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クエリ検索: "郡上八幡駅"
6件中 1-6の結果を表示しています
  • 織田 益次郎
    1944年 8 巻 4-6 号 147-150
    発行日: 1946/12/10
    公開日: 2009/07/09
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 柿崎 京一
    2020年 27 巻 1 号 25-33
    発行日: 2020/10/25
    公開日: 2021/09/09
    ジャーナル フリー
  • -戦前の地方都市における模擬天守閣の建設に関する研究 その2-
    野中 勝利
    2010年 75 巻 652 号 1471-1479
    発行日: 2010/06/30
    公開日: 2010/08/26
    ジャーナル フリー
    My reseach aims to elucidate the circumstances and significance of the reconstruction of castle towers in the period preceding the Second World War. This paper covers the reconstruction of two castle towers on ruins dating from the early-modern period. The early-modern castles at Hachiman and Ueno had no castle towers. The reconstructed castle towers built on their ruins were constructed of wood, and great care was given to the design of their layout and their external appearance. In both cases the impressive spectacle presented by the reconstruction built using modern construction techniques was accepted by the local communities.
  • 近代木造駅舎の建築的特徴
    藤井 耀午, 清水 隆宏
    日本インテリア学会 論文報告集
    2019年 29 巻 45-52
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2022/06/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    本研究では,近代に岐阜県内に建設された木造駅舎と標準図との比較・考察を通して,各木造駅舎の建築的特徴を分析した。多くの木造駅舎は明治・大正・昭和の各時代 標準図を参照しており,鉄道院・鉄道省時代の近代における鉄道施設の積極的な標準化の結果が確認できた。さらに,標準図の中でも最小規模のものを多数採用するなど,鉄道路線が山間部に延びる岐阜県の地方路線ならではの特色も把握された。なお,標準図には「些少ノ変更」が許されており,これによって鉄道路線や地域性を要因とした建築的特徴が各木造駅舎の細部意匠に表れていることが明らかとなった。 また,観光地であることや,駅舎内に鉄道会社の本社機能を設けるために,標準図とは異なる独自の平面構成や外観形状を持つ木造駅舎も例外的に確認できた。 今後このような客観的なデータが,各駅舎の建築的価値,または地域資産としての価値を認識する一助として活用されることが望まれる。
  • 全国の登録有形文化財駅舎に関する研究(その1)
    大内田 史郎
    2018年 83 巻 748 号 1155-1162
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2018/06/30
    ジャーナル フリー
     In Japan, these days, social demand for the preservation and reuse of station buildings is growing. There are even examples of entire railway lines being registered as a network of cultural properties that includes station buildings and other related facilities as well, an approach that applies to advantage the character of a railway line. Meanwhile, registering station buildings as tangible cultural properties is also viewed as a regional opportunity. Expectations are high that more of these station buildings able to become symbols and tourism resources that contribute to regional activation will be preserved and conserved, for the sake of Japan's regional vitalization, hereafter.
     Amid this social environment, this study specifically examines station buildings registered as tangible cultural properties throughout Japan. By looking at both station buildings still operating as stations and former stations which have been given new roles, it endeavors to clarify the architectural concepts of the stations when first built and their current conditions, and to contribute thereby to the preservation and reuse of stations in our country. This paper (1) reveals the current situation of railway stations registered as tangible cultural properties and studies the preservation and conservation of stations in the context of the entire railway line.
     First, I make clear the present overall picture of nationwide station buildings registered as tangible cultural properties—60 still in operation as stations and 16 closed and being used in new ways. I present an analysis of their locations and regions, structures and scale, and trends in criterion being taken as standards for registering operating station buildings and former station buildings, respectively.
     Next, based on the field survey we conducted of 20 tangible cultural property station buildings on three railways registered in entirety as networks of cultural properties (stations and related facilities)—Watarase Keikoku Railway (38 sites), Tenryu Hamanako Railway (36 sites), and Wakasa Railway (23 sites)—I outline our information on the current status of each station building’s preservation or conservation, and examine the characteristic features of each railway line.
     Finally, I undertake comparative verification of the three railway lines and their tangible cultural property station buildings and reveal elements common to all three. The three railways all have base stations with head offices attached and facilities necessary for railway operation in the surrounding area. All are also single-story wooden buildings built before World War II. Then, all the station buildings, except Oomama station on the Watarase Keikoku Railway, basically remain in the form in which they were originally built. Moreover, the platforms of all the stations on the Watarase Keikoku Railway and Wakasa Railway are separately registered as tangible cultural properties, a fact that made me realize the importance of preserving facilities besides station buildings.
     In terms of other functions currently established in the station buildings, some spaces in stations on the Tenryu Hamanako Railway and Wakasa Railway are actively employed as shops. Most display a plate that reads “Tangible Cultural Property,” a device I feel to be quite effective in the preservation and conservation of the buildings.
     It is hoped this study will become a guidepost for considering the registration of existing station buildings as tangible cultural properties for preservation and conservation in the future.
  • 中嶋 伸恵, 田中 尚人, 秋山 孝正
    2008年 64 巻 2 号 168-178
    発行日: 2008年
    公開日: 2008/04/21
    ジャーナル フリー