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クエリ検索: "高原郡"
11件中 1-11の結果を表示しています
  • 小林 貞一
    1931年 38 巻 448 号 9-21
    発行日: 1931/01/20
    公開日: 2008/04/11
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 澤田 駒次郎
    1898年 12 巻 139 号 290-293
    発行日: 1898年
    公開日: 2014/02/24
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 吉田 雄次郎

    1932年 7 巻 33-34 号 340-347
    発行日: 1932/05/31
    公開日: 2010/03/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 中央獸醫會雑誌
    1924年 37 巻 9 号 876-882
    発行日: 1924/09/20
    公開日: 2008/10/24
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 中村 總七郎
    1939年 11 巻 4 号 319-331
    発行日: 1939/12/20
    公開日: 2011/02/23
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 小藤 文次郎
    1902年 14 巻 6 号 399-414
    発行日: 1902/06/15
    公開日: 2010/10/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 矢守 一彦
    1962年 35 巻 8 号 349-361
    発行日: 1962/08/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    〔観察結果〕 1) 城邑の分布は,いずれの時期においても,南鮮2道,ことにその臨海部と北鮮2道とに集中的であり,小都邑よりは大都邑に発達している.これは邑城築造の主月的が,倭寇および北方民族の侵入を防ぐところにあつたことを示す. 2) 城邑発達の時期は,高麗以後李朝初期までにあつたと思われるが,李朝中期以後においても創築・改築がつづけられ,総数約100~13Oを算えた. 3) 一方,山城の構築は3世紀頃から行なわれたが,少くとも李朝に入つてからは,山城→邑城の改・移築コースを進んだ模様で,さらに防禦の必要を感ずる時期・地域においては,邑城どは別に,山城,あるいはより多くの場合,関墾が設定された. 4) 邑城の規模についてみるに,城周は地方制度上のクラス (これは都邑の戸口規模にほぼ平行する)におおむね相応しているが,城高は平均10メートル程度で,クラスの上下,あるいは地域の特色には関連がうすい. 5) 邑城の築造材料は,時代が下るとともに土築→石築の傾向を強めるが,石築城が古くから発達していた点を,朝鮮城郭史の一特色として指摘しうる.なお,北鮮2道がいささか他道と趣を異にし,満州の囲郭形態の影響圏内にあるのが興味をひく.
  • 吉田 敬市
    1952年 3 巻 5-6 号 181-196,A18
    発行日: 1952/01/15
    公開日: 2009/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Fishery and salt-making industry in the first period of the Li dynasty are described as a link in a chain of studies of the development of aquatic products industry in Korea.
    The investigation was made difficult by the lack of pertinent historical data. The first part of the present study is based on “Richo-jitsuroku.” “Seso-jitsuroku-chirishi” is the chief reference book for the latter part. “Togoku-yochi-shoron” is also referred to. It is hoped a somewhat concrete description of the subject is attained.
    Taxes on fishing grounds and salt-pits had been one of the main resources of the country from olden times. Also, fishery and salt-manufacture were two important industries from the military standpoint. Thereupon, these industries were promoted most vigorously from generation to generation, although it came to pass that the government and the potentates started to own privately fishing grounds and salt-works, with the result that the nation's finance was thrown into disorder and the people suffered from heavy taxes and hard labor imposed on them.
    Fishing method in the first period of the Li dynasty is represented by “Gyoryo, ” which means fishing in the fixed fishing grounds. Cod and Guchi were the fish caught.
    Salt-manufacture was conducted along the entire coast of Korea. The salt-manufacturing method was chiefly that of the dobon (pit) mode. Much efforts were made to promote saltmaking industry, e. g., letting the navy take charge of saltmanufacture, or monopolizing of the industry by the state. Yet, among salters and the government officials concerned there were many who indulged in corrupt practices, and it became necessary for the government to issue frequently edicts prohibiting illegal traffic of salt.
    There was little effect of these decrees, however, and with decreased revenue the financial condition of the state was eventually made precarious.
    In those days, when currency economy was not yet firmly established, salt was supplied to the people in exchange for rice or cloth. From this practice many difficult problems were to arose in later times, and by these difficulties the development of currency economy was to a great extent prevented.
  • 小林 貞一
    1930年 37 巻 438 号 77-112
    発行日: 1930/03/20
    公開日: 2008/04/11
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 大正一三年六月一〇日燃料協會第二二回例會講演
    吉川 岩喜
    1924年 3 巻 8 号 555-571
    発行日: 1924/08/20
    公開日: 2011/02/23
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 細井 昌文
    1979年 26 巻 1-2 号 40-53
    発行日: 1979/06/25
    公開日: 2011/09/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper is a report on Dr. Jundo Omura, who lived in Awa Tokushima (the Shikoku district of Japan) from the end of the Edo to the middle of the Meiji period and belonged to Hoashi Banri mon (the blending school of Chinese and Dutch medicine). There is no biographical facts about him, even the dates of his birth and death unknown. Therefore, the author introduces Jundo through his two sons Jun-an and Hidemaro in addition to his collection and works donated to the Nippon Medical School Library and describes the life pattern of medical doctors lived far from the capital city Edo in those days.