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クエリ検索: "進藤一馬"
6件中 1-6の結果を表示しています
  • 河野 康子
    1990年 99 巻 7 号 1304-1305
    発行日: 1990/07/20
    公開日: 2017/11/29
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 福井 憲彦
    1990年 99 巻 7 号 1305-1307
    発行日: 1990/07/20
    公開日: 2017/11/29
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 福岡市美術館の「アジア美術展」を参照して
    石松 紀子
    2018年 6 巻 169-192
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2019/10/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    1973 年、ブルガリアで開催された国際造形芸術連盟(IAA)の会議で、各国・地域における「カ ルチュラル・アイデンティティ」を重視する決議がなされる。この「カルチュラル・アイ デンティティ」の概念は、1979 年に開催された福岡市美術館の開館記念展「アジア美術展」 を実現させる上で大きな指針を与えるものとなる。同展は、日本でアジアの現代美術を紹 介する先駆けとなり、以後ほぼ5 年ごとに実施され、第1 回(第1 部1979 年/第2 部1980 年)、 第2 回(1985 年)、第3 回(1989 年)、そして第4 回展(1994 年)まで続く。 第1 回から4 回までの「アジア美術展」を検証すると、さまざまなアイデンティティの 捉え方がみえてくる。第1 回展から第3 回展までは、アジアにおける「文化の独自性」「民 族的な特質」といったスローガンのもとに「アジアの共通性」を模索するが、第4 回展に おいては、個々の作品や美術家を重視する姿勢へと転換する。 第2 次世界大戦後、アジアの多くは宗主国の支配から解放され国家として独立を果たすが、 自立した国家を構築する過程で、美術分野においても「アイデンティティ」の形成は重要 な課題として考えられるようになる。本稿では、「アイデンティティ」の概念が日本におけ るアジアの現代美術の展覧会で語られた初期の例として「アジア美術展」を取り上げ、そ の概念の受容と変遷について考察する。 その上で本稿は、「アジア美術展」において、IAA が提唱した「アイデンティティ」概念が、 アジアの現代美術を受容する枠組みとなっていったプロセスや、各展覧会におけるその概 念の捉え方や変化を検証する。また、「アイデンティティ」を考察することで、アジアにお ける日本の立ち位置や、日本がアジアに向けるまなざしについても検討する。そうするこ とで、アジアの現代美術を語る上で、美術言説を形成することの重要性や、改めて日本を みつめる視点の必要性を明らかにする。
  • 板垣 暁
    2006年 72 巻 4 号 465-486
    発行日: 2006/11/25
    公開日: 2017/08/09
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    This paper studies the process and meaning of the enactment of exhaust emission control in Japan. In the 1960s, the health hazards caused by exhaust emission became a serious social problem. The existing controls implemented by the Transport Ministry had been based on insufficient research, and emissions were not regulated by numeric values. The Ministry therefore underwent another study and surveyed the effect of exhaust emission on air pollution. It also weighed the opinions of automobile companies in drafting new regulations. But the resulting regulations proved to be only transitional. Because the study of exhaust emission was not thorough enough, controls were made only on CO, in effect reflecting the technical capabilities of the automobile companies and having only a limited effect on decreasing air pollution. But it did have some significance as it served as the foundation for exhaust emission control thereafter and reduced CO of individual cars. The regulation led automobile companies to question air pollution in Japan and improve their products. This was a typical case in which national opinion on regulation influenced the Ministry into taking the initiative to control exhaust emission.
  • 福岡に見る五五年体制の崩壊
    藪野 祐三
    1996年 47 巻 151-172
    発行日: 1996/12/10
    公開日: 2009/12/21
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 白石 愛子
    東南アジア -歴史と文化-
    1974年 1974 巻 4 号 3-41
    発行日: 1974/11/13
    公開日: 2010/03/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    This is a historical analysis of the origin of the Indonesian National Army (Tentara Nasional Indonesia, TNI), which plays an important role in the present Republic of Indonesia. More concretely, the purpose of this paper is to consider the historical meaning and character of Jawa Booei Giyuugun (Fatherland Defense Force of Java), which, at a later stage, became the basic source of the power of TNI.
    Jawa Booei Giyuugun, generally called PETA (Tentara Pembela Tanah Air) in Indonesian, was a group of native troops organized in late 1943 by decree of the commander of the Japanese 16th Army, occupying Java at that time, and compelled to mobilize native power for it war effort. At first it recruited native youths as supplementary soldiers (Heiho) of the Japanese Army the course of time it became clear that only Heiho could not supply sufficient native support. Japanese military authorities then planned to form a volunteer Army consisting of only natives. In the occupied area of Southeast Asia this plan was first proposed in July 1943, by General Inada, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of Nanpoo Soo-Gun (Southern Area Armies), and it was accepted by Dai Hon Ei (General Headquarters).
    Prior to this, some Indonesians had already had a strong desire to be armed in order thus to obtain military training in preparation for the future struggle for independence. The Japanese Army in Java took advantage of this atmosphere and by skillful means forced a nationalist politician, Gatot Mangkupradja, to submit a petition for the formation of an Indonesian volunteer army. Thus the decree of the 16th Army commander, ordering the formation of PETA, was issued “in order to respond to the strong desire of the Indonesian people.”
    From late 1943 until the surrender of Japan, 69, Daidan (battalion) of PETA were organized throughout Java, Madura and Bali. Each battalion consisted of about 500 members, all Indonesian, with Japanese officers attached as instructors (Shidoo-kan). The Japanese officer had a big say in battalion affairs.
    There were only three ranks of PETA officers: Daidan-choo (equivalent to major), Chuudan-choo (equivalent to captain) and Shoodan-choo (equivalent to lieutenant). The Shoodan-choo were particularly important because later this group formed the core of TNI officers and had a leading role in the struggle for independence that took place from August 1945.
    Under the Japanese Occupation PETA officers assisted in giving military training to Indonesian youths. Semi-military organizations such as Hizbullah were also organized with the help of PETA officers. Through these opportunities PETA members had secret contacts with the youth groups (including underground groups) in the Indonesian society.
    My conclusion is that PETA was not a simple puppet army of Japan but played an important role in the struggle for independence, and in real sense PETA formed the basis for the present TNI.