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クエリ検索: "集美大学"
18件中 1-18の結果を表示しています
  • 國枝 佳明
    日本航海学会誌 NAVIGATION
    2015年 191 巻 3-10
    発行日: 2015/01/01
    公開日: 2017/06/30
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
  • 鄭 旭旭
    1996年 29 巻 Supplement 号 25
    発行日: 1996年
    公開日: 2012/11/27
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 宮﨑 里帆, 宮﨑 貴美子, 梁 佳, 曹 敏傑, 平坂 勝也, 橘 勝康, 谷山 茂人
    2015年 22 巻 3 号 175-180
    発行日: 2015/12/24
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    The effect of mung bean tripsin inhibitor (MBTI) on "himodori" kamaboko was analyzed by rheological and histological methods. Normal and himodori kamaboko were prepared from surimi of lizardfish (Saurida wanieso) by two step heating: preheating at 40℃ for 30, 120 min (normal) or 60℃ for 30, 60, 90, 120 min (himodori), and then 90℃ for 30 min. MBTI and E-64 were added in surimi before heating, respectively. Decreased breaking strength caused by himodori was improved by the addition of MBTI or E-64 even in long preheating time. Although himodori kamaboko showed the disturbed structure, its structure was recovered by treatment with MBTI at intermediate structural levels between normal and himodori kamaboko in light microscope. The electron micrographs showed an equal distribution of black and gray areas in the normal kamaboko. Although the addition of E-64 showed particle aggregation and unstained area as found in himodori kamaboko, MBTI failed to detect these phenomena. These results suggest that the addition of MBTI during making procedure may inhibit himodori occurrence.
  • 阿部 周司, 翁 武銀, 田中 宗彦, KANOKRAT LIMPISOPHON, 大迫 一史
    2009年 75 巻 4 号 695-700
    発行日: 2009年
    公開日: 2009/10/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    塩擂り肉を酢酸に浸漬させてゲル化させる酢じめかまぼこの製造原理に関連し,卵白添加と坐りが酢じめゲルの形成に与える影響を調べた。卵白を添加して坐り工程を経た肉糊は酢酸溶液浸漬後に強固なゲルを形成したが,卵白添加か坐りのいずれか一方が欠けると,ゲル中のミオシン重鎖(MHC)およびその多量体が分解し,ゲルは形成されなかった。これらの結果から,卵白添加と坐りが酢酸浸漬工程中のゲル中の MHC およびその多量体の分解を抑制したと考えられ,卵白添加と坐りが酢じめゲルの形成には必須であることが明らかになった。
    2015年 81 巻 5 号 858
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2015/10/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    2015年 81 巻 5 号 855
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2015/10/16
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 竹本 孝弘
    日本航海学会誌 NAVIGATION
    2013年 187 巻 23-31
    発行日: 2013/12/20
    公開日: 2017/06/30
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
  • 辻岡 邦夫
    2006年 12 巻 1 号 34-37
    発行日: 2006/03/15
    公開日: 2018/09/13
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 寺見 陽子, 南 憲治, 姚 秀点
    2009年 51 巻 PE023
    発行日: 2009年
    公開日: 2017/03/30
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 翁 武銀, 大迫 一史, 田中 宗彦
    2009年 35 巻 2 号 59-63
    発行日: 2009年
    公開日: 2022/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー

     This study was undertaken to investigate the changes in surimi film properties during storage. The b* value of surimi films gradually increased throughout storage at 40℃ and 40% RH, suggesting that browning reactions occurred during the storage period. The tensile strength and water vapor permeability of surimi films increased during storage, but the percent UV light transmission decreased. A high negative correlation (R2=0.92) between myosin heavy chain (MHC) content and b* value was observed, indicating that the Maillard reaction of MHC and reducing sugars formed by the hydrolysis of sucrose in acidic surimi solutions occurred during the storage of surimi films.

  • 横山 竜海, 翁 武銀, 任 恵峰
    2020年 86 巻 3 号 196-203
    発行日: 2020/05/15
    公開日: 2020/05/29
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2020/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー

     低利用資源であるかつお節出汁殻を高付加価値利用するため,出汁殻を異なる濃度の塩酸で分解し,塩酸濃度が粗タンパク質回収率,分解液の栄養性・呈味性・機能性に及ぼす影響を分析した。粗タンパク質回収率とアミノ酸量は4.0-6.0 mol/L塩酸で最大,分子量180-500の含有量とDPPHラジカル消去活性は4.0 mol/L塩酸で最大,ペプチド量と抗変異原性は1.0-6.0 mol/L間で有意差はなかった。低分子ペプチドを最も多く含有すると思われる4.0 mol/L塩酸による分解が至適であると示された。

  • 吉田 朝美, 栗原 誠, 緒方 英博, Min-Jie Cao, 長富 潔, 原 研治
    2014年 21 巻 2 号 107-114
    発行日: 2014/08/26
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 須藤 遼, 末野 乃利雅, 松田 竹男, 土井 菜穂子, 伊藤 伸一, 熊沢 泰生, 陳 沪, 酒井 久治
    2022年 59 巻 2 号 119-126
    発行日: 2022/10/15
    公開日: 2022/10/15
    ジャーナル フリー

    This study concerning high-density polyethylene fishing net disposal elucidated the parameters of reclaimed oil from discarded fishing nets, with marine diesel oil and marine gas oil as a reference for comparison, and then assessed its suitability for the operation of the high-speed diesel engines in fishing vessels. From the result of the property analyses, the reclaimed oil was a flammable liquid including the ingredient of gasoline, kerosene, and marine gas oil, the flash point was 1 degree Celsius, thus it is necessary to mix it with mixing marine gas oil or marine diesel oil to use as fishing vessel fuel oil, the filter-plugging temperature was 1 degree Celsius, thus indicating the need to consider the possibility of filter blockage in cold regions. On the other hand, from the result of the engine test, the reclaimed oil showed no problem as the fuel oil in high-speed diesel engine. The reclaimed oil and the marine gas oil showed no differences in fuel consumption adjusted for calorific value and exhaust gas temperature, and NOx, SOx, CO, and CO2 content in exhaust-gas with the reclaimed oil decreased in comparison with them in marine gas oil and marine diesel oil.

  • 金 京沢
    2006年 54 巻 1 号 48-51
    発行日: 2006/01/20
    公開日: 2017/06/30
    解説誌・一般情報誌 フリー
  • 須田 義昭, 川崎 仁晴, 重松 利信, 小野 文慈, 渡辺 哲也, 森下 浩二, 井上 雅弘
    2007年 55 巻 3 号 3_61-3_66
    発行日: 2007年
    公開日: 2007/06/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    Sasebo National College of Technology started a mutual exchange internship program in 2005 in partnership with Xiamen University of Technology. The aim of this program is to educate and train young Japanese engineers who can apply their knowledge and skills fully to their work in the factories in China. This program also aims to educate and train young Chinese engineers who will acquire not only technological knowledge and skills but also an understanding of the organizational structure and cultural background of Japanese companies. By deepening mutual understanding between Japan and China through this program, young Japanese and Chinese engineers can work toward their common goal of economic prosperity in their respective countries, while building partnerships based on mutual trust and respect.
  • 平 輝, 傅 藝博, 安田 幸一
    2017年 82 巻 736 号 1425-1433
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2017/06/30
    ジャーナル フリー
     University campuses started to be built since the late 19th century in China, strongly influenced by the Beaux-Arts planning style, characterized by monumental buildings with strong axis and enclosed open space with regular shape. Such space became the spatial prototype in Chinese universities. Meanwhile, influenced by the traditional Chinese cultural elements such as Feng Shui and the image of Chinese Garden, it is very common to find rivers, ponds or mountains within campuses located in natural environments, creating distinctive campus spaces. Also, with great changes of the Chinese society, not only the educational system but also the campus environment has experienced a lot of changes. The rapid urbanization has transformed the fringe area into urban context around campuses, affecting campus spaces indirectly. Under such cultural and social background, this study aims to clarify the spatial characteristics and transformation of open spaces related to the site environment in universities in China.

     Open spaces faced by main buildings and enclosed by buildings or environmental elements on at least two sides are extracted as "campus open spaces (COS)" from 54 campuses built before 1949. The formation of COS is divided into four phases according to the Chinese historical background in China. By analyzing and categorizing the shape, number, arrangement of COS, and the environmental elements related to COS in each phase, 6 spatial composition patterns are found. Moreover, Composition of plan and environmental elements, distribution of cases by patterns and phases, inclination of change in each phase, and typical transformation were examined.

     1) Under the influence of Beaux-Arts planning style, single regular-shaped COS were common in the early phase. However, many of them developed in an interrupted way afterwards, thus plural irregular-shaped COS became the majority today.
     2) Influenced by the traditional Chinese culture, many university campuses are located in the natural environments including mountains or bodies of water from the beginning. Most COS were also created relating to such natural elements. In the early phase, COS usually adopted only urban or natural elements, while in the background of the rapid urbanization in China, many COS were developed to combine the natural and urban environment.
     3) During the foundation phase of Chinese universities, most COS were created following the regular spatial prototype planned in Beaux-Arts style, in a relatively pure environment (Phase I). Immediately after the People's Republic of China was founded in 1949, with the reorganization of universities, new COS units appeared in many campuses, representing the new era (Phase II). After 1978, more and more COS related to the urban road were created under the background of rapid urbanization (Phase III). And since 1999, with the increasing number of university students, most campuses keep developing in a urban-nature-combined environment (Phase IV).

     This study has clarified that the transformation of open spaces in universities in China, is related to the Chinese cultural and social background, and also the site environment. Under the same cultural and social background, the transformation of open spaces shares common characteristics in each phase, while according to different site environments, open spaces formed and developed in various ways, present distinctive spatial characteristics.
  • 平 輝, 安田 幸一
    2018年 83 巻 750 号 1415-1424
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2018/08/30
    ジャーナル フリー
     University campuses started to be built since the late 19th century in China, strongly influenced by the Beaux-Arts planning style, characterized by monumental buildings with strong axis and enclosed open space. Together with the main buildings constructed in different periods, such open spaces become representive spaces in the uiniversities, and also form outdoor activity and circulation spaces for students and faculties with various landscape elements such as garden, square, walking path, bench, etc.. By analysing the functions and layout of landscape elements under the influence of the distinctive Chinese cultural and social background, this study aims to clarify the characteristics of landscape composition in open spaces in China.

     One open space faced by main buildings and enclosed by buildings or urban roads on at least two sides is defined as "campus open space unit (COS unit)", and the set of such units as "COS". Based on such definitions, 142 COS units and 54 COS are extracted from 54 campuses built before 1949.
     Firstly, by dividing the construction year of buildings into four phases according to the Chinese historical background, phases of buildings surrounding the COS units and the number of COS units in each campus were examined as a brief overview.
     Secondly, in order to discuss the functional characteristics of landscape elements, types of plane/line/point elements related to the static/dynamic behavior, and their combination were examined in each COS unit.
     Thirdly, in order to discuss how landscape elements form a symbolic space with the surrounding buildings, layout of landscape elements related to the main building and school gate were examined in each COS unit.
     Fourthly, based on the results above, 6 patterns of landscape unit categorized by the combination of function and layout of landscape elements were discussed. Moreover, according to the static/dynamic and symbolic/non-symbolic characters, combinations of these patterns in each campus were divided into 8 types of landscape composition, and distribution of cases, relations and inclination of types were examined.

     1) Multiple COS units, surrounding by buildings built in different phases, are formed in many campuses.
     2) More COS units were built as static gardens by vegetation and water than only as square or playground for dynamic activities. Influenced by the traditional Chinese culture, natural environment is considered appropiate to the campus, rather than built by only artificial materials.
     3) Completely symmetric layout is formed by only one strong axis, while basically/partially symmetric layout is sometimes formed by multiple axes of main buildings constructed in different phases. More symmetric layouts are usually formed by one plane element, while multiple elements mixed in one COS unit are in less symmetry.
     4) Static and dynamic, symbolic and non-symbolic COS units coexist in many campuses. More COS units with single plane element connected to the school gate are gardens and in symmetric layout, creating a sequence from formal to casual, while the ones with multiple elements create continuous spaces with various atmospheres for different activities.

     This study has clarified that the characteristics of landscape composition in open spaces in China are related to the function and layout of landscape elements. By the construction over years with different time trends, open spaces are composed by various landscape elements in symmetric or asymmetric layout, forming a hybrid characteristics in many campuses.
  • 平 輝, 安田 幸一
    2017年 82 巻 740 号 2531-2540
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2017/10/30
    ジャーナル フリー
     University campuses started to be built since the late 19th century in China, strongly influenced by the Beaux-Arts planning style, characterized by monumental buildings with strong axis and enclosed open space. Such open spaces become representive spaces in the uiniversities, and building elevations facing to the space create the scenery of universities by forming a continuous panorama. Meanwhile, campus constructions in each stage are greatly influenced by the distinctive cultural and social background in China. For example, in the foundation phase of Chinese universities, the collision and blend between Chinese and Western culture were experienced. However, nowadays with the rapid growth of student numbers and the rethink of the university tradition, new time issues are raised. Under such historical background, this study aims to clarify the characteristics of scenery formed by the elevation and arragement of buildings surrounding open spaces in universities in China.

     Open spaces faced by main buildings and enclosed by buildings or urban roads on at least two sides are extracted as "campus open spaces (COS)" from 54 campuses built before 1949, and elevations facing to COS are extracted as scenery forming elements. Based on such definitions, 54 groups of buildings, 183 main buildings and 996 building elevations are found.
     Firstly, by dividing the construction year of buildings into four phases according to the Chinese historical background, phases of buildings and building distribution in COS were examined as a brief overview.
     Secondly, in order to discuss the characteristics of building appearances, style and color of buildings were examined and compared in each campus.
     Thirdly, in order to discuss how tbuildings and open spaces are integrated, and how main buildings are emphasized, arrangement and volume comparison of buildings were examined.
     Fourthly, based on the results above, 12 scenery patterns categorized by the combination of comparison of building style and color, and the arrangement of buildings were discussed. Characteristics of each pattern, distribution of cases, relations and inclination of patterns were examined.

     1) By the campus construction over the years, not only buildings but also main buildings facing the COS were built in various phases.
     2) Most buildings built in Phase I are in traditional Chinese/Western styles with corresponding materials in specific colors, and such stylish characteristics continued to be utilized in buildings built afterwards. In the comparison of building stlye and color, cases that are "partly similar" or "similar in majority" are similar only in color, and cases "almost similar" are in the same style and color.
     3) A multi-center arrangement can be observed in many campuses, where multiple axes formed by different main buildings have integrated different groups of buildings. Main buildings built after Phase II became in larger scale, emphasized by the standing-out volume.
     4) Harmony of building appearance and integration of building arrangement are both considered in the formation of campus scenery in about half of the cases. However, because of the overlying constructions in different phases, some campuses have maintained either harmonious appearance or integrated arrangement. Some even developed in a disorder way and buildings reflect different features of the time.

     This study has clarified that the characteristics of scenery formed by buildings surrounding open spaces in universities in China are related to the similarities of elevation appearance and the order of building arrangement. Under the Chinese cultural and social background, campus sceneries formed by these buildings reflect both the tradition of each university and trends of the time so that they contain various characteristics.