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クエリ検索: "諏訪川" 九州
17件中 1-17の結果を表示しています
  • 山本 晴彦, 松岡 光美, 渡邉 祐香, 兼光 直樹, 坂本 京子, 岩谷 潔
    2021年 12 巻 1-30
    発行日: 2021/12/31
    公開日: 2022/07/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    2020 年7 月6 日から8 日にかけて梅雨前線が
    北部付近に停滞し,太平洋高気圧の周辺から暖かく湿った空気が 流れ込み,広い範囲で記録的な大雨となった。6 日の日降水量は大牟田のアメダスで388.5mm(観測史上第1 位)を観 測し,7 月6 日0 時から翌日の8 日24 時までの48 時間降水量(2 日間)は,福岡県南筑後地方,熊本県山鹿・菊池地 方,大分県日田市南部の東西40km,南北20km の帯状の範囲で,600mm 以上の地域が広がっていた。本豪雨により大牟田市では内水氾濫が発生し,死者2 人,住家被害は全壊11 棟,床上浸水1,341 戸,床下浸水713 戸の計2,054 戸に上った。特に,
    下流左岸の三川地区では,三川ポンプ場の排水能力(64.4mm/時間)を超える集中豪雨に見舞われたことにより,ポンプ場が内水氾濫により浸水して排水機能が停止した。これにより,三川地区では約800 戸が最高2m 近くまで浸水し,復旧が進んでいない住宅も数多く見受けられた。浸水被害が甚大であった三川地区の汐屋町,樋口町,上屋敷町1・2 丁目付近は,戦前はレンコン畑や水田が広がる低平地であったが,1960 年代に入って埋め立て工事に伴う区画整備が急速に進み,標高が周囲より低く浸水リスクの高い地域での開発が被害の拡大を助長していた。
  • 長尾 巧
    1926年 38 巻 12 号 706-712
    発行日: 1926/12/15
    公開日: 2010/10/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 伊原 敬之助
    1912年 19 巻 226 号 331-342
    発行日: 1912/07/20
    公開日: 2008/04/11
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 九州における横穴式石室内棚状施設の成立と展開
    藏冨士 寛
    2002年 9 巻 14 号 21-36
    発行日: 2002/11/01
    公開日: 2009/02/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    の石棚は,1)石屋形からの系譜を持つもの 2)石屋形以外の系譜を持つもの,に二分できる。1)の石棚を持つ横穴式石室は,石材として凝灰岩など加工に適したものを用いており,石棚の架構には石工等の専門工人が関与した可能性がある。この両者の違いとは,築造に携わった工人の系譜の違いとも理解できよう。
    の石棚には,1)主要な分布地の周辺には石屋形が存在すること 2)石棚の出現に対し,石屋形のそれは先行すること,といった現象が認められる。このことは,構造的な系譜がどうであれ,石棚の成立には,石屋形の存在が大きな影響を与えていることを示す。6世紀前葉,熊本県北部地域(菊池川流域)を起点として,1)石屋形 2)彩色壁画 3)複室構造,といった各要素が
  • 長尾 巧
    1926年 38 巻 10 号 596-603
    発行日: 1926/10/15
    公開日: 2010/10/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 三池染料工業所大浦発電所における試驗結果について
    村木 茂雄
    1951年 15 巻 1 号 42-46
    発行日: 1951/01/30
    公開日: 2009/07/09
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 今村 都南雄
    2016年 42 巻 453 号 28-83
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2022/03/22
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 柴田 常恵
    1916年 31 巻 7 号 231-236_1
    発行日: 1916/07/25
    公開日: 2010/06/28
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 菊池 秀夫
    1963年 13 巻 57 号 8-19
    発行日: 1963/02/28
    公開日: 2009/06/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    The writer has studied the stratigraphy and deposition environment in the Miike coal field from the synthesized geological deta of the underground survey, drilling and physical prospecting.
    The Miike coal field, having crystalline schists in the north and granites in the south as its basement, is bounded by the Chikugo barrier on the southern margin, by the Minenosu barrier on the western margin and by the upheaval in the Amagi and Oma mountain blocks on the eastern margin, and is open to the south.
    This coal field is, by its geological structure, divided into two basins, that is, the Omuda basin in the south and the Yamato basin in the north.
    The Palaeogene Shiranuhi Series of the Miike coal field is composed, in ascending order, of Ginsui, Komenoyama, Tooka, Nanaura, Kattachi and Yotsuyama formations, all conformable with each other. There are 4 burried hills, named Nakajima, Saragakibiraki, Kurosakibiraki and Kurosaki in the Yamato basin ; and on the upheaval of these burried hills, the lower parts of the Palaeogene deposits are not seen. These Palaogene deposits are thin near the burried hills but are thicker in the basin among these burried hills.
    The Palaeogene deposits are unconformably covered by the Neogene Yame group in the north and by the diluvial deposits in the southe.
    Denudation of the Palaeogene deposits has been stronger in the central district than in the north and south districts ; accordingly, the upper parts of the Yotsuyama formation are not seen anywhere in the Miike cool field.
    The Neogene basin has the sothern margin trending NE to ENE, stretching from Saragakibiraki and Nakajima in the south of Yanagawa to Oda, Nakagawara, Kanematsu and Kurogi, the eastern margin trending NNE, stretching from Kitakawachi in the north of Kurogi to Yamada, Yoshitsune, Fujiyama and Koraguchi, and the northern margin of granites and schists. The base rocks of this basin are crystalline schists in the eastern margin and Palaeogene rocks partly in the southern margin.
    The writer determined the boundary of the Palaeogene formations from the cycle of sedimentation.
    The Ginsui formation of the Akazaki group which is terrestrial deposits, is defined by the last terrestrial deposits as lower boundary. The Komenoyama formation of the Omuda group which is marine to brackish deposits, is defined by the dark gray shale of fresh water type as lower boundary and by the last marine deposits as upper boundary. The Tooka formation of the Omuta group which is brackish deposits containing the Miike main coal seam, is defined by the grayish white sandstone, abounding in quartz and feldspar, of the brackish type as lower boundary and by the fresh water deposits laid on the Miike main coal seam as upper boundary. The Nanaura formation of the Omuta group which is marine to brackish deposits contaning the Miike upper coal seam, is defined by the Orthaulax zone as the lower boundary and by the fresh water deposits containing No.1 upper coal seam as the upper boundary. The Kattachi formation of the Manda group which is marine to fresh water deposits containing No.2 upper coal seam and showing 3 cycles of sedimentation, is defined by the Kattachi fossil zone as lower boundary and by the last brackish deposits as upper boundary. The Yotsuyamo formrtion which is marine to brackish deposits and has 4 cycles of sedimentation, is defined by the Yotsuyama fossil zone as lower boundary.
  • 佐藤 進, 三上 喜康, 荒川 透, 油田 幹夫, 矢野 貞三, 下河原 寿男, 石原 寿二
    1959年 75 巻 855 号 793-823
    発行日: 1959/09/25
    公開日: 2011/07/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 隈部 守
    1972年 24 巻 5 号 544-558
    発行日: 1972/10/28
    公開日: 2009/04/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    Kuchinotsu Port lies south of the Shimabara Peninsula and Kuchinotsu is the port town located at the mouth of the Ariake Sea. We can find out the special role the town once played and its rise and fall and how Kuchinotsu ranks among some of the port towns in Nagasaki Prefecture. Kuchinotsu used to be an excellent port naturally favored, but today it is known only as a minor port town. Kuchinotsu Port is an inlet cut deeply between the Hayasaki Peninsula and Uaharu-Atagoyama Basalt Area facing the Hayasaki Strait which has rapids. With its anchorage, 1, 878 square yards (1.57km2), surrounded with such breakwaters as Miyazakiabna and Tobirazaki, Kuchinotsu was a flourishing town as the biggest port town in the Ariake Sea until we had larger ocean-going vessels. Kuchinotsu had been a trading port for the ships authorized by the Tokugawa Shogunate and in 1567, the tenth year of Eiroku, when Portuguese ships came, early European ships from the South poured into port. Chinese traders also visited the town. That is why we have the section in town that gained a name after them. The place where early European ships came to anchor has been designated as a historical site. In 1862, the second year of Bunkyu, the onetime anchorage recovered land from the sea. It was after the Meiji Restoration that the town grew and prospered, as Mitsui Bussan Trading Company in Miike began to ship coal in 1876, the ninth year of Meiji. Miike Coal Mine produced more coal than before with its mines newly developed such as Oura Mine, and so on. (Oura Mine in 1879, Katsutachi in 1885, Kiyaura in 1887) After the trading company took up work in Miike coal in January 1889, the 22nd year of Meiji, new mines such as Miyahara Mine (1895), Manda Mine (1902), Yotsuyama Mine (1918) were developed. All this coal was carried in small boats from a coal yard at Mikawa, Omuta, to Kuchinotsu, where it was transshipped into larger boats. At that time the Ariake Sea had a shoaling beach in the vicinity of Omuta and had a maximum tide range of 6.01 yards (5.5m) insufficient for larger boats to come into port. It was in Kuchinotsu that coal was shipped abroad, -especially to Shanghai, Tientsin and Hongkong-often along with girls who were called “Karayukisan” recruited from poor families by the dealers. Coal handling required much labor. From the neighboring districts some 250 laborers from Minamarima, 100 from Kazusa, and from the town Kuchinotsu 650 worked for shipping coal. It is said that there were over one thousand coal heavers around 1891, the 24th year of Meiji, when the first twenty Korean settlers came. In 1895 approximately 700 people moved to Kuchinotsu from isolated islands in Kagoshima Prefecture; such as Yoronjima Island, Tokunoshima Island, Okinoerabushima Island, Tanegashima Island, Koshikijima Island and so on. They were named Yoron, for the majority of them are from Yoronjima Island. (100 in 1899, 100 in 1900, 400 in 1901). In 1908, the 41st year of Meiji, Yoron School was proviced since there were 738 Yorons. The number of recruited coal heavers reached 1, 124 including their family members. Thirty-four percent of them were settlers from other parts of Kyushu and 88.9 percent of them (i.e. 657 workers) were stevedores. The construction of a harbor in Miike was gradually started while Kuchinotsu was busy shipping coal with coal heavers recruited. The construction of a Miike harbor was started in 1902, the 35th year of Meiji, and completed in 1909, the 42nd year of Meiji. And then Kuchinotsu declined. A modern artificial large harbor could play a better part as a port of coaling, introducing machinery instead of labor. Ships came to anchor in a private harbor those coal mines could directly connect. Only thirty percent of coal heavers in Kuchinotsu moved to Miike.
  • 川上 龜郎
    1943年 59 巻 695 号 88-94
    発行日: 1943/03/22
    公開日: 2011/07/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 熊谷 博史, 田中 義人, 白川 ゆかり, 松尾 宏, 金並 和重
    2010年 33 巻 3 号 17-23
    発行日: 2010年
    公開日: 2010/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    Dissolved silicate (Si(OH)4-Si; DSi) concentration was examined at 38 sampling sites in influent rivers of the northeastern Ariake Bay, and estimated on the basins of a numerical geological map of the sites' watershed. The multiple regression model was used for predicting DSi concentration at the sampling sites using the geological area ratio in their watersheds. The coefficient of determination (R2) obtained was 0.931, indicating that DSi concentration was strongly associated with its geological condition. The geological categories which contribute to DSi concentration in rivers are quaternary volcanic rocks (non-alkali, felsic), volcanic rocks (debris) and quaternary volcanic rocks (non-alkali, pyroclastic flows). This result suggests that the DSi concentration of an arbitrary station in an influent river of the northeastern Ariake Bay can be predicted on the basins of a geological map of the station.
  • 今村 都南雄
    2017年 43 巻 466 号 1-31
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2021/08/05
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 日本鑛業會誌
    1914年 30 巻 354 号 678-709
    発行日: 1914/08/22
    公開日: 2011/07/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 新井 琴二郎
    1924年 40 巻 473 号 588-605_2
    発行日: 1924/09/22
    公開日: 2011/07/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 佐藤 正広
    1989年 54 巻 5 号 615-643,753-75
    発行日: 1989/01/31
    公開日: 2017/11/22
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    The aim of this paper is to clarify the decision-making process concerning the choice of railway routes in the Mid-Meiji period. In Japan, the way in which decisions concerning railway construction were made differs from both Britain and Belgium, and rather resembles the case of France. Neither private entreprenneurs nor governments could act alone: private entreprenneurs must apply to the authority with detailed documents of their plan, then the government will grant a license only after severe examination of the plans and of the applicants themselves (i.e. their social position, property etc.). So we must analyse the interrelationship between the private entreprenneurs and the government. Furthermore, we must note that neither government nor private entreprenneurs are homogeneous groups. They are divided into many subgroups according to various factors. In this paper, I shall examine socio-geographical factors, i.e. the central-provincial dichotomy Thus, there are four sub-groups: A. The Central Government, B. The Local Governments, C. Entreprenneurs who lived in the city of TOKYO or OSAKA, D. Entreprenneurs who lived in other area. These four groups have different motives for the construction of railways. We can summerise them as follows: A. bureaucrats of the central government has a broad guideline, according to which each railway must have a starting point in TOKYO, because they regard it as essential to improve the economic and military power of the capital. B. bureaucrats of the local government (i.e. do, fu, ken) want, for effective administration, railway networks to connect the main towns with the city in which the prefectural office is located. They also see the railways as one of the most effective means to attract people from group D onto their side. C. great men of property live in TOKYO or OSAKA. They are profit maximizers. And they invest in any plan wherever that route proves to be profitable. They get the imformation about regional economies from group D. D. regional enterprenneurs are usually local notables. Almost all of them were village officers under the Tokugawa Shogunate, and were retained the power of organizing common people in their region/area. They plan railways from the viewpoint of promoting industries in their region/area. But because their property is too small to accomplish their plans independently, they have to present their plans to the group C and try to introduce the funds of group C to their regions. I shall test the applicability of this framework by taking up the case of the KOBU line, (from SHINJUKU to HACHIOJI, about 27 miles), started in 1889 and nationalized in 1907.