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クエリ検索: "鹿教湯温泉"
218件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 泉 從道
    2005年 69 巻 1 号 25-26
    発行日: 2005年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ― 上田市鹿教湯温泉地区における大学生のデザイン活動を中心に ―
    中西 織恵, 高橋 真央, 禹 在勇
    2016年 63 巻 PD-05
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2016/06/30
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 工藤 芳彰
    2014年 21 巻 4 号 58-65
    発行日: 2014/11/30
    公開日: 2017/11/27
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
  • 山村 順次
    1976年 49 巻 11 号 699-713
    発行日: 1976/11/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 戴 薪辰, 張 穎, 張 黎, 詹 舒婷, 張 暁静, 路 鵬, 植田 憲
    2013年 60 巻 8B-38
    発行日: 2013年
    公開日: 2013/06/20
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    は、長野県小県郡丸子町の西内地区に位置する温泉町である。その歴史は約1200 年前にまで遡るといわれ、古くから湯治場として知られてきた。1956( 昭和31) 年に国民保養温泉地に指定され、それ以降は、周辺地域の農村医療を担った鹿教湯病院とともに大きく発展したが、今日では、生活様式の変容を主な要因として、当時の活力が失われつつあるのが現状である。本稿は、地域資源の再発見・再認識ならびに地域住民への意向調査に基づき、今後の当該地域の発展の方向性を導出することを目的としたものである。
  • BME
    1989年 3 巻 1 号 45
    発行日: 1989/01/10
    公開日: 2011/09/21
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 上田市鹿教湯温泉と病院との共存を中心に
    岩崎 恵, 白 柳爛, 禹 在勇
    2014年 61 巻 PB10-45
    発行日: 2014年
    公開日: 2014/07/04
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 植田 理彦
    1983年 47 巻 1 号 40-44
    発行日: 1983年
    公開日: 2010/08/06
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 日野 和徳
    1961年 25 巻 1 号 28-59
    発行日: 1961/04/25
    公開日: 2010/08/06
    ジャーナル フリー
    The effects of Kageyu Spring (simple thermal spring) on the blood pressure and some other circulatory factors of hypertensive patients were studied.
    Results obtained are as follows:
    1) During serial baths, once to three times a day for 2 to 4 weeks, there was gradual fall of blood pressure about 10per cent on an average.
    2) Following the immersion of one hand to the wrist into ice water for one minute, vascular responses such as vasoconstriction checked by digital photoelectric plethysmography, fall of skin temperature and transient rise of blood pressure (cold pressor test) were examined.
    During serial baths, these vascular responses showed gradual rise which reached its maximum in about 7 days, and they fell again gradually in the following 7 days.
    Through the changes of vascular response the autonomic regulatory function may be brought to a more stabilized state and consequently the abnormally elevated blood pressure may be set at a lower level.
    3) Changes of some circulatory factors during serial baths are as follows:
    a) ECG findings, especially changes in ST segment and T wave, were improved in some cases, while they got worse in cases which showed marked fall of blood pressure by spa treatment.
    b) Previously elevated cardiac output fell to normal level in about one to two weeks, while the previously lowered one showed a tendency to rise.
    c) Renal blood flow increased in cases with normal ECG findings, while in cases with worse ECG it remained unchanged or decreased.
    4) Factors on which the balneotherapeutic effects on blood pressure were dependent are as follows:
    a) Cases with good vascular responses to cold stimulus excepting cold pressor test showed marked decrease in blood pressure, while cases with moderate cold pressor response showed the most marked fall in blood pressure.
    b) Cases with significant arteriosclerotic or hypertensive changes of eyegrounds showed little change of blood pressure by bath treatment.
    c) Cases with remarkable ECG changes, especially of ST and T, did not show any fall of blood pressure.
  • 藤田 勉, 石川 昇, 斉藤 道隆, 小林 勉
    1979年 43 巻 1-2 号 47-49
    発行日: 1979年
    公開日: 2010/08/06
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 単純泉鹿教湯温泉について
    雨宮 正
    1960年 24 巻 1 号 19-46
    発行日: 1960/05/25
    公開日: 2010/08/06
    ジャーナル フリー
    Die Blutdruckveränderungen von 244 Hochdruckkranken wurden während der Badekur in Kageyu täglich einmal bis zu 2 Wochen verfolgt. Es ergab sich, dass der systolische Blut-druck eine steile Abnahme zeigte, und den minimalen Wert durchschnittlich am 12 ten Badetag erreichte. Die Abnahme im diastoilsehen Blutdruck war im Vergleich mit der des systolischen Blutdrucks geringer. Systolischer und diastolischer Blutdruck am Anfang der Badekur zeigten eine signifikante Korrelation mit dem Blutdruckabfall durch die Badekur. Auch wurde eine bedeutende Korrelation zwischen dem Blutdruckabfall durch die Badekur und dem Blutdruckabfall nach einmaligem Thermalbad am Anfang der Badekur bemerkt.
    Hypertoniker ohne pathologischen Befund in E. K. G. oder positiven Befund in Harneiweiss am Anfang der Badekur zeigten einen besseren Erfolg als die Patienten mit pathologischen Zeichen von Myokardschädigung oder Harneiweiss. Betreffend der Einflüsse des P. S. P. -Testes, der Körpergewichte, Lebensjahre, und Jahreszeiten auf den Effekt der Badekur zeigte sich kein bedeutungsvoller Unterschied.
    Sechzig Patienten mit Myokardschaden hatten eine Badekur durchschnittlich von 23 Tagen durchgeführt und 37 Fälle zeigten irgendeine Besserung in E. K. G., 14 Fälle blieben unverändert, und 9 Fälle zeigten Verschlimmerungsbilder am Ende der Badekur. Acht Fälle von 12 gebesserten Myokardkranken, die nach 6-13 Monaten wieder untersucht wurden, zeigten noch anhaltenden Erfolg.
    Blutdruck der Netzhautarterien wurde in 48 Hypertonikern während der Badekur verfolgt und bedeutender Abfall in systolischem Blutdruck wurde festgestellt. Es gab eine auffallende Korrelation zwischen dem Schwund der Kopfbeschwerden (z. B. Kopfschmerz, Kopfschwergefühl, Schwindel) und dem Abfall im systolischen Blutdruck der Netzhautarterien, nicht aber der Brachialarterien. Der systolische Blutdruck der Netzhautarterien ging durch Serienbäder nicht immer pararell mit der Veränderung des systolischen Blutdrucks der Brachialarterien.
    Phenolsulfophthalein-Test wurde an 60 Hypertonikern ausgeführt. Infunktiongeschädigter Gruppe wurde eine bedeutsame Besserung der Nierenfunktion durch die Badekur von durchschnittlich 25 Tagen herbeigeführt.
    Gesamtes Cholesterin im Serum von 18 Hypertonikern erreichte durchschnittlich am Ende der ersten Woche seinen Minimal-Wert, dann kehrte es in der zweiten-dritten Woche wieder zum Initialwert zurück.
    Bei der Entlassung von 60 Hypertonikern wurde das Kurresultat verzeichnet, weiches späterhin mit den Folgeresultaten derselben 60 Kranken verglichen wurde. Der anhaltende Erfolg des Blutdruckabfalls war besser in der Gruppe mit einer Kurdauer von über 2 Wochen als in der Gruppe mit Kurdauer unter 2 Wochen. Auch im Fernresultat zeigten die Hypertoniker ohne patbologischen Befund in F. K. G. oder positiven Befund in Harneiweiss einen besseren Erfolg als die Patienten mit Myokardschädigung oder Harneiweiss.
  • 石原 茂
    1959年 23 巻 3 号 357-375
    発行日: 1959年
    公開日: 2010/08/06
    ジャーナル フリー
    Soaking one hand into a water bath at 6° or 42°C, reflective vasoconstriction occurred on the finger-tip on the other side was investigated with digital photoelectric plethysmography in 45 cases of healthy control, 10 cases of Buerger's disease, 6 cases of Raynaud's disease, and 58 cases of hypertension. And the influence of thermal baths on vascular reaction in hypertension was examined.
    Results obtained were as follows:
    1) An initial vasoconstriction was recognized both on 6°C and 42°C stimulation.
    2) The time from the moment of the thermal stimulation till the minimum pulse amplitude in the initial constriction was described as ΔT. And ΔA was calculated by following formula:
    ΔA=(Amplitude before stimulation-Minim. amplitude/Amplitude before stimulation)×100%
    i) No correlation was observed between ΔA and ΔT in both warm or cold stimulation.
    ii) No significant correlation was established between 6°C ΔA and 42°C ΔT.
    iii) A significant correlation was proved between 6°C ΔA and 42°C ΔA.
    3) In Buerger's disease a prolongation of 6°C ΔT was observed compared with that in healthy controls.
    In Raynaud's disease prolongation of 6°C ΔT and reduction of 6°C ΔA were proved in comparison with the data in the healthy adults.
    4) In hypertensive patients 6°C ΔA was proved smaller than that of the control and a significant correlation was shown between 6°C ΔA and fall of skin temperature on the finger tip of one side by soaking the other hand into 6°C water. Hardly recognized was a correlation between 6°C ΔA and results of cold presser test.
    5) 6°C ΔA increased after warm bath. And by a series of daily thermal baths at the Kageyu Spa (simple thermal springs) hypertensive patients showed the most sensitive reaction concerning 6°C ΔA and 6°C ΔT about the end of the first week.
    6) In hemiplegie patients, 6°C ΔA on the affected side was proved to be smaller than that on the healthy side, and after a thermal bath at the Kageyu Spa 6°C ΔA of the affected side increased more than that of the healthy side.
    7) In hypertension, patients with larger ΔA showed more marked fall in blood pressure after a series of thermal baths than patients with smaller ΔA.
  • 第1報 温泉浴の血圧ならびに卒中後遺症状に及ぼす影響
    丸山 大司
    1957年 21 巻 2 号 149-158
    発行日: 1957/08/25
    公開日: 2010/08/06
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Kageyu Spa in Nagano Prefecture is a simple thermal hot spring cerebrated from ancient times for so-called “Chubu-no-yu”, that is, spa for the treatment of atherosclerosis and sequelae of cerebral apoplexy. The author investigated the effects of thermal baths at the Kageyu Spa on blood pressure and sequelae of so-called cerebral apoplexy and obtaind the following results.
    1) The effects of the single bathing (at 37°C, for 30-50 minutes) on blood pressure were investigated both in 13 cases, whose systolic blood pressure was over 150mmHg (hypertensive group) and in 12 cases, whose systolic blood pressure was under 150mmHg (normal group). In both groups the systolic and diastolic blood pressure reached the minimal value 10 minutes after the bath and returned gradually to the value before the bath within about 40 minutes. The degrees of the fall of systolic and diastolic blood pressure were on an average 16mmHg and 5mmHg in the hypertensive group and 8mmHg and 2mmHg in the normal group respectively.
    2) The effects of a series of thermal baths on blood pressure were investigated both in 12 cases with normal systolic blood pressure (normal group) and 52 cases with hypertension (hypertensive group), among which 11 cases showed over 200mmHg in the systolic blood pressure. In the normal group the depressor effect of the bathing was not remarkable on an average. On the contrary, the systolic blood pressure in the hypertensive group decreased on an average 23mmHg at the end of the second week and held the level to the end of the treatment. The fall of the diastolic blood pressure was not so remarkable as that of the systolic one, so the pulse amplitude tended to decrease by the spa treatment. Eleven patients with initial systolic blood pressure over 200mmHg showed on an average a fall of 36mmHg after 2-4 weeks of daily bathings.
    3) The author set up a criterion upon which to evaluate the effects of the spa treatment, that is, if the systolic blood pressure showed a fall over 11mmHg, while the diastolic one did not show a rise over 11mmHg during the course of the treatment, the treatment is estimated to have a depressor effect. According to such criterion, a series of thermal baths proved to be effective in 37 of 52 hypertensive cases (71%).
    4) Concerning the sequelae of 25 postapoplectic patients, the depressor effects were shown in 51%, the improvement of hemiplegia was obrerved in 60%, the complaints except motoric disturbance were ameliorated in 49% and a feeling of becoming healthy was generated in 80% of the patients after the spa treatment. Judging from thses results, the author concluded that the spa treatment at Kageyu was effective in 18 of 25 patients (72%).
  • 藤田 勉, 伊藤 求
    1974年 38 巻 1-2 号 20
    発行日: 1974年
    公開日: 2010/08/06
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 滝沢 篤
    1973年 37 巻 1-2 号 52-53
    発行日: 1973年
    公開日: 2010/08/06
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 藤田 勉, 伊比 香代子
    1973年 37 巻 1-2 号 41
    発行日: 1973年
    公開日: 2010/08/06
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 末梢循環器病に及ぼす温泉作用の研究 (単純温泉鹿教湯温泉について) (第2報)
    丸山 大司
    1958年 22 巻 1 号 36-64
    発行日: 1958/06/25
    公開日: 2010/08/06
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the previous paper the author reported beneficial effects of thermal baths at the Kageyu Spa on hypertension and sequelae of so-called cerebral apoplexy.
    The present report describes the effects of the hot spring bathing and drinking on hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis of rabbits fed on cholesterol. The results were as follows:
    1) Remarkable hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis were observed in rabbits fed daily on cholesterol (0.1gm./Kg.) for 60 days. Daily hot spring bathing (at 37°C, for 30 minutes) or drinking (10cc./Kg.) commenced simultaneously with the feeding showed marked suppressive effects on both hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis, while daily plain water bathing or drinking under the same condition as in the hot spring treatment proved not so effective.
    2) After 60 days of cholesterol feeding, the hot spring bathing and drinking or plain water bathing and drinking were carried on for 20 days respectively. Though high serum cholesterol level decreased spontaneously after the cessation of cholesterol feeding, daily plain water bathing or hot spring drinking among the various treatments seemed to have some beneficial effect on the decrease. On atherosclerosis, however, no curative effect was shown by any treatments.
    3) During 90 days of cholestesol feeding, daily bathing in the hot spring or plain water (at 37°C, for 30 minutes respectively) was commenced on the 61st day and carried on till the 90th day. By daily hot spring bathing further aggravation of hypercholesterolemia was inhibited and atherosclerosis was proved to be in somewhat slighter degree than that observed in control group, while the suppressive effect of plain water bathing on hypercholesterolemia was not so remarkable as that of the hot spring bathing and no antiatherosclerotic effect was shown.
    4) During 70 days of cholesterol feeding, daily bathing in the hot spring or plain water (at 37°C, for 30 minutes respectively) was commenced from the 31st day. By daily hot spring bathing not only further aggravation of hypercholesterolemia was suppressed but also a decrease in serum cholesterol level was observed inspite of keeping on feeding cholesterol and the degree of atherosclerosis was slighter than that observed in control group. By daily plain water bathing some suppressive effect on hypercholesterolemia was indeed shown but in slighter degree than that shown by the hot spring bathing, and no antiatherosclerotic effect was revealed.
    With above-mentioned results it is concluded that (1) the suppressive effects of Kageyu Hot Spring on hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis of rabbits fed on cholesterol are due not only to indifferent temperature of the bath water but also to some special chemical constituents in the thermal water and (2) the prophylactic use of the spring is more effective than the curative one.
    The author discussed the significance of SO4 ion, which is a principal anion constituent in the thermal water of Kageyu.
  • 溝口 とく子
    1971年 34 巻 3-4 号 115-129
    発行日: 1971年
    公開日: 2010/08/06
    ジャーナル フリー
    At Kageyu, Nanasawa, and Kusatsu Spas, the author studied the balneological effects on lipoprotein, triglyceride, non-esterified fatty acids and fatty acid components in total lipids, cholesterol ester fraction, triglyceride fraction, non-esterified fatty acid fraction and phospholipid fraction in sera.
    The results were as follows.:
    (1) At Kageyu and Kusatu Spa, a single bath showed a quantitatively significant effect on non-esterified fatty acids but not on β-lipoprotein and triglyceride. An hour later after the bath, non-esterified fatty acids rose at maximum.
    (2) Successive baths decreased β-lipoprotein at Kageyu, pre β-lipoprotein at Nanasawa but no significant change was observed in non-esterified fatty acids and triglyceride. A week after initiation of daily baths, value of β-lipoprotein and per cent of pre β-lipoprotein were lowered.
    (3) Successive baths had no significant influence on fatty acids.
  • 小嶋 碩夫
    1962年 26 巻 3-4 号 117-132
    発行日: 1962/12/25
    公開日: 2010/08/06
    ジャーナル フリー
    Since 1933, effects of the internal use of mineral waters in this district were studied by Prof. Dr. T. Misawa and his coworkers concerning gastric and bile secretion, gastrointestinal motility, diuresis, glucose metabolism, anemia and others.
    In this report, present status of the internal use of mineral waters in this district, the results of studies on the therapeutic and toxic effects, maximum permissible concentrations of trace elements in the spring waters, several experimental and clinical studies on atherosclerosis etc. will be reported.
    I. The present status of internal use of hot spring waters in Kanto district and its environs.
    The research was carried out by enquête method. Answers were obtained from 40spa admimistrations. Following results were concluded:
    1) In the majority of the spas the internal use of spring waters are uncommon, only at 3 spas (Spas Shima, Kuronagi, Shibu) the internal use is more frequently carried on than the bathing cure.
    2) The majority of the visitors take hot spring waters 2 times a day (morning and evening), ca. 100ml at a time, in total usually 5 go (900ml-1000ml), maximum 1.5 sho (2700ml), a day.
    3) The majority of patients utilizing the drinking cure are suffering from gastro-intestinal diseases, and rarely from other diseases.
    4) For the gastrointestinal disease, sodium chloride waters, sulfur waters and alkaline waters are used mostly and for the constipation hydrogen sulfide waters, sodium bicarbonated waters and sulfated waters were used.
    II. Statistical observation on the spa treatment in Shiohara Hot Springs, Tochigi Pref. 1) The patients had predominantly gastrointestinal disorders in Motoyu (pH 6.3, hydrogen sulfide containing sodium bicarbonate and chloride spring).
    In Motoyu, the patients with drinking cure suffered from stomach ulcer (15/41), chronic gastritis, duodenal ulcer and gastroptosis with atonia. It seems that they select a spring according to their empirical evaluations.
    2) About 87% of the visitors put in practice of drinking of hot spring water in Motoyu. Most visitors take thermal bath 5 to 6 times a day on an average, and drink spring water at the time of bathing, in total 4-6 go (720-1080ml) a day in 18/41 cases, 9-10 go (1620-1800ml) in 12/41 cases.
    3) Liver function of patients (B. S. P. test and Gros test) was investigated before and after the cure, but no significant change was observed.
    III. Effects of trace elements.
    1) Effects of the addition of Cu and/or vitamine C on the absorption of iron in mineral waters from the digestive tract were studied using the radioactive iron experimentally.
    Iron absorption from the digestive tract was promoted by the addition of copper, and vitamin C in the test solution. No promoting effect was proved by the addition of copper in the ratio of Fe:Cu=1:1, but it proved most effective with the ratio of
    2) Maximum permissible amount of Pb, Zn and Cu contained in mineral waters were studied in rabbits experimentally. It was concluded that the maximum permissible dose of orally given Pb, Zn and Cu were between 7.5mg, 20mg or 1.9mg per kg body weight daily by administration for a month, respectively.
    This concentration of lead is 100 times higher than that of mineral waters with highest lead content in Japan. And as mineral waters with high zinc or copper content in Japan used to be strongly acid and mostly belong to acid vitriol or acid alum vitriol springs, only daily 10-50ml can be taken after 5-10 times diluted with common water for drinking cure.
    The highest record of zinc content in Japan is 965mg/kg ZnSO4 (Sasakura Hot Spring), therefore there would be no probability of Zn poisoning from drinking cure of mineral waters in Japan, and when taken 25ml of copper containing mineral water daily the maximuan permissible concentration of copper containing waters will be 75mg/kg. Only few of the Japanese mineral waters contain more than
  • 泉 從道
    2016年 79 巻 3 号 175
    発行日: 2016/10/31
    公開日: 2017/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー