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134件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
    Journal of Clinical Simulation Research
    2014年 4 巻 3-6
    発行日: 2014年
    公開日: 2023/01/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    On November 8-10, 2012, 2nd International Congress on Neurology and Epidemiology (ICNE 2012) was held in Acropolis, Nice, France. In this conference, we presented a paper about a concept of neuroresuscitation and a simulation-based hands-on training course, called Immediate Stroke Life Support (ISLS), for medical staff in the neurological emergency fields. This report demonstrates the out-line of ICNE 2012 and our presentation.
  • 土井 元章, 虎太 有里, 馬庭 弘和, 今西 英雄
    2001年 70 巻 6 号 740-746
    発行日: 2001/11/15
    公開日: 2008/01/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    フリージア木子の長期貯蔵法が開花時期と切り花品質に及ぼす影響について, 'コート・ダ・ジュール'を用いて検討した.低温貯蔵は, その時期に関わらず, 二階球形成を誘導し, 植え付け後の萌芽率を低下させ, 萌芽後のシュートの生育を抑制した.これに対して, 木子をネット袋に入れて30℃で高温貯蔵すると, 貯蔵期間が長くなるに伴って球の乾燥による枯死(硬化)球の割合が増加するものの, 大木子(平均球重2.6g)を用いれば2月上旬までの貯蔵ではほとんど枯死球は発生せず, 高い萌芽率と旺盛なシュート生育が得られる木子を供給することができた.これらの高温貯蔵球では, 低温貯蔵球に比べて開花が遅れ, かつより長く重い切り花が得られた.これは, 高温貯蔵した木子の植え付け時の茎頂部における分化葉数の増加と茎頂直径の減少による植え付け後の幼若期間の増加によるものと考えられた.中∿小木子の高温貯蔵には, 球の乾燥を防止する目的で有孔ポリエチレン袋包装が有効で, 2月上旬まで高い開花能力を有する木子を貯蔵することができた.2月1日に植え付けた木子からは6月上中旬までに十分に市場性のある切り花が生産された.
  • 野原 博淳
    2019年 36 巻 1-17
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2019/07/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper aims to describe the historical trajectory of a microelectronic district, focusing on the critical moment of emergence of the SCS cluster. In particular, we will observe the different strategies of competition and cooperation between various actors who intervene in the management of platforms and in the operation of collaborative projects. Through these case-studies, we will attempt to identify new hybrid actors emerging at the boundaries of Science and Industry and to question the nature of an “intermediate professional space” and its social meaning.
  • Carlo Fornaini, Elisabetta Merigo, Federica Poli, Jean-Paul Rocca, Stefano Selleri, Giuseppe Lagori, Annamaria Cucinotta
    2018年 27 巻 2 号 105-110
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2018/07/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    Background and Aim: An important surgical goal is to provide a first intention wound healing without trauma produced by sutures and for this aim in the past several methods have been tested. The aim of this ex vivo preliminary study was to demonstrate the capacity of a 1070 nm pulsed fiber laser to treat the dental fractures by enamel and dentine melting with the apposition of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles as filler.
    Methods: Out of thirty freshly-extracted human third molars, decay-free, twenty-four cylinders of 5 mm thickness were obtained to perform the test.
    The device used was a 1070 nm Yb-doped pulsed fiber laser: this source has a maximum average output power of 20 W and a fixed pulse duration of 100 ns, while the repetition rate ranges from 20 kHz to 100 kHz. The samples were divided in three groups (a, b, c) of eight teeth and each specimen, with the two portions strictly placed side by side, was put inside the box and irradiated three times, the first and the second at 30 kW and the last at 10 kW peak power (average powers of 60 and 20 W). The repetition rate was maintained at 20 kHz for all the tests as well as the speed of the beam at 10 mm/sec.
    The samples of the group a were irradiated without apposition, in the group b nanoparticles (< 200 nm) of hydroxyapatite were put in the gap between the two portions while in the group c, a powder of hydroxyapatite was employed.
    Results: Only the specimens of the group b showed a real process of welding of the two parts, while specimens of groups a and c did not reach a complete welding process.
    Conclusions: This ex vivo preliminary study, based on the enamel and dentine welding obtained by a 1070 nm pulsed fiber laser associated to the hydroxyapatite nanoparticles, may represent a new and original approach for the treatment of the fractured teeth, even if further studies will be necessary to confirm these results.
  • 虎太 有里, 土井 元章, 今西 英雄
    2000年 69 巻 1 号 115-117
    発行日: 2000/01/15
    公開日: 2008/01/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    30℃で10週間貯蔵して休眠打破した平均球重6.7gのフリージア'コート・ダ・ジュール'球茎を, ポットに植え付けて3&acd;21℃で6週間低温処理し, その後23℃に移して栽培した.低温処理終了時の花芽分化の状態を顕微鏡で観察したところ, 6&acd;18℃の処理区で花芽分化が認められ, なかでも12&acd;15℃区で花芽の分化段階が最も進んでいた.しかし, 12&acd;18℃で分化した花芽はその後23℃に移すと発達せず, 花茎の伸長も著しく抑制された.これに対し, 9℃で6週間処理した区では23℃下でも開花した.6℃区では, 苞葉が異常に伸長し, 花器を持たない花序を形成した.3℃区の茎頂では23℃下で葉分化を続けたが, 21℃区では苞葉状の器官の分化が認められた.一方, 新球形成は, 12℃区で最も進んでいた.これらの結果から, フリージア球茎に対して低温は, 1)花芽の分化適温として作用する直接的な効果, 2)花芽の発達, 花茎伸長を後作用として促進する効果, ならびに3)球茎形成を誘導する直接的あるいは後作用としての効果の3方向に作用していることが考察された.
  • 松本 剛, W. Pauls, J. Bec, U. Prisch
    2005年 60.2.2 巻 19pXJ-3
    発行日: 2005/08/19
    公開日: 2018/03/03
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 滝口 雅人, セルジャン シルヴァン, 納富 雅也, ベジアン ステファン, ダミラノ ベンジャミン
    2023年 92 巻 1 号 1
    発行日: 2023/01/01
    公開日: 2023/01/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Sho SASAKI, Shiho KANDA, Hiroshi KIKUCHI, Tatsuhiro MICHIKAMI, Tomokatsu MOROTA, Chikatoshi HONDA, Hideaki MIYAMOTO, Ryodo HEMMI, Seiji SUGITA, Eri TATSUMI, Masanori KANAMARU, Sei-ichiro WATANABE, Noriyuki NAMIKI, Patrick MICHEL, Masatoshi HIRABAYASHI, Naru HIRATA, Tomoki NAKAMURA, Takaaki NOGUCHI, Takahiro HIROI, Naoya SAKATANI, Koji MATSUMOTO, Hirotomo NODA, Shingo KAMEDA, Tohru KOUYAMA, Hidehiko SUZUKI, Manabu YAMADA, Rie HONDA, Yuichiro CHO, Kazuo YOSHIOKA, Masahiko HAYAKAWA, Moe MATSUOKA, Rina NOGUCHI, Hirotaka SAWADA, Yasuhiro YOKOTA, Makoto YOSHIKAWA
    Journal of Evolving Space Activities
    2023年 1 巻 論文ID: 89
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2024/03/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス

    Hayabusa 2 spacecraft revealed that a small carbonaceous asteroid 162173 Ryugu is a rubble pile and that its surface is covered with various sizes of boulders. A few percent of surface boulders have cracks. They are classified into straight cracks, sinuous cracks, arrested (incomplete) cracks, and complex (branched) cracks. We analyzed 538 boulders (777 cracks) and found 60% of their cracks have the meridional direction (±15deg from N-S) except complex cracks. Impacts or surface mass movement cannot have produced this preferred crack orientation. Thermal stress from solar heating would have grown cracks to meridional direction. Another feature of thermal stress – exfoliation – is also observed on the surface of small boulders of Ryugu as of Bennu.

  • Jean-Claude Bermond, Takako Kodate, Joseph Yu
    Journal of Information Processing
    2020年 28 巻 889-902
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/12/15
    ジャーナル フリー

    In this paper, we study the problem of gossiping with neighboring interference constraint in radio chain networks. Gossiping (also called total exchange information) is a protocol where each node in the network has a message and is expected to distribute its own message to every other node in the network. The gossiping problem consists in finding the minimum running time (makespan) of a gossiping protocol and efficient algorithms that attain this makespan. We focus on the case where the transmission network is a chain (directed path or line) network. We consider synchronous protocols where it takes one unit of time (step) to transmit a unit-length message. During one step, a node receives at most one message only through one of its two neighbors. We assume that during one step, a node cannot be both a sender and a receiver (half duplex model). Moreover we have neighboring interference constraints under which a node cannot receive a message if one of its neighbors is sending. A round consists of a set of non-interfering (or compatible) calls and uses one step. We completely solve the gossiping problem for Pn, the chain network on n nodes, and give an algorithm that completes the gossiping in 3n - 5 rounds (for n > 3), which is exactly the makespan.

  • PACA 国際学校を事例として
    江草 遼平, 神山 真一, 山本 智一, 大黒 仁裕, 鳩野 逸生, 楠 房子, 稲垣 成哲
    2014年 29 巻 3 号 83-86
    発行日: 2014年
    公開日: 2018/04/07
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
    本研究では,反転授業を導入した理科の授業改善について,アクション・リサーチを用いたPACA 国際学校の小学校日本語セクションへの介入的な参加観察を行っている.反転授業では,動画と説明文からなるデジタル教材を作成し,児童にそれを用いた基本的な学習を授業前に行わせる.これにより,児童は,事前に知識を得た状態で,対面授業での発展的課題や実験に取り組むことができる.授業者自身による自由記述評価では,国際学校での授業時数,複式学級といった制約条件下における反転授業の効果的な側面と,改善すべき点について明らかにする.
  • *生駒 大洋, ギオ トリスタン
    2005年 2005f 巻 2304
    発行日: 2005年
    公開日: 2006/07/24
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • Ahmed El Gamal, Etienne Medioni, Jean Paul Rocca, Carlo Fornaini, Nathalie Brulat-Bouchard
    2018年 27 巻 1 号 48-54
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2018/04/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    Background and aims: The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of CO2 laser irradiation in comparison with sandblasting (Sb), hydrofluoric acid (Hf) and silane coupling agent (Si) on shear bond strength (SBS) of resin cement to CAD/CAM ceramics bonded to dentin.
    Material and Methods: Forty-eight (CAD/CAM) ceramic discs were prepared and grouped by material, i.e. lithium disilicate (Emax CAD) and zirconia ceramic (Emax ZirCAD), distributed into four different groups: group A, lithium disilicate (Li) CO2/HF/Si; group B, Li: HF/Si; group C, zirconia (Zr) CO2/Sb/Si; group D, Zr: Sb/Si.
    Results: It was shown significant difference between irradiated and non-irradiated groups in terms of shear bond strength for zirconia ceramics (p value = 0.039).
    Conclusion: CO2 laser irradiation increases shear bond strength for both CAD/CAM ceramics bonded to dentin.
  • Carlo Fornaini, Elisabetta Merigo, Federica Poli, Chiara Cavatorta, Jean-Paul Rocca, Stefano Selleri, Annamaria Cucinotta
    2017年 26 巻 4 号 311-318
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2017/12/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Background and Aims: The aim of this ex vivo study was to demonstrate the performances of 1070 nm fiber lasers for the ablation of oral tissues through the evaluation of the histological modifications made by a blind pathologist and the measurement of the thermal elevation during laser irradiation by a sensor based on a fiber Bragg grating.
    Materials and Methods: The source used was a pulsed fiber laser emitting at 1070 nm, with 20 W maximum average output power and 100 ns fixed pulse duration. Different tests were performed by changing the laser parameters, particularly the peak power of the pulses and the repetition rate.
    Results: The tissue of the measurements demonstrated that the best properties in term of cutting capability and, at the same time, the lower thermal damages to the tissues can be obtained with a peak power of 3 kW, a repetition rate of 50 kHz and a speed of 5 mm/s.
    Conclusions: This ex vivo study showed that 1070 nm fiber lasers can be very useful in oral surgery, since they provide a reduced thermal elevation in the irradiated tissues, thus consequently respecting their biological structures. Moreover, this work demonstrates that FBG sensors, based on the optical fiber technology as the laser source considered for the tests, may be good instruments to record thermal elevation when applied to the ex vivo studies on animal models.
  • *瀬藤 真人, 平岡 賢介, 山下 靖幸, 中村 昭子, 長谷川 直, 小野瀬 直美, 奥平 恭子, パトリック ミッシェル
    2007年 2007f 巻 P22
    発行日: 2007年
    公開日: 2008/04/28
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    太陽系内の小天体には空隙率の高いものが多いとされており、それらの構造と熱・衝突進化の過程を研究することは非常に重要である。我々のこれまでの研究では、同じ圧縮強度を持つターゲットでも、高速衝突の方が低速衝突より、最大破片から求める衝突破壊強度が大きい値をとることが分かっている(瀬藤他 2006秋期講演会)。今回我々は、高空隙率体内部での応力波の減衰の違いについて調べるために衝突実験によって飛び出すターゲット粒子の速度を測定し、空隙を持つ模擬天体内での減衰率を求めた。
  • Koichi KANEKO, Yoshinao ITAGAKI, Yoshiki ITO
    KANSEI Engineering International
    2008年 7 巻 2 号 113-120
    発行日: 2008年
    公開日: 2010/06/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    The aim of this research is to determine a design methodology for operational improvement of a restaurant by identifying the specific factors of concern to consumers that influence customer satisfaction (“Kansei factors”), quantify the level of influence of these factors and use these to construct a suitable logical model using the “QSCmix”concept, and also to verify the effectiveness of this logical model. Specifically, the logical model is constructed from a multi-variable analysis model as used in psychology and other fields. The effectiveness of the model was verified by using secondary data to identify the three elements of QSC and verify their formulation as a quantitative model, and by verifying the operational effectiveness at an actual restaurant in Japan over a fourteen month period. The results of the analysis showed that, by identifying and categorizing the factors of concern to consumers that influence customer satisfaction (satisfaction influence factor group, referred to as “Bf factors”), the factors were able to be systematized and divided into five categories by characterizing the attractiveness factors that are also “QSCmix”factors. Also, the composite equation for establishing the groupings and level of influence for the combinations of “Bf factors”for each of these influential categories (referred to as “Bfp factors”) was calculated using a satisfaction evaluation formula based on the each of the grouping “Bfp factors”for each examinee, and this established three groups of identification categories together with their levels of influence. The order of new categories that influence satisfaction (desirable “Bf factor”combinations) was determined to be, 1 st: guest service, 2nd: portion volume, 3rd: cleanliness, 4th: price affordability, 5th: taste, 6th: food presentation, 7th: ambience, 8th: membership privileges, and 9th: menu variety. A successful result in the form of an improving trend for patrons to make repeat visits and increasing monthly turnover was achieved in the restaurant for verification used to trial the “QSCmix”concept design process based on the satisfaction structure obtained from the “QSCmix”concept design identified by this research. These results demonstrate that the proposed logical model is effective as a quantitative model for the analysis of satisfaction factors and that it can be applied to “QSCmix”concept design.
  • *瀬藤 真人, 中村 昭子, 平岡 賢介, 小野瀬 直美, 長谷川 直, パトリック ミッシェル
    2006年 2006f 巻 P29
    発行日: 2006年
    公開日: 2007/06/01
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 鎌田 俊一, 巽 瑛理, 平田 直之, 吉田 辰哉, 小玉 貴則
    2016年 25 巻 4 号 163-165
    発行日: 2016/12/25
    公開日: 2017/02/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • Faten Essid, Samira Sifi, Gabriel Beltrán, Sebastián Sánchez, Aly Raïes
    Journal of Oleo Science
    2016年 65 巻 7 号 533-542
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2016/07/01
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2016/06/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    The quality of olive oil is defined as a combination of characteristics that significantly determine its acceptance by consumers. This study was carried out to compare sensorial and chemical characteristics of sixty ‘Chétoui’ extra virgin olive oils (EVOOc) samples from six northern areas in Tunisia (Tebourba (EVOOT); Other regions (EVOON): Mornag, Sidi Amor, El Kef, Béjà and Jendouba). Trained panel taste detected ten sensory attributes. EVOOT and EVOON were defined by ‘tomato’ and ‘grass/ leave notes, respectively. Twenty one volatile compounds from EVOOc were extracted and identified by Headspace Solid-Phase Microextraction followed by Gas Chromatography- Flame Ionization Detector. Principal component and cluster analysis of all studied parameters showed that EVOOT differed from EVOON. Sensory and volatile profiles of EVOOc revealed that the perception of different aromas, in monovarietal olive oil, was the result of synergic effect of oils’ various components, whose composition was influenced by the geographical growing area.
  • スーサンティ ルーシー, 本間 宏, 松本 博, 鈴木 康政, 清水 雅之
    空気調和・衛生工学会 論文集
    2008年 33 巻 135 号 27-35
    発行日: 2008/06/05
    公開日: 2017/09/05
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Junxiong Ni, Kun Zhao, Tohru Nakanishi, Koji Koyamada
    2018年 4 巻 1 号 14-30
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2018/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー

    Currently, light emitting diodes (LED) have replaced cold cathode fluorescent lamps (CCFL) as backlighting systems in liquid crystal displays (LCD). However, the original single layer alone can only satisfy the needs of the panel display and cannot satisfy the requirements for a 3D display system or outdoor displays. In this paper, a new method is proposed to demonstrate that a high output can be achieved using spatial stacking of integrated LED light sources. Moreover, we also simulate the system and measure the light output and the distribution of the light. The system is efficient to provide high luminance while keeping a balanced light distribution. With this proposed high luminance spatial multiple-layer LED back-lighting system, many requirements, especially for the high light source, are supposed to be satisfied.
