves newly formed before flowering in the main stem, subtracting the number of determinate leaves at the time of the removing from the final leaf number. It was found that the vernalization progressed almost to the completion during one or one and a half month from sowing time. The results indicated that the vernalization under the field condition proceeded with a similar rate as that of seeds treated at 5°C, even though the temperature in the field was higher than 5°C, f.i., the daily mean temperature was 15∼7°C during the vernalization period in one experiment. From the examination of shoot apex development, it was suggested that in the vernalized plants the production of leaf or bract primordium is activated, which in turn leads to the spikelet initiation
  • 寺林進, 酒井英二, 山路弘樹, 近藤健児, 川原信夫, 合田幸広
    2009年 84 巻 2 号 077-084
    発行日: 2009/04/20
    公開日: 2022/10/20
    ジャーナル フリー

    ハトムギの苞鞘に包まれた果実は, 消炎, 排膿, 利尿などの作用があり民間薬として疣取りなどに用いられてきた. またハトムギ茶など健康食品としての利用も多い. ハトムギの種子は苡仁 (よくいにん) と呼ばれ漢方では利尿, 去風湿, 清熱作用を目的に麻杏甘湯, 苡仁湯などに配合される.

     苡仁のほうは 『日本薬局方』 に収載されているが, ハトムギの苞鞘に包まれた果実は, 『日本薬局方』 の下位に位置づけられる公定書規格である 『日本薬局方外生薬規格1989』 に ハトムギ の名で収載されている (日本薬局方解説書編集委員会 2006, 厚生省薬務局審査第二課監修 1989).

     ハトムギ も医薬品として重要とされる生薬の一つとして 『日本薬局方』 収載の候補となり, 厚生労働省局方部会の下位に位置する局方原案審議委員会の一つである生薬等委員会で規格案 (基原, 生薬の性状, 確認試験, 理化学試験など) が検討されてきた. ここでは, 規格のうち基原 (原植物と薬用部位) および生薬の性状 (外観, 内部形態, におい, 味) について生薬等委員会として検討した結果を報告する. 生薬の性状については市場流通品や薬草園栽培品ハトムギの観察結果を基に規格案を作成した.

  • 松村 洽, 鶴岡 一夫
    1974年 38 巻 8 号 708-715
    発行日: 1974年
    公開日: 2008/04/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    In order to evaluate the influence of precipitates on grain boundary migration quantitatively, the rate of normal grain growth of 3% silicon-iron containing aluminum nitrides was investigated.
    The 3% silicon-iron ingots containing different amounts of aluminum and nitrogen were prepared by vacuum melting. These ingots were forged and hot-rolled to plates 2 mm in thickness, then the plates were cold-rolled to 0.5 mm in thickness. After decarburizing the specimens at 700°C in wet hydrogen, the rate of normal grain growth during isothermal annealing at 800, 850 and 900°C were measured.
    The size and distribution of aluminum nitrides in the specimens after annealing at 700 to 900°C depend on the concentration of solute nitrogen in the raw materials during heating before hot rolling. The rate of normal grain growth was controlled by the distribution of precipitates. When the precipitates were more dense, the rate of normal grain growth became slower. Values of activation energy Qg and activation free energy ΔFa for grain boundary migration were the same in all specimens, which were 65 and 34 kcal/mol respectively. The difference in the rate of normal grain growth could be explained in terms of the difference in the driving free energy ΔF which depended on the distribution of precipitates. In order to modify the Zener’s theory more quantitatively, a new equation was derived by considering the Ostwald growth of precipitates. The rate of normal grain growth measured coincided with the theoretical values calculated from the equation.
  • 三宅
    1979年 65 巻 2 号 315-316
    発行日: 1979/02/01
    公開日: 2010/02/22
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 渡辺
    1963年 26 巻 4 号 189-196
    発行日: 1964/03/25
    公開日: 2011/08/11
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 屈折率による定量法
    戸沢 新一, 渡邊
    1989年 26 巻 5 号 245-250
    発行日: 1989/09/30
    公開日: 2010/09/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    In lithographic printing, it is well known to apply a specific gravity (S. G.) for the measurement of the amount of isopropyl alcohol (IPA) in the fountain solution. The fountain solution usually contains a small amount of desensitizer with IPA. As a S. G. greatly depends on temperature it is difficult to determine the accurate amount of IPA. Some unavoidable errors occur during the S. G. measurement, caused by ink scum, dust and bubble. We studied many methods for the accurate measurement of IPA concentration in the fountain solution: S. G., pH value, electric conductivity and refractive index (Brix%). As a result, we found that Brix% is the best way to measure an accurate amount of IPA, independent of a small amount of desensitizer.
  • 齋藤 秀樹
    2007年 53 巻 1 号 41-46
    発行日: 2007/06/30
    公開日: 2018/12/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    The production rates of pollen, male catkins, female strobili and seed cones in a 73-year-old Alnus sieboldiana stand, planted for erosion control in Shigaraki, Shiga Prefecture, were studied in the period 1983-1989. These rates, in terms of number and dry weight on a land-area basis, were measured using ten litter raps. Male catkins from six or seven trees in the study stand were sampled on the convenient dates before pollen release. The number of bracts per catkin, number of stamens per bract, and number and dry weight of pollen grains per stamen were measured, and pollen yields per catkin were estimated by multiplying the mean values for the trees. Mean pollen quantities per catkin in 1984-1988 were 15.55-20.04 (mean, 18.23)×10^6 grains and 170.4-239.4 (mean, 193.9) mg. The dry weight of a single pollen grain, obtained by dividing the weight by the number of pollen grains per stamen, was 9.20-13.1(mean, 10.8)×10^<-6> mg. Pollen production rates, obtained by multiplying the pollen yield (by number and dry weight) per catkin by the number of open male catkins per ha, were estimated to be 17.04-45.87 (mean, 30.00)×10^<12> grains/ha and 222.8-488.1 (mean, 315.9) kg/ha. The mean numerical ratio of pollen grains to ovules (P/Ov ratio) for the seven study years was 120×10^3. The mean dry-matter production rate for male components was 649.8 kg/ha, and pollen allocation reached 48.6%. The investment of photosynthates in reproduction, or the mean dry-matter production rate for male plus female components, was 914.6 kg/ha, where pollen allocation reached 34.5%.
  • 齋藤 秀樹
    2006年 52 巻 2 号 121-126
    発行日: 2006/12/31
    公開日: 2017/11/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    The production rates of pollen, male catkins, female strobili and seed cones in a 26-year-old Alnus sieboldiana stand, planted on the site of an old landslide in a Sugi and Hinoki plantation, were studied in 1987 and 1988. These rates, in terms of number and dry weight on an area basis, were measured using litter traps. Male catkins from four trees in the study stand were sampled on suitable dates before pollen release. Number of bracts per catkin, number of stamens per bract, and number and dry weight of pollen grains per stamen were measured, and pollen yields per catkin were estimated by multiplying the mean values for the trees. Mean pollen quantities per catkin were 22.34×10^6 grains and 227.3mg in 1987, and 19.47×10^6 grains and 180.9mg in 1988. The dry weight of a single pollen grain, obtained by dividing the weight by the number of pollen grains per stamen, was 10.29×10^<-6>mg in 1987 and 9.41×10^<-6>mg in 1988. Pollen production rates, obtained by multiplying the pollen yield (by number and dry weight) per catkin by the number of open male catkins per ha, were estimated to be 40.5×10^<12> grains/ha and 412kg/ha in 1987, and 35.1×10^<12> grains/ha and 326kg/ha in 1988. The mean numerical ratio of pollen grains to ovules (P/Ov ratio) for the two study years was 120×10^3. The dry-matter production rates of male components were 829.5kg/ha in 1987 and 755.6kg/ha in 1988, and pollen allocations reached 49.7% and 43.2%, respectively. The investment of photosynthates in reproduction or the mean dry-matter production rate for male plus female components was 1,035.9kg/ha, among which pollen allocation reached 35.7%.
  • 齋藤 秀樹
    2006年 52 巻 2 号 111-115
    発行日: 2006/12/31
    公開日: 2017/11/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    The production rates of pollen, flowers and fruits in a 102-year old Camellia japonica stand were studied in 2000-2003. The rates, in terms of number and dry weight on an area basis, were measured using 24 litter traps set within a 20×26m plot. Pollen yields per flower have been reported previously. Pollen production rates, obtained by multiplying the pollen yield per flower by the number of open flowers per ha, were estimated to be 0.790-1.83×10^<12> (mean, 1.49×10^<12>) grains/ha, and 60.0-139 (mean, 113) kg/ha. Annual fluctuation of pollen production rates during four consecutive years, represented as the ratio of the maximum rate relative to the minimum, was 2.3. The investment of photosynthates in reproduction or total dry matter of flowers and fruits, including pollen, in the stand was 1,470-2,241 (mean, 1,998) kg/ha. Pollen allocation among total matter was 4.1%-6.7%, with a mean of 5.7%.
  • 鈴木 解雄
    1958年 60.2 巻 657-660
    発行日: 1958/10/05
    公開日: 2017/08/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 川島 長治
    1983年 52 巻 2 号 151-157
    発行日: 1983/06/05
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    Previously, the author clarified that in rice cultivars in Hokkaido and having ten to twelve or so leaves on the main stem, the number of shoot units without crown roots frequently happened to vary among the main stems which had the same number of leaves on them8). So, the causal factor was investigated with reference to the modification of the first bract to the flag leaf, for it was made clear that the rice plant of which first bract had been modified to the flag leaf showed the characteristic feature of the internode elongation9). The number of shoot units without crown roots was apt to be more in the rice plant of which first bract had been modified (Tables 1 and 4, where the number of shoot units without crown roots is expressed by the position of the top shoot unit with crown roots, for the shoot units upper than this is the ones without crown roots). This tendency was superior in the rice plant having twelve or thirteen leaves on the main stem than that with eleven leaves (Table 1). Increase in the number of shoot units without crown roots in the rice plant with the modified flag leaf was attributed to the change of the internode elongation, especially to the elongation of the fourth one (Fig. 1). The frequency of the modification of the first bract to the flag leaf was about sixty to seventy percent in these rice plants and it was markedly higher than in cultivars having more leaves (Tables 2, 3 and 5). Some discussions were made on why the modification of the first bract to the flag leaf happened so frequently in these rice plants.
  • 山名 圭哉, 坂田 賢一郎, 臼井 正明, 渡邉 唯志, 高田 逸郎
    2004年 47 巻 2 号 217-218
    発行日: 2004年
    公開日: 2004/07/08
    ジャーナル 認証あり
  • 安中 弘行, 谷口 一幸, 小北 雅彦, 井上 健
    1994年 80 巻 9 号 717-722
    発行日: 1994/09/01
    公開日: 2009/06/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Casting tests of stainless steel type 304 was carried out by a twin-roll type strip caster, which is one of possible technology to produce thin strips from molten metal directly.
    The main problem to be solved was surface defects of strips, such as longitudinal cracks, transverse cracks and small depressions. And these defects were overcome in this study.
    Uniform growth of solidified shell is most important to reduce longitudinal cracks and small depressions. By water model experiments, the best pouring conditions were obtained. They present uniform feeding rate along the width ofstrips and small meniscus level fluctuations by optimizing pouring position, ratio of the molten steel weight on the twin rolls to the pouring rate and fall height of molten steel from a tundish to twin rolls.
    On the other hand, small reduction of the cast strips is important to reduce transverse cracks. First, in order to control this, heat transfer coefficient between rolls and solidified shell was estimated by measuring temperature of strips, rolls and cooling water of rolls. And the best casting condition, where solidification ends just at the closest point of twin rolls, was calculated by using this heat transfer coefficient.
  • 平野 聡, 安田 健, 児玉 英世, 木村 智明, 福井 克則, 松永 滋
    1993年 79 巻 6 号 659-664
    発行日: 1993/06/01
    公開日: 2009/06/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Strip casting experiments on type 304 stainless steel have been carried out in a steel twin-roll caster with rolls 300 mm in diameter and 80 mm wide. The casting speed was 6.68.0 m/min. Thickness of the strips was about 2.4 mm.
    Roll temperature was measured at 1mm deep from outer surface of the roll during casting. Abnormal acceleration behavior of temperature change was detected. The annomalous acceleration of the thermo-electromotive force is caused by reduction in solidified shell thickness during squeezing. Calculation by finite difference method agreed with the result of temperature measurements. Simulation revealed that the heat transfer coefficients are, respectively, 2.54.2 and 1016.7 kW/m2K before and after squeezing.
  • 渡辺
    , 河俣 利夫
    1981年 27 巻
    発行日: 1981/03/25
    公開日: 2017/06/27
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 渡辺
    1967年 21 巻 2 号 76-80
    発行日: 1967/02/01
    公開日: 2011/03/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    カラーフィルムは, 被写体の色を正しく再現するように作られる.しかし, 赤外線や紫外線電子線等に感ずるように感光材料を作り, これを発色現像すれば, 不可視光も勝手に色像として見ることができる.現実の色とはまったく異なるが, 実験上は便利なこともある.このようなカラー写真を偽カラー写真とよぶ.航空測量, 林相, 鑑定, 医学, 農学上有用なものである.
  • 渡辺
    1966年 20 巻 1 号 7-16
    発行日: 1966/01/01
    公開日: 2011/03/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    カラーフィルムの色再現は, (1) 良好な色再現とは何か, (2) 重要な被写体は何か, (3) 色再現の定量的表示法はどうするか, が問題になっている.カラーフィルムの色再現をきめる要因としては (1) カラーフィルムの分光感度, (2) 用いられる3色色素の分光特性, (3) 感材の特性曲線, (4) 撮影光源やレンズの色, (5) 相反則不軌, (6) 現像処理による重層効果, (7) 好ましい色再現のきめ方, (8) 特殊な色再現, (9) 写真を眺める条件, などがある.これらについて述べる.