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クエリ検索: "4月14日" 旧暦
20件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 近藤 功行
    2022年 309 巻 144-168
    発行日: 2022/02/28
    公開日: 2023/08/02
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 西田 幸夫, 辻本 誠, 徳永 英
    2003年 9 巻 17 号 197-202
    発行日: 2003/06/20
    公開日: 2017/04/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    Edo recurrently suffered with numerous big fires. However, there were few documents, recording the numbers of deaths and sizes of burned areas caused by those fires. We examined the document of fires occurred within Edo area on "Edo Saigai Nenpyo". And we invented the method to estimate the size of fire from the document. We chose 19 cases that the numbers of deaths have been shown in the document and we investigated the relations between the numbers of deaths and the sizes of fires. It became clear that the frequency of big fires during the last half of the Edo Period was different with that of the first half.
  • 馬場 まゆみ
    2019年 81 巻 3 号 196-200
    発行日: 2019/06/01
    公開日: 2019/08/06
    ジャーナル 認証あり

    奄美大島には Leptoconops nipponensis Tokunaga(トクナガクロヌカカ)の亜種である Leptoconops nipponensis oshimaensis が生息しており,毎年春には吸血被害に遭い強い痒みを訴える患者の受診が増える。2011 年 4 月 18 日から 2018 年 5 月 31 日までの 8 年間に当科を受診し,医療記録をもとにヌカカ刺症と診断した患者 64 例について,①年齢,②性別,③受診した月,④被害にあった場所,⑤受傷部位,⑥治療内容,⑦各年毎の患者数,⑧加害昆虫の同定,の 8 項目について検討した。結果として,①患者の年齢は 50∼79 歳が 73%を占めた,②患者の性別は男性 14 例,女性 50 例で,男女比は 1:3.6 で女性の方が多かった,③患者が受診した月は 4 月から 5 月前半に集中していた,④場所はほとんどが海岸で刺されていた,⑤受傷部位は頚部,衣類で覆われた前胸部や上背部が多くを占めていた,⑥治療を行った 42 例(66%)の症例でステロイド内服薬を処方した,⑦各年毎の受診者は 2011 年から 2016 年までは 7 例以下であったが,2017 年に 15 例,2018 年に 21 例で,この 2 年間で半数以上を占めていた,⑧加害昆虫は,その形態的特徴からクロヌカカと同定した,などの特徴がみられた。

  • 『曾良旅日記』の分析を中心として
    谷釜 尋徳
    2021年 66 巻 607-622
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2021/09/15
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2021/08/13
    ジャーナル フリー
     Matsuo Basho is considered to have been a hardy walker. The present study was conducted to examine Basho’s walking ability in detail, focusing on his travels in Okunohosomichi. Kawai Sora accompanied Basho on his trip, and this study drew upon Sora Tabinikki, which were notes left by Sora, as a basic historical document. The results obtained were as follows.
     1. Basho walked a total distance of 1728.1km, covering an average of 28.3km per day. The distance he walked in a day was mainly around 20–30km. On days when Basho walked for a longer distance, he walked up to 40–50km. However, a look at the distance walked indicates that Basho’s walking ability was inferior to that of an average traveler of the early modern period (an average male).
     2. Basho maintained a certain pace over the course of his journey. Each day, he walked at an average speed of 3–4km for about 5 to 8 hours. The upper limit of the distance walked was about 50km a day, but that was a typical distance for people of the early modern period.
     3. Records of a trip from Tohoku to Ise during the same period as Basho’s trip and records of a trip from Edo to Tohoku along a similar route 88 years after Basho’s trip were examined. The results indicated that the distance walked in a day during both of those trips far exceeded that walked in a day by Basho.
     4. Basho’s age (46 years) meant that he was an older traveler for the early modern period, but Basho walked at a certain pace from start to finish despite stifling heat, rainy weather, and changes in the lengths of days depending on the season.
     5. Basho encountered dangerous sites along the way. At times, he walked in dunes where he lost his footing in the sand, he looked nervously at mountain passes that were said to be impassible, and he traversed dangerous shorelines pounded by angry waves with the weather’s help.
     These findings indicate that Basho’s walking ability was inferior to that of average people of the early modern period in terms of distance, but it was not affected by the weather or season. Basho maintained a certain pace despite occasional dangers along the way. This is what distinguishes Basho’s walking ability.
  • 宮崎 正美
    1995年 23 巻 45-62
    発行日: 1995/02/28
    公開日: 2018/07/16
    ジャーナル フリー
  • めこん 2020年 viii + 286ページ
    園江 満
    2021年 62 巻 4 号 122-126
    発行日: 2021/12/15
    公開日: 2022/01/07
    ジャーナル フリー HTML
  • 清水 玲子
    2020年 11 巻 11 号 122-133
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/07/10
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    Edo period painter Ito Jakuchu has created a work called “Chihenguntyu-zu” depicting plants and insects. There, looks of insects that are invisible to the naked eye are depicted, and there is a reality as if a moment had been cut out. In addition to Jakuchu, many Japanese artists have created works based on insects. Japanese farmers have also built tombs for insects killed for agriculture. But, after the Meiji Restoration, when we began to interact with Western countries, Japanese people began to divide insects into vermin and beneficial insects and artificially manage them. As a result, despite the resistance at the time, the insects gradually turned into abominable beings. Today, people around the world are absorbed in sustainability. However, we need to rethink our traditional culture and think about what sustainability is. Thoughts derived from traditions different from those of Western countries must bring diversity to the world.
  • -交通の視点から-
    市 大樹
    IATSS Review(国際交通安全学会誌)
    2021年 46 巻 2 号 96-104
    発行日: 2021/10/31
    公開日: 2021/10/31
    ジャーナル フリー


  • 根岸 洋・上野 祐衣・熊谷 嘉隆
    国際教養大学 アジア地域研究連携機構研究紀要
    2020年 11 巻 111-120
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/11/13
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • -大韓帝国期以降(1897-1945年)の新聞記事を題材に-
    金 銀眞
    2012年 77 巻 672 号 475-480
    発行日: 2012/02/29
    公開日: 2012/03/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    The aim of this paper is to clarify how Pagoda-Park was planned and how the character of Pagoda-Park changed under the management of the Governor-General of Chosen. Newspapers and Official Records issued during the Korean Empire Period and the Colonial Period, are utilized as the primary materials. As a result of analysis, it emerged that Pagoda-Park was a "planned park". In addition, it is significant that the park was located in the center of Seoul. In the early Colonial Period, the park was opened to the public and was utilized for cultural purposes. However, due to the 3.1 Independence Movement, the Governor-General of Chosen quit maintaining the park. In other words, the character of Pagoda-Park was affected by the policy of the governmental authority.
  • 神戸南京町生誕150年記念事業を事例として
    辺 清音
    2021年 18 巻 28-48
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2023/09/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    Chinatowns, exotic tourism resources as they are, receive increasing global popularity these days and their events attract millions of tourists every year. Based on the fieldwork of Kobe Chinatown’s 150th Anniversary from January 2017 to June 2019, this paper discusses how and why non-Chinese diversity can be presented publicly in Chinatowns, where are originally regarded as ethnically “Chinese-ness.” Firstly, this paper finds out that the preparatory committee of Kobe Chinatown’s 150th Anniversary is composed of diverse groups, such as Kobe Chinatown Development Association, Kobe Tourism Bureau, and other associations of tourist attractions. Such groups bring tourist resources with multi-cultural backgrounds to Kobe Chinatown. These tourist resources reflect the local characteristics of Kobe as an international city. Secondly, this paper identifies the local characteristics presented publicly in the jazz events and the main festival of Kobe Chinatown’s 150th Anniversary. According to the informants working in Kobe Chinatown, the appropriation of non-Chinese diversity conveys their Kobe-ness. In this paper, investigating from the participation of diverse participants, the occurrence of non-Chinese diversity in Kobe Chinatown’s 150th Anniversary is analyzed. For non-Chinese participants, their non-Chinese diversity could promote local tourism. For local Chinese participants, the acceptance of non-Chinese diversity results from their place-making of Kobe Chinatown where they can express their experience, feelings, and collective memories in Kobe.
  • 本村 育恵
    2020年 43 巻 13-28
    発行日: 2020/03/19
    公開日: 2022/10/24
    研究報告書・技術報告書 オープンアクセス
  • 反風力発電「山神祭」に関する民俗誌的研究
    李 鎮教, 金 廣植
    2022年 10 巻 39-58
    発行日: 2022年
    公開日: 2022/03/22
    研究報告書・技術報告書 オープンアクセス
  • 土居 智典
    2014年 80 巻 2 号 173-193
    発行日: 2014/08/25
    公開日: 2017/06/03
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 山本 一
    2014年 79 巻 4 号 501-519
    発行日: 2014/02/25
    公開日: 2017/05/17
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 今里 悟之
    地理学評論 Ser. A
    2001年 74 巻 7 号 394-414
    発行日: 2001/07/01
    公開日: 2008/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 姜 信龍
    1993年 57 巻 1 号 16-33
    発行日: 1993/08/27
    公開日: 2011/07/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    1876年の開国以降, 欧米の公園に関する情報が国内にかなり伝えられ, 韓国々内でも居留地内に最初に公園が造成され始めた。複雑な社会・政治状況に影響され, 居留民・独立協会・韓国政府によって公園が造成されていったが, 公園造成は制度化されることなく, 日本の植民地になった。日本人居留民にとって, 神社保護のために整備された境内外そのものは公園地であった。韓国政府によりパゴダ公園が造成されたものの, 造成から約13年が経過した19.3年から一般市民の平日入園が達成された。特に, 独立公園と仁川各国居留地内に造成された自由公園は, 最初から市民或は居留民のために造成された近代的な意味の公園として評価される。
  • ―地域社会における保護政策の運用を中心にⅠ:民俗芸能の継承をめぐる「地域」の枠組みの検討―
    福田 裕美
    2010年 2 巻 63-82
    発行日: 2010/09/01
    公開日: 2022/07/01
    ジャーナル フリー
     日本の民俗芸能の多くは、昭和25(1950)年制定の文化財保護法に基づく文化財政策下で保護を受けているが、同じ保護を受けながら、近年、継承の成否についての格差は広がる傾向にあり、こうした状況から、現行の文化財政策が民俗芸能の継承の現場においては必ずしも有効にはたらいているとは言えないことが指摘できる。さらに近年、市町村を中心に様々な目的の施策が横断的に講じられる状況も発生し、国のみならず市町村の文化財行政を中心にした、民俗芸能の継承に対応し得る文化財政策のあり方を再検討する必要性も生じている。  本研究では、5つの民俗芸能に係る継承の事例の比較検証を中心とし、複数の事例に基づいた、1)民俗芸能の継承に係る「地域」の枠組みについての検討、2)「地域」における民俗芸能の保護をめぐる文化財政策の運用の傾向の提示、3)民俗芸能の継承をめぐり影響を及ぼす要因や問題点の抽出と対応策の提示を行うことにより、従来は個別の問題として扱われるに過ぎなかった民俗芸能の継承の問題について、文化財政策全体の課題として指摘する。なお、本稿は1)の検討までを範囲とし、2)と3)については次稿に記す。  本稿において検討した1)民俗芸能の継承に係る「地域」の枠組みについては、その多様性の問題が現在の継承の成否と深く結びついているのみならず、今後の継承・支援の方向性においても重要な要素であると考えられるが、これまで曖昧な議論の枠を出ることはなかった。そこで、本稿では5つの事例に関し、民俗芸能の「地域」を構成するきわめて形式化した骨組みを独自に提示し、それらを分析することによって、議論の前提となる「地域」を明らかにすることを試みた。
  • 村嶋 英治
    2022年 45 巻 1-43
    発行日: 2022/12/23
    公開日: 2022/12/23
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー

    This article attempts to provide as much detail as possible about the background, process, and end of Khruba Srivichai’s second house arrest in Bangkok (November 1935–May 1936), while clearly indicating the sources of the documents. Most of the articles related to Srivichai in The Srikrung Daily News and Krungdeb Varasab Daily News, two Thai-language daily newspapers, used in this study have not been cited in existing studies.

    For more than six months, from early November 1935 to mid-May 1936, Khruba Srivichai was recalled to Bangkok, far from Chiang Mai, and placed under house arrest at Wat Benchamabophit by the existing Sangha. During this period, in Northern Thailand (Phayap Region), where Srivichai was no longer in existence, the existing Sangha thoroughly suppressed Srivichai sect’s temples and ordained monks who had broken away from the existing Sangha and tried to follow the “ancient customs” with Srivichai as the head of the sect. The existing Sanga also forced Srivichai in Bangkok to sign a written pledge to abide by the Sangha’s Governing Law and the Sangha’s rules and regulations.

    As a result, the Srivichai sect temples in Northern Thailand (937 Buddhist temples existed in Chiang Mai Province in 1935, of which about 90 temples belonged to the Srivichai sect) and their monks were extinguished, and Srivichai was completely bound hand and foot, making it impossible for him to act independently of the existing Sangha after that.

    Srivichai and his disciples belonged to the existing Sangha until 1934. It was around April 1935, when the Doi Suthep mountain road, which Srivichai had proposed to construct, was nearing completion, that Srivichai sect became clearly independent from the existing Sangha. The enthusiastic devotion to Srivichai shown by many people in Northern Thailand during the construction of this road must have given the Srivichai sect a great deal of confidence in their ability to break away from the Sangha and become independent.

    After the 1932 Constitutional Revolution, the People’s Party, which came to power in 1932, made the spread of primary education one of its major policies and opened private primary schools (Prachaban schools) throughout the country to provide uniform education in standard Thai language. Standard Thai texts were also used in the education of monks, novices and others by the Sangha. This was a cultural invasion and forced Thaification of Northern Thailand, which had its own Lanna Thai script and language by Bangkok. This was unacceptable to the Srivichai people, who valued the “ancient customs” of the Lanna Thai.

    The suppression of the Srivichai sect was carried out in cold blood by the existing Sangha’s bureaucratic elite, most notably Somdet Phra Phutthakhosachan (Charoen Yanawaro, 1872–1951), head of the Supreme Sangha Council, and Phrathamkosachan (Plot Kittisophano 1889–1962,the Supreme Patriarch of Thailand from 1960 to 1962), a member of the Supreme Sangha Council and head of the Phayap Regional Sangha. On the other hand, the secular government cooperated to some extent with the Sangha elite’s suppression of the Srivichai sect, but not as forcefully as the Sangha. The Sangha belonged to the Ministry of Education, which could consult with and advise the Sangha but did not have the final authority to command and control it.

    Whether the Sangha or the secular authorities, the basis for their suppression of the Srivichai sect is probably the traditional principle that, while freedom of religion is allowed in Thailand, Buddhism, in particular, must be the State Religion with the King as its patron, and therefore the Sangha must be a single entity.

    (View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)

  • 村嶋 英治
    2021年 42 巻 39-106
    発行日: 2021/10/30
    公開日: 2022/03/08
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー

    Both Higashi Honganji (Otani) sect and Nishi Honganji sect of Shin Buddhism in Japan started to send their preachers to the interior of south China in the late 1890s. By getting the announcement of permission by local authorities in Fujian province, both sects of preachers hired the local Chinese as directors (董事) to persuade Chinese inhabitants to participate in their sects. Accordingly they succeed in increasing the number of Chinese participants rapidly. However the main purpose of Chinese particpants who were living in unstable and disorder areas, was not faith in Japanese Buddhism, but the expectation of protection by Japanse preachers and Japanese government. They paid large sums of money to Japanese preachers and Chinese directors in order to become members.

    In the late year of 1904, Chinese central government started to suppress Japanese Budhhist preachers in the inner south China in the midist of burgeoning Chinese nationalism. Japanese preachers faced difficulties.

    Some of them, such as Takeda Ekyo of Otani sect in Amoy (Xiamen), Miyamoto Eiryu of Nishi Honganji sect in Swatow (Shantou) moved to Siam in 1907 in search of overseas Chinese who were immigrants from south China. Siamese Minister of Interior, Prince Damrong declined to write a letter of introduction to local authorities, but allowed Japanese Buddhist propagation by citing the freedom of religion in Siam. Japanese preachers used the same method employed in south China to propagate Japanese Buddhism. They hired the local Chinese dirctors and advertised Japanese protection as saling point to persuade overseas Chinese, who have no one to rely on in Siam. They succeeded to gain a large number of participants and to collect a good amount of cash.

    These Japanese activities were known to King Chulalongkorn (Rama Ⅴ) in February 1908. He ordered to extinguish Japanese Buddhist propagation as he was suspicious that the Japanese would gain the support of oversea Chinese contray to Siamese interest. Within one year and half Japanese Buddhist propagation in Siam was exterminated.
