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クエリ検索: "FUJIWARA"
59,874件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 大河内 信夫, 板倉 嘉哉, 堤 一郎, 白井 靖幸
    2007年 2007.13 巻 20616
    発行日: 2007/03/15
    公開日: 2017/06/19
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    The authors studied
    water-wheels for irrigation which were built at Kazusa region in Chiba prefecture. They surveyed literature on bucket chain conveyor system for water in the Edo period. There were 3 materials concerned with
    water-wheel. The authors restored
    water-wheel bucket which was drawn on the Report of Archaeological Investigation carried out the
    -Type scoop wheel, No. 1 and 2 in Yoro, Ichihara city, Chiba prefecture. They compared data of
    water-wheel bucket restored with data of literature for
    water-wheel power was calculated from data of the bucket restored.
  • 第III編 四塩化エチレン投与家兎の尿中藤原氏反応陽性物質に関する実験的研究
    桑田 昭
    1959年 71 巻 10-2 号 6907-6916
    発行日: 1959/09/30
    公開日: 2009/08/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    After the subcutaneous administration of tetrachloroethylene to rabbits by means of
    's reaction the author studied
    -reaction positive substance, the in vivo metabolite excreted in the urine of these animals; and obtained the following resultt.
    -reaction positive substance in the urine is soluble in water, and in the presence of acid it is soluble in ethylether. The color tones and colorimetric findings of this substance are exactly identical with those of trichloro-aceticacid and likewise Rf in the paper chromatography rather coincides with the latter.
    2. A considerable amount of the
    -reaction positive substance is excreted in the urine on the first day of tetrachloroethylene administration, and reaching its maximum on the second day but decreasing thereafter, the excretion lasts for 7-14 days.
    3. In calculating this
    -reaction positive substance in term of the quantity equivalent to trichloro-acetic acid, its excretion percentage is 1.43-3.08 per cent, showing a parallel relationship between the total
    -reaction positive substance excreted in the urine and quatity of tetrachloroethylene administered.
  • 大森 薫
    1960年 2 巻 6 号 477-480
    発行日: 1960年
    公開日: 2008/04/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    It is thought that trichloroethylene metabolites are divided into three kinds, that is, so-called
    -reaction-positive metabolites, alcohol-type metabolites and those glucuronides. According to the findings about trichloroethylene workers and narcotized women with this, in whom the quantitative relation between
    -reaction-positive metabolites and alcohol-type-metabolites in urine was different individually, the effects of glucuronic acid to that relation involving glucuronides of those metabolites were studied on rabbits exposed to trichloroethylene experimentally. It was noted that, when capacity of detoxication was thought to be improved by the administrations of glucuronic acid, the amount of
    -reaction-positive metabolites decreased while that of alcohol-type-metabolites increased.
  • 藤原 俊六郎
    2021年 32 巻 6 号 419-426
    発行日: 2021/11/30
    公開日: 2022/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    農業においては 1 年間に,家畜排せつ物 525 万 ton,農作物非食用部 498 万 ton の有機性廃棄物が発生する。農業系廃棄物を農業利用する方法には,①直接すき込み,②堆肥化,③炭化,④メタン発酵後の消化液利用等がある。家畜ふん尿やわら類では堆肥化,野菜くずでは畑に直接すき込みが多い。堆肥化技術は広く普及しているが,原料や製造法により成分が大きく異なる欠点がある。肥料化の方法は乾燥が主体であり,鶏ふん等原料が限られる。炭化は原料が限定されるとともに,用途も限定される。メタン発酵は,高水分の資材が利用でき,エネルギー回収と液肥の生産が可能というメリットはあるが,大規模施設が必要となる。これからの農業系廃棄物の肥料化のためには,堆肥と化学肥料を混合して肥料とするなど新しい事業やバイオガス化の普及等の他に,水熱分解による液肥化等の新しい手法の導入も必要である。
  • 飯淵 康一, 永井 康雄
    2005年 70 巻 587 号 175-182
    発行日: 2005/01/30
    公開日: 2017/02/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    On the transition process of the ceremonial places for the
    family in Heian period, the following points were clarified: 1.
    -no-Tadazane(忠実) lived in much residences. 2. Higashisanjo-den(東三條殿) was used as a ceremonial place. Then, the character strengthened than the age of
    -no-Morozane(師実). 3. The move to Higashisanjouden(東三條殿) by Tadazane(忠実) was carried out in order to show the existence of the
    families formal residences.
  • 阪本 憲久
    1976年 18 巻 1 号 11-16
    発行日: 1976年
    公開日: 2011/03/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    Tetrachloroethylene oxide was chemically prepared from tetrachloroethylene, and the metabolites of the oxide in guinea pigs were analyzed by gaschromatography and
    reaction. The results obtained are as follows :
    1) Trichloroacetic acid appeared in gaschromatogram after injection of tetrachloroethylene oxide, but trichloroethanol did not.
    2) The metabolites analyzed by
    reaction after injection of tetrachloroethylene oxide were composed of large proportion of trichloroacetic acid and small proportion of trichloroethanol. 3) The ratio of trichloroacetic acid to trichloroethanol in the urine in case of tetrachloroethylene oxide was relatively similar to that of tetrachloroethylene.
    4) The effects of pH (2.0 and 10.0) and temperature (4°C and 37°C) on the urinary metabolites suggest that the substance equivalent to trichloroethanol by
    reaction in metabolites may not be a real one.
    5) Toxicity of tetrachloroethylene oxide seems to be much higher as compared with that of tetrachloroethylene in consideration of the maximum allowable dose in guinea pigs.
    6) It is supposed from our experiments that tetrachloroethylene oxide is an intermediary metabolite of tetrachloroethylene.
  • 山本 毅雄
    2019年 28 巻 5 号 352-355
    発行日: 2019/03/31
    公開日: 2019/04/12
    ジャーナル フリー


  • 飯淵 康一, 永井 康雄
    2004年 69 巻 577 号 165-172
    発行日: 2004/03/30
    公開日: 2017/02/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    On the transition process of the ceremonial places for the
    family in Heian period, the following points were clarified: 1.
    -no-Morozane lived in much residences, these were also respectively used as a ceremonial place. 2. Higashisanjo-den(東三條殿) was also used as a ceremonial place. However, that was not ceremonial exclusive use residence for the
    family. 3. Higashisanjo-den was not used only for the grand ceremony, but also used for the another ceremony.
  • 水戸部 正男
    1954年 1954 巻 4 号 238-247,6
    発行日: 1954/07/31
    公開日: 2009/11/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. The Watariryo belonged to the patriarch of the
    Family and was not allowed to transfer to any other person.
    2. The name of Watariryo occurred as it was handed over from generation to generation by writing down on the record.
    3. The system of the Watariryo continued from the 11 th cetury to the 13 th century at least.
    4. The origin and permanency of the Watariryo had a close connection with the spirit of the ancester worship and the prosperity of the
  • 太田 静六
    1982年 321 巻 146-154
    発行日: 1982/11/30
    公開日: 2017/08/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    This is a study on the Jyotomon-tei palace of "Michinaga
    ", the first man of Power in
    The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
    1981年 133 巻 1 号 67-80
    発行日: 1981年
    公開日: 2006/08/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    OH-ISHI, S., UENO, A., UCHIDA, Y., KATORI, M., HAYASHI, H., KOYA, H., KITAJIMA, K, and KIMURA, I. Abnormalities in the Contact Activation through Factor XII in
    Trait: A Deficiency in Both High and Low Molecular
    Weight Kininogens with Low Level of Prekallikrein. Tohoku J. exp. Med., 1981, 133 (1), 67-80
    trait, the first case of kininogen deficiency in Japan previously reported which did not show any clinical symptom except the prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time was further examined. The activated partial thromboplastin time of the patient was corrected by addition of normal, Factor XII deficient or Fletcher plasma, but not corrected by Fitzgerald or Williams plasma. It was also corrected by addition of highly purified bovine or human high molecular weight (HMW) kininogen, but not by low molecular weight (LMW) kininogen. When total kininogen was measured as the amount of bradykinin released by trypsin, only a trace amount was detected in
    as well as Williams plasma. No immunoreactive protein against anti-human-HMW-kininogen nor anti-human-LMW-kininogen was found in
    plasma. Acetone-kaolin-activated plasma kallikrein was not generated by
    plasma. Substitution with normal plasma in various ratios showed the generation of various plasma kallikrein activities. Calculations with these activities of mixed plasma gave the prekallikrein content of
    trait plasma about 30% of the normal level. These results suggest that
    trait is very similar to Williams trait in that both plasmas were deficient in HMW and LMW kininogens with reduced content of prekallikrein.
  • 太田 静六
    1983年 327 巻 127-134
    発行日: 1983/05/30
    公開日: 2017/08/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    This is a study on the Jyotomon-tei and Bywadono, Palaces of "Michinaga
    ", the first man of Power in
  • -その違いの要因-
    飯淵 康一
    2009年 74 巻 635 号 233-240
    発行日: 2009/01/30
    公開日: 2009/11/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    On the Jotomon-dai(上東門第) and Ononomiya-dai(小野宮第), the following points were clarified:
    1. The whereabouts for Empress of the Emperor in Jotomondai(上東門第) was Shinden(寝殿).
    2. The whereabouts for
    -no-sanesuke(藤原実資) in Ononomiya-dai(小野宮第) was Shinden(寝殿), and whereabouts for
    -no-Michinaga(藤原道長) in Jotomon-dai(上東門第) was Tai(対).
    3. The difference of the whereabouts of the master in Jotomon-dai(上東門第) and Ononomiya-dai(小野宮第) is caused by a regent and the chief adviser to the Emperor system.
  • Maheswor SHRESTHA, Patricia Ann ARANILLA-SANCHEZ, Lei WANG, Toshio KOIKE
    2015年 71 巻 4 号 I_103-I_108
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2016/01/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    A distributed biosphere hydrological model with energy balance based multilayer snow physics (WEB-DHM-S) was implemented to investigate the hydrologic response of the current dam operation system to future climate in a snowy river basin (Yattajima basin) of Japan considering the impacts on flood, drought and dam behavior. Dynamic downscaled data (6 km and hourly) for past and future climate were archived from Data Integration and Analysis System (DIAS). Dam operation modules for 6 dams were formulated based on observed patterns of dam inflow/outflow and were validated in 2001-2005. The climatological average analysis of past (1981-2010) vs future (2081-2110) simulation results indicate that a remarkable decrease in runoff in May at Yagisawa, Naramata,
    and Aimata dam is observed due to shift of snowmelt towards April. Top 20 flood analysis reveals that future peak flow will increase in all gauges and dams except
    dam. Flood risk is reduced by
    dam due to the projected changes in snow seasonality. Future low flow will increase reducing the likeliness of the drought; however the number of days with low water level in Yagisawa dam will certainly increase in future.
    1988年 5 巻 245-248
    発行日: 1988年
    公開日: 2009/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
  • -対の南面が用いられる要因-
    飯淵 康一
    2009年 74 巻 642 号 1839-1846
    発行日: 2009/08/30
    公開日: 2010/01/18
    ジャーナル フリー
    On the ceremony space about Rinzikyaku(臨時客) held in Tai(対) of the aristocratic residences in the Heian period, the following points were clarified.
    1. The ceremony space of Rinzikyaku(臨時客) held in Tai(対) in
    -no-Yoritada(藤原頼忠)'s residence is affected by Yoritada(頼忠) having lived in Sinden(寝殿).
    2. The ceremony space of Rinzikyaku(臨時客) held in Tai(対) in
    -no-Kaneie(藤原兼家)'s residence is affected by Kaneie(兼家) having lived in Tai(対).
    3. The difference of the ceremony space of both residences depend on the difference of the influence of how to use residences when their daughter who become Empress of the Emperor went home.
  • 虎尾 達哉
    2014年 123 巻 7 号 1332-1354
    発行日: 2014/07/20
    公開日: 2017/07/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    In 724 the Emperor Shomu 聖武 (r.724-749) invested his natural mother
    no Miyako 藤原宮子 with a title "Daibunin" 大夫人 by Imperial command, against the objections raised by Prince Nagaya 長屋 and the other councilors of the Daijokan 太政官 that the title should be "Kotaibunin" 皇太夫人 according to the Ritsuryo codes. Emperor Shomu finally acquiesced to the objection and rescinded his command. This article reexamines this well-known event in the political history of ancient Japan and comes to the following conclusions. 1) "Daibunin" was intended to be a personal honorific title devised by the
    藤原 clan, with which the Imperial Household would sympathize. 2) The intention to use this title was to heighten Miyako's nobility to a level at which she would be treated like an empress dowager of royal blood (kotaigo 皇太后), similar to the title of "Daibunin" bestowed upon Taima no Yamashiro 当麻山背, the natural mother of Emperor Junnin 淳仁 (r.758-764). 3) Among the
    clan and the Imperial Household this title was also bestowed upon Agatainukai no Tachibana no Michiyo 県犬養橘三千代, the natural mother of the Empress Komyo 光明, for the purpose of heightening her daughter's nobility. 4) This kind of honorific title is mainly found being bestowed upon women related to the
    clan during the thirty or so years during the mid-eighth century when the Imperial Household and the
    clan confronted various kinds of difficulty with respect to succession. 5) The essence of the event in question lies in the conflict that existed between Emperor Shomu, who was supported by the
    clan, and Prince Nagaya, who was apprehensive that the Fujiwaras would soon appropriate the Imperial House as its personal possession.
  • 川本 重雄
    1979年 286 巻 147-154
    発行日: 1979/12/30
    公開日: 2017/08/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    Contents : 1. Tosanjoden in the early and middle Heian period. 2.
    Morozane and Tosanjoden. 3.
    Tadazane and Tosanjoden. 4. The Hogen Insurrection and Tosanjoden. 5. The fire of Tosanjoden and the construction of Kan' in. 6. Summary.
  • 宮上 茂隆
    1977年 251 巻 109-118
    発行日: 1977/01/30
    公開日: 2017/08/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this paper will be added other proofs to support the former conclusion that the lean-to-roofs of the extant east pagoda at Yabushiji are made from the old materials of the original pagoda in the
    capital. The main proofs are as follows : 1. The carpenter's rule as calculated from the bays of the first story lean-to-roof of the extant east pagoda, is different from that obtained from the inner core of the building, but is the same as that discovered from the foundation stones at the site of the original east pagoda in the old
    capital. 2. It should be considered that it was when the pagoda was built that the outer pillars of the core building of the extant east pagoda were placed 1 SUN (about 1/10 foot) beyond the first planned position. We can conclude it was necessary to adjust the new core building to the old lean-to-roofs moved from the original Yakushiji. First, the outer pillars of the core building at the original Yakushiji leaned inward at the top, but it becomes obvious that the outer pillars at the Heijo Yakushiji had no inward slope from its first planning. Secondly, the carpenter's rule of the original pagoda was a little longer than that of the core building of the extant east pagoda at the Heijo Yakushiji. 3. The rafters of the first story lean-to-roof bear marks which are considered to suggest they had been used in the original pagoda in the
    capital. In reference to 1, that is, that the carpenter's rule of the core building of the extant east pagoda is different from that obtained from the foundation stones at the east pagoda site in the old
    capital, is at the same time another proof for the former conclusion that the inner core of the extant east pagoda was constructed newly in the Heijo capital. Those old materials probably came from the original east pagoda at
    , which had been dismantled and its core building was set up as the west pagoda at the new site in the Heijo capital. Consequently, it can be presumed that in this west pagoda the core building was formed of the old materials but attached to it was lean-to-roofs made of new materials. This paper also clarifies much regarding the technique of the leaning-inward of walls and pillars.
  • 坂上 康俊
    1982年 91 巻 9 号 1375-1412,1512
    発行日: 1982/09/20
    公開日: 2017/11/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Chokozassho of Aki (『徴古雑抄・安芸』) edited by Kosugi Onson (小杉榲邨) contains a large number of deeds of sale related to Mita-go (三田郷) and Kazahaya-go (風早郷) of Takada-gun (高田郡) in the Province of Aki (安芸) in the late Heian period. In this essay, the author first studies how these deeds of sale passed into the hands of the Itsukushima Shrine. As a result of this study, it became apparent that all these deeds of sale were originally held by the
    Family magistrates of Takada-gun ; later, all deeds of sale passed into the hands of Saeki Kagehiro, a shinto priest of Itsukushima Shrine. However, originals were transmitted to the shrine by the Nakahara Family, while the copies, which had been handed down within the
    Family magistrates, were trapsferred to the shrine by them. Study of these documents revealed, however, that the
    magistrates commended, or otherwise transferred the proprietorship of these lands, even though the
    Family was not the final purchaser entered on the deeds of sale themselves. Next, the author further looked at the process by which deeds of sale came into the possession of the
    magistrates. He found that the proprietorships appearing in these deeds of sale were those which the provincial officials (在庁官人) and local officials (郡司・郷司) responsible for taxation had confiscated from the local residents for taxation reasons. A survey by the author of taxation units (名) which are recorded in land registers (大田文) as betsumyo (別名) and beppu (別符) belonging to provincial offices also leads him to infer that such lands had come into the hands of provincial officials in much the same way as the lands in Takada-gun.