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クエリ検索: "音階"
3,401件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 「光の音階」のデザイン
    垂見 幸哉
    2017年 22 巻 1 号 1_26-1_29
    発行日: 2017/03/31
    公開日: 2017/07/08
    ジャーナル 認証あり

    本作品「Light Scale」は、音という聴覚領域において、光という視覚領域から発想された新たな

    、Light Scaleはクラシック音楽やポピュラー音楽で使用される従来の作曲法にはない

  • 近似周波数測定法の検討
    大崎 勝一郎, 上田 節夫, 杉浦 友昭, 田村 耕三, 八坂 恵子
    1987年 14 巻 1 号 232-233
    発行日: 1987/04/15
    公開日: 2011/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 松田 綾沙, 原 恵子, 太田 克也, 松浦 雅人, 松島 英介
    2012年 40 巻 6 号 527-534
    発行日: 2012/12/01
    公開日: 2014/12/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    絶対音感とは他の基準となる音を頼りにせず音名を言い当てることのできる能力である。我々はミスマッチ陰性電位 (MMN) を用い, 絶対音感保持の有無による「12
    の構成音 (
    内の音) 」と「それ以外の音 (
    外の音) 」の聴覚の前注意的な情報処理の差を調べた。絶対
    保持者 (AP) 群12名と非保持者 (NAP) 群14名を対象とした。刺激はヴァイオリン音で2セット作成し, 1セット目は「
    内」のみで作成し, 標準刺激を442 Hz (音名でラ), 逸脱刺激は496 Hz (音名でシ) とした。2セット目は「
    外」のみで作成し, 452 Hz (ラとシの間の音) と509 Hz (シとドの間の音) とした。NAP群では
    外の音で同程度のMMN振幅を示したが, AP群では
  • 齋藤 努, 小林 滋, 小沢 美織, 和田 守美穂, 田所 嘉昭
    1999年 35 巻 9 号 1183-1190
    発行日: 1999/09/30
    公開日: 2009/03/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this paper, we present a new scale detection method for transcription using synchronous addition and subtraction (SAS) processing. And we realized a real-time scale detection system based on this SAS method. A musical instrument sound is sampled synchronously by each scale frequency and their sampled values are accumulated by the SAS method. The accumulated value corresponding to the played scale increases monotonously. From this phenomenon we can detect the scale of a played music sound.
    First, we show the principle of the frequency detection using the SAS method, which has two algorithms, a basic algorithm and an improved one. Next, we consider the possibility of scale detection in monophony and polyphony sounds, using the SAS method. And we realize a realtime automatic scale detection system using a PC. Last, we demonstrate the scale detection of piccolo, piano and guitar sounds of an electronic keyboard and clarinet sounds played by an amateur.
  • 我妻 龍聲
    2019年 68 巻 59-104
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2021/01/29
    ジャーナル フリー



  • 金城 厚
    1990年 1990 巻 55 号 91-118,L8
    発行日: 1990/08/31
    公開日: 2010/02/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    It is the intention of this article to review the ryukyu scale, about which various theories have been proposed to date, and to make some propositions that may serve as the basis for future research on the subject.
    The first point at issue is the structure of the ryukyu scale. Koizumi Fumio has interpreted the ryukyu scale (do mi fa sol si do) as being formed from two disjunct tetrachords, each of which is, in his terminology, comprised of two nuclear tones at the interval of a fourth with one infixed tone. In this interpretation, the nuclear tones are do, fa, sol and do.
    On the other hand, Kakinoki Goro has proposed another interpretation, according to which the melodic movement of Okinawan folksong is ruled by a tertial nucleic structure. In his interpretation, the nuclear tones are do, mi, sol, and si.
    The second point at issue is the question of which of the ryukyu and ritsu scales is the older. Kojima Tomiko has concluded that the ritsu scale (including the ryo scale as a variant of the ritsu) is the older because it is seen in old-fashioned myth songs in certain remote villages in the Ryukyu region. On the other hand, Koizumi insisted that the ryukyu scale was far older than the ritsu.
    In the present author's view, there seem to be two different kinds of ryukyu scale in Okinawan music: one is a scale based on a tetrachordal nucleic structure (do mi fa sol si do), in which the nuclear notes locate at do, fa, sol and do; and the other is a scale based on a pentachordal nucleic structure (mi fa sol si do mi), in which the nuclear notes locate at mi, sol and si.
    The present author has undertaken an investigation of the finalis of all pieces in the repertoire of Okinawan classical songs accompanied by the sanshin (long-necked plucked lute), whose melodies are notated in kunkunshii notation in four volumes. Within the 195 pieces investigated, there are 83 pieces (43%) whose finalis is located at the fourth, while there are 42 pieces (22%) whose finalis is located at the third, fifth, or seventh. The former are based on the tetrachordal nucleic ryukyu scale. However, in the latter the fourth is not stable enough to be thought of as a nuclear note. The present author proposes a pentachordal nucleic ryukyu scale which has its tonic at the third, because through investigation it is possible to recognize that the third, fifth, and seventh function as nuclear notes, and among these the third is most frequently the finalis.
    It is possible to suppose that the ryo scale (do re mi sol la do) and the pentachordal nucleic ryukyu scale (mi fa sol si do mi) are parallel with each other. In both cases the scale consists of the following intervals: narrow, narrow, wide, narrow, wide, in ascending order. The pentachordal nucleic ryukyu scale, however, displays a little more contrast in terms of the width of its intervals.
    In the case of certain folksongs of Yaeyama, some of which are dealt with in this article, the pitch of notes in the melody as performed is subtly heightened or lowered, so that it is difficult to identify the scale as being ryo or pentachordal nucleic ryukyu. Therefore, the relationship between these two scales, which appear to be opposites, is, in fact, not dualistic but monistic in nature.
    Such a relationship is analogous to that of slendro and pelog in Javanese music. This is worthy of note for the purposes of future comparative research.
    The conclusions of the present author are as follows. In Okinawan music there are five scales: min' yo and ritsu, both based on a tetrachordal nucleic structure, are dominant in the Amami and Okinawa Islands; while ryo and pentachordal nucleic ryukyu, both based on a pentachordal nucleic structure, are dominant in the Yaeyama, Miyako and Okinawa Islands. A complex of these scales is
  • 今井 仁
    2011年 67 巻 3 号 101-112
    発行日: 2011/03/01
    公開日: 2017/06/02
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 第二編 鼓膜切開ノ聽性瞳孔反應ニ及ボス影響
    内海 貞夫
    1938年 44 巻 8 号 1609-1623
    発行日: 1938年
    公開日: 2007/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    正常家兎5頭ノ右側正常鼓膜ヲ穿刺刀ヲ以テ (副損傷ヲ絶對避ケ) 可及的大ナルL字形ニ切開シ約7日ニ亘リ毎日切開創ノ治癒機轉ヲ肉眼的並ニ廓大鏡ヲ以テ觀察ヲ行フ。此場合左側耳ヲ栓塞シ右側耳ヨリエーデルマン. ガルトン氏笛ノ6
    e2. g2. c3. c4. c5及c6ヲ5cm水柱壓ヲ以テ耳側5cmニ於テ鼓膜ト直角ヲナス方向ヨリ吹鳴聽取セシメ。右側眼ニ惹起スル聽性瞳孔反應ノ消長ヲ S. Engel 創案ノ「ブピロスコーブ」ニ據ツテ廓大觀測シ合セテ最大散瞳ニ達スルニ要スル時間ヲ測定セリ。其結果ハ次ノ如シ。
    1. 鼓膜切開後ニ於ケル切開創ノ治癒機轉ハ比較的迅速ニ行ハレ肉眼的ニ閉鎖セルモノ2日後ガ4例及ビ1日後ガ1例ナリ。而シテブリューニングス氏廓大鏡ヲ以テ外聽道ノ壓ヲ加減スルコトニヨル鼓膜移動ノ出現ハ 3日後1例. 4日後3例及ビ5日後1例ニ於テ認メタリ。
    2. 此場合上記6
    a. 鼓膜切開直後ニ於ケル低
    e2及g2ニ對スル同反應ハ各例全ク消失シ 中
    c3及c4ニ對シテハ反應陰性並ニ陽性略ゝ相半シ. 高
    b. 鼓膜切開後聽性瞳孔反應ハ切開創ノ閉鎖セザルニ日時ヲ追ヒ漸次恢復ス。此際高
    c. 鼓膜切開後聽性瞳孔反應ノ恢復ニ於テ最大散瞳値ノミガ正常ニ復スルハ. 低
    e2及g2ガ5日後2例. 6日後3例. 中
    c3及c4ガ5日後4例. 6日後1例及ビ高
    c5及c6ガ4日後4例. 5日後1例ナリ。此場合最大散瞳ニ達スル所要時間ハ1-2日遲延シテ正常ニ復ス。
    3 即チ鼓膜切開後聽性瞳孔反應ニヨル聽能障碍ハ鼓膜切開直後低
    ニ最モ著シク. 其恢復ハ切開創ノ治癒機轉ニ平行シ高
    ガ最モ遲延ス。而シテ鼓膜切開後切開創ガ完全ニ閉鎖セザルニ日時ヲ追ヒ漸次聽能障碍恢復シ. 又之ガ全ク閉鎖セル後ト雖モ尚ホ漸ク聽能障碍ヲ認ムルモノナリ。
  • 大崎 勝一郎, 藤村 哲也, 田村 耕三, 西川 邦男, 木下 心, 木村 章, 中桐 伸五, 小泉 芳彦
    1987年 30 巻 5 号 423-424
    発行日: 1987/10/30
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 近似周波数の週間変動
    井口 郁雄, 大崎 勝一郎, 木村 守, 杉浦 友昭, 田村 耕三, 八坂 恵子, 中桐 伸五
    1985年 28 巻 4 号 553-554
    発行日: 1985/08/30
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 堤 敦, 神野 健二, 森 牧人
    2002年 46 巻 187-192
    発行日: 2002/02/10
    公開日: 2010/06/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    Land development often leads to adverse environmental effects. It is therefore important to assess the potential change in regional hydrologic cycle due to surface alteration in advance. A rainwater recharge model, that is to be combined with the quasi-threed imensionaul nconfinedg roundwater flow, is proposed in the presentp aper.
    The water balance in the catchment of the planned campus of Kyushu University is evaluated by the present schemew hiche nables to simultaneously calculate both the surface runoff and groundwater flow. The resultso btained in the present paper indicate that the calculated monthly and annual runoff agree well with the observed discharge.
    Besides, it is also shownt hat the variation of the groundwatetra ble can be accuratelyc alculated.
    On the other hand, however, it is revealedt hat the calculatede vapotranspiratiorne mainsu ncertainb ecause of the lack in the information of accurate potentiale vapotranspiration. Some attempts are presented in order to improve the calculation of the evapotranspiration.
  • 田村 耕三, 大崎 勝一郎, 上田 節夫, 杉浦 友昭, 八坂 恵子, 中桐 伸五
    1986年 29 巻 5 号 341-342
    発行日: 1986/10/30
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 波多野 篤, 大崎 勝一郎, 藤村 哲也, 鄭 鴻祥, 中村 和己, 渡部 和世, 深澤 元晴, 服部 謙志
    1992年 35 巻 1 号 29-36
    発行日: 1992/02/15
    公開日: 2011/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    ) を用いた耳鳴検査法 (
    法) の持つ特性を明らかにするため, 本検査法で得られる耳鳴ピッチの測定値と通常のピッチマッチ検査法 (ピッチマッチ法) を用いた測定値を比較検討した。各種耳疾患に伴う耳鳴患者73症例73耳を対象として両検査法を用いて耳鳴ピッチを測定し, 擬声語による表現にて変化の認められない27症例27耳につき2回検査を行い, その測定値を比較検討した。
    法によって得られた測定値は, 初回および2回目ともピッチマッチ法の測定値と高い相関を示した。両検査法のいずれを用いても, 初回の測定値は2回目の測定値と比較して高い相関を示した。初回と2回目のピッチマッチ法にて同一の測定値が得られた症例では,
  • 藤村 哲也, 大崎 勝一郎
    1997年 40 巻 5 号 407-408
    発行日: 1997/09/16
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Kazumi MICHIHIRO
    1993年 11 巻 1 号 31-36
    発行日: 1993/06/30
    公開日: 2012/11/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    本研究は, 定位性の皮膚コンダクタンス反応の生起に関わる認知的構えの効果を検討することを目的とした.皮膚コンダクタンス反応を誘発する刺激として, ハ長調
    のド (C), ミ (E), ソ (G) にあたる音を用いた.28名の女子短大生全員に, まずドの音を1秒間提示, 100ミリ秒の間隔をおいてミの音を1秒間提示する刺激対をハビチュエーション基準に達するまで反復提示し, 引き続いてドとソの刺激対を同じくハビチュエーション基準に達するまで反復提示した.これらの被験者を, 実験終了後の質問の回答によって, 音が
    群 (N=13)
    に気づかずに聞いていた音群 (N=15) とに分けた.その結果,
  • 細矢 直基, 菅野 健司, 田中 基八郎, 渡邉 鉄也
    Dynamics & Design Conference
    2003年 2003 巻 304
    発行日: 2003/09/16
    公開日: 2017/06/19
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    A steel pan is a percussion instrument that was invented in Trinidad & Tobago in the 1940s. The early stages of a steel pan had been made from the 55gallon oil drum. It has become a popular instrument in Japan, Europe and the United States nowadays. Although a steel pan is a piece of the thin plate structure, it has various musical scales. The thin plate is processed by Panmeker' hand one by one. The radiated sound from a steel pan is included many harmonic overtones. This instrument has been developed after repeated process of trail and error. Therefore the relation between the vibration mechanism of a steel pan and its notes configuration has not elucidated in the analytical process. In this paper the fundamental dynamic characteristics of a steel pan is investigated. Experimental modal analysis is used to identify the vibration mode of a steel pan.
  • 渡辺 愈
    1982年 30 巻 3 号 113-115
    発行日: 1982/09/05
    公開日: 2017/02/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 吉栖 生一
    1929年 41 巻 2 号 347-372
    発行日: 1929/02/28
    公開日: 2009/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    In consequence of the progress of the modern psychology and in compliance with the social demand since the world war, the study of the mental test has become remarkably progressive. However, the study has been limitted to a deffinite aspect of the characteristic faculty. The estimation of the musical capability has been neglected and the experiments on the consonance test which were untertaken by Seashore, Malmberg, Gaw and Heinlein have thrown a beam of light to the darkness of this line.
    The present author introduced a new method of estimation for the musical capability and examined the children in a primary school as to their ability of discrimination and of memory for musical scale.
    A reed organ with a keyboard of the pitch arrangement from F1 (number of vibrations 44 per second) up to f3 (number of vibrations 1408 per second) was used as the instrument for the examination. The children's capability of the differentiating perception for a note of semi pitch in a second's duration and interval of the impulse was examined and then, the correctness of the memory for a series of tones which is composed of 3 or 4 different pitches of notes was examined under a second's impulse duration and a second's impulse interval. The results of the examination were compared with the grade marks of the singing, the arithmetics and the other curricula of a primary school on the part of the individual examined and the following conclusion was drawn.
    1) The capability of the differential perception and the memory for a series of tones in the middle pitch section of a reed organ is generally good, but it is not good in the treble section and the bass section.
    2) Those well developed in the differential perception of a series of tones are generally well developed in the memory of it. However, it is not always the case that those well developed in the memory of a series of tones are well developed in the differential perception of it.
    3) Those who are excellent in the capability of the differential perception and the memory for a series of tones show an excellent grade mark for such curricula as the singing, the calculation and the memory of numbers, and the arithmetics especially, the calculation on the abucus.
    4) The memory for a shape (for example, for a drowing) does not accord with the memory for the musical scale.
    5) Correlative value between the capability of the memory for the musical scale with the grade mark of the singing, with that of the calculation on the abacus, with the capability of the memory for numbers, with the grade mark for the arithmetics and with that for the drawing shows 0.93, 0.82, 0, 83, 0.7, 0.46, respectively.
    6) There is no remarkable difference between the male and the female sex as far as the capability of the discrimination and the memory for the musical scale are concerned.
    7) The method of examining the discrimination and the memory for the musical scale by means of an organ might be highly recommended as a method for estimating the musical talent, the memory of numbers and the ability of calculation, because there is no means of the preparation for the problems of the examination on the part of the examinee.
  • 本間 康夫
    1991年 1991 巻 87 号 112-
    発行日: 1991/09/01
    公開日: 2017/07/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 三輪 多恵子, 田所 嘉昭, 斎藤 努
    1998年 118 巻 1 号 57-64
    発行日: 1997/12/20
    公開日: 2008/12/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this paper, we propose a method of the automatic transcription system remarking zero outputs of comb filters. In the frequency domain, the comb filter has zero points at the integer multiple of the fundamental frequency. The fundamental frequency and harmonic frequencies of the musical tone can be eliminated by comb filters which are corresponding to the scales. In the method using comb filters which has already presented, 60 comb filters are required, and the processing time is too long to detect the scale of the 32th note. In the proposed method, we can estimate the scale of both monophony and chords using only seven comb filters and a few notch filters connected in cascade, and we can also detect the scale of the 32th note (62.5ms). We have done some computer simulations on transcribing the melody played on a piano. As a result, it is clear that the proposed method is useful to detect musical scale.