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24件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • Daisuke Kawahara, Sadao Kurohashi
    2014年 21 巻 4 号 679-706
    発行日: 2014/09/01
    公開日: 2014/12/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    This article proposes an automatic method of gradually constructing case frames. First, a large raw corpus is parsed, and base case frames are constructed from reliable predicate-argument examples in the parsing results. Second, case analysis based on the base case frames is applied to the large corpus, and the case frames are upgraded by incorporating newly acquired information. Case frames are gradually fertilized in this way. We constructed case frames from 26 years of newspaper articles consisting of approximately 26 million sentences. The case frames are evaluated manually as well as through syntactic and case analyses. These results presented the effectiveness of the constructed case frames.
  • 稲田 篤信
    1981年 30 巻 4 号 90-94
    発行日: 1981/04/10
    公開日: 2017/08/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • [記載なし]
    2010年 119 巻 3 号 444-442
    発行日: 2010/03/20
    公開日: 2017/12/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 田川基二
    1951年 26 巻 1 号 19-22
    発行日: 1951/01/20
    公開日: 2023/04/03
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 磯野 睦子
    2012年 16 巻 3 号 100-
    発行日: 2012/12/30
    公開日: 2018/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 高山 林太郎, 中澤 光平, 大槻 知世
    2012年 16 巻 3 号 100-
    発行日: 2012/12/30
    公開日: 2018/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 田川基二
    1957年 32 巻 12 号 353-357
    発行日: 1957/12/20
    公開日: 2023/04/03
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 儀利古 幹雄
    2012年 16 巻 3 号 99-100
    発行日: 2012/12/30
    公開日: 2018/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Kenji Sumiyama, Atsushi Monden, Ryoji Katoh, Naokage Tanaka, Dong-Liang Peng, Takehiko Hihara
    2009年 50 巻 3 号 516-522
    発行日: 2009/03/01
    公開日: 2009/02/25
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2009/02/18
    ジャーナル フリー
    Fe and Ni clusters have been simultaneously deposited on substrates using an improved plasma-gas-condensation cluster deposition apparatus, and investigated by transmission electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and magnetometry. In these Fe/Ni cluster hybrids Fe and Ni clusters are randomly mixed, where bcc Fe and fcc Ni diffraction rings are detected, and their lattice constants are almost same as those of pure Fe and Ni metals. The peak positions of core-levels, Fe-2p3⁄2 and Ni-2p3⁄2 lines, of Fe/Ni cluster hybrids are similar to those of pure Fe and Ni clusters. Since Fe and Ni are miscible with each other in bulk, equilibrium and film specimens, no nano-scale heterogeneity can be attained by other methods. Therefore, present results demonstrate formation of novel Fe/Ni nano-hybrid materials.
  • 佐藤 三武朗
    1989年 31 巻 55-69
    発行日: 1989/03/31
    公開日: 2017/06/17
    ジャーナル フリー

     In 1982, Shimazaki Tōson translated Shakespeare’s Venus and Adonis, and published it in the Jogaku Zasshi as “Natsukusa”. When the Bungakukai School of writers made its first appearance in 1893, Tōson published three dramas, Hikyoku biwa hoshi, Hikyoku cha no

    , and Shumon no urei in succession. We can see how Tōson was greatly influenced by Hamlet. Many striking parallels can be found in these works in terms of plot development, characterization, theme, and solution. Tōson was strongly influenced by Shakespeare in two areas at this time.

     Tōson’s first introduction to Shakespeare was Venus and Adonis, from which he learned “passion” as a literary motif. He called it shin’en (which means wild horses and passions and flighty monkeys of desires), and used it in his poems over and over again. This motif can be found in his poems such as Yosaku no uma, Natsukusa, Tenma, Genkyo, and his short story Wara zori as well. Hamlet was Tōson’s second exposure to Shakespeare. He pursued the contradictions existing in himself and society by regarding his consciousness of suffering as Hamlet’s. The hero’s look of melancholy, ennui, and sorrow which Tōson depicted in Hakai, Haru,and Sakura no mi no jukusuru toki reflects Hamlet’s internal world.

     Further, when Tōson began to write novels, he dealt with Shakespeare again. There are striking differences in Tōson’s influence from Shakespeare in his earlier period as a poet and in his later period as a novelist. Tōson was faced with a great turning point in his literary life with the disclosure of his wife’s love affair and the moral decadence of his lineage. Therefore, Tōson’s dealing with Shakespeare in his novels again shows how great an impact Shakespeare had on his development and the motifs of his literature.

     Therefore, the primary purpose of this thesis is to examine what Tōson learned from Shakespeare and how it is related to Tōson’s imagination and literature. This paper also will establish the hypothesis that Tōson pursued the meaning of “the modern self” through the influence of Shakespeare.

    2014年 28 巻 55-68
    発行日: 2014年
    公開日: 2017/07/20
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    This study aims to examine the effect of contextual constraint on the processing of polysemous words in Japanese EFL reading. A total of 44 Japanese university students read both strongly and weakly constraining sentences, that is, sentences that contained target polysemous words constrained to subordinate meanings unfamiliar to the participants. After reading each sentence, the students completed a lexical decision task, in which they classified two types of probe words (representing the dominant and subordinate meanings of the target words) as words or nonwords, as quickly as possible. The results showed that degree of contextual constraint influenced lexical decision latency. Specifically, in the weakly constraining sentences, the participants responded to the subordinate meanings of the target words more quickly than to their dominant meanings. In contrast, there were no significant differences in lexical decision latency between the two probe types in the strongly constraining sentences. Taken together, these findings suggest that the role of dominant meanings in the processing of unfamiliar subordinate meanings of polysemous words differs according to the strength of the contextual constraint.
  • 前川 祐一郎
    2010年 119 巻 3 号 328-351
    発行日: 2010/03/20
    公開日: 2017/12/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this paper, the author aims to clarify the criminal conflict resolution zaika no seibai (punishment of crimes) during Japan's late medieval period through accommodation, adjustment, and regional arbitration of inter-group conflicts. Specifically, after identifying the different types of conflict resolution, this paper focuses on the seibai form, which involved the demolition or burning down of the injuring party's dwelling. In addition to analyzing the manner in which crimes were handled, the relationship between these practices and criminal conflict resolution by public authorities during the late medieval period is explored. The results are as follows. 1. In conflicts during this period, accommodation sometimes took on the character of a criminal proceeding: an accommodation was reached between the injured party's group and the injuring party's group, in which the injuring party's group inflicted a punishment (seibai) on the injuring party for the crime. According to the countervailing logic of this form of accommodation, punishment of the injuring party by the injuring party's group was seen as equivalent to revenge for the crime by the injured party. 2. The accommodation ritual of geshinin to
    , which entails the burning down of a dwelling, is different from the form of accommodation and conflict handling described in (1). In this form of accommodation, the injuring party was not excluded from the group to which he belonged. Also, in this form of accommodation, the countervailing logic behind the injured party's revenge was considered fundamental-an attempt was made to establish accommodation by diminishing as much as possible the legitimacy of exacting revenge, and compelling the injured party to accept the injuring party's apology. Accordingly, this form of accommodation sought to abjure any examination of the injuring party's offense. 3. These two forms of accommodation both tended to handle offenses in the context of conflicts between small groups or interested parties; that is, these crimes were not perceived as crimes against the social order as a whole. However, amid this prevailing tendency in the latter half of the 16th century, the ikki (league) of the local lords of Omi Province, presumably on the grounds of a violation of the social order of the region as a whole, punished an entire self-governing village (soson) that had resorted to military force. As the representative of these local lords, the vassal corps of the sengoku daimyo Rokkaku family, entered into the Rokkakushi-shikimoku, the legal code of the daimyo, which punished self-governing villages that resorted to military force in conflicts. This suggests that the drive toward criminal conflict resolution by public authorities in the late medieval period was at least partially a response to demand from local venues of conflict resolution.
  • 比較文学
    1989年 31 巻 270-257
    発行日: 1989/03/31
    公開日: 2017/07/31
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 那田 尚史
    1994年 3 巻 39-68
    発行日: 1994/05/31
    公開日: 2019/06/11
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Tetsuo Nitta
    2016年 20 巻 1 号 36-46
    発行日: 2016/04/30
    公開日: 2017/05/31
    ジャーナル フリー

    A special geminate like ff in maffa ‘pillow’, which does not exist in Standard Japanese (SJ) is found in the Antoh dialect in Fukui Prefecture. This paper deals with the synchronic and diachronic phenomena concerning the ff geminate in addition to bb and ss. This paper has the following purposes:

    (1) to illustrate the correspondence of geminates between the Antoh dialect and SJ,

    (2) to investigate the historical development of the geminates in the Antoh dialect,

    (3) to point out that the manifestation of the geminates in the Antoh dialect is similar to that of the Miyako-jima dialect in the Ryukyuan language, and

    (4) to propose that the explanation for the processes of the geminate in this dialect gives a suggestive source to the discussion on the processes of sound changes in the Ryukyuan language.

  • 長谷川 典夫
    1958年 10 巻 4 号 39-53,74
    発行日: 1958年
    公開日: 2010/10/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    此の報告は岩手県のりんご生産諸地域の性格を概述したものである。生産量は日本の5.0%を占めるに過ぎないが1949年の1818町から1955年には3590町と2倍の面積増加を示す程岩手県における戦後のりんご生産の発展は著しい。然らば岩手県のりんご栽培は, 複雑な自然環境と個性の強い特有な土地利用や農業組織の中で, どの様にして導入され発展して来たか? そしてどの様な多様なりんご栽培諸地域が現出され来たか? 此の様な実態の把握によつて, 新たに農業地域が形成される場合の2, 3の問題点考察の資料を準備し, 足がかりを見出すことが出来よう。
    I. 岩手県は東西を夫々北上山地及び奥羽山脈によつて占められ, 中央部では北部は馬淵川流域, 中南都は北上川の貫流する北上河谷盆地となつている。盆地西側には扇状地群が発達し, 北上山地の中南部では侵蝕小盆地や丘陵性地形が展開する。太平洋岸は複雑な所謂リアス式海岸である。
    りんご樹の生育期間の気候は青森地方と類似するが, 内陸部は気温較差が大きく, 果実の着色を容易ならしめ, 海岸部ではガスや潮風の為薬害を起す事もある。
    花崗岩安山岩石灰岩の崩解土が多く, 排水良くりんご栽培に適する。
    りんご園は北上盆地中部, 馬淵川上流域, 遠野盆地に主に分布し, 丘陵地の緩傾面や自然堤防, 扇状地などが利用される。
    II. 岩手県のりんご栽培の起源は青森県と同じく1875年に政府より苗木配布を受けた事に始まる。その後諸条件の整備によつて発展を見たが, 病虫害発生の為1905年以降衰微し1920年代には50,000本にまで樹数の減少を見る。此の際青森県と異り岩手県では適切な技術的対策が施されなかつた為, 復興はおくれた。1922年以降栽培者有志が毎年青森県の栽培地を視察して技術の導入普及を計つたので再び隆盛に向つた。彼等のりんご栽培に果した役割が非常に大きかつたので, 現在でもりんご栽培地域は彼等の住む地域を中心に展開されている。農業地域の砲立過程に於ける栽培技術の果す役割は大きい。1925年以降は不況や凶作を契機にりんご導入は更に促進され, 栽培地域も北上盆地の中南部や遠野盆地に拡大されて行つた。
    III. 郡別の量的消長とりんご園分布, りんご栽培農家数の割合, 1戸当りの栽培面積を参考にし, 具体的調査によつて性格を別けて, 次の如くりんご栽培地域を設定する。
    IV. 1. 青森県に隣接し, その影響を強く受けた馬淵川上流地域
    2. 北上河谷盆地内の栽培地域
    A. 滝沢峡谷以北のりんご栽培地域
    B. 盛岡周辺の集中的りんご栽培地域
    C. 盆地西側扇状地群の栽培地域
    D. 南東部丘陵村の栽培地域
    E. 盆地中南部沖積地の栽培地域
    3. 北上山地内のりんご栽培地域
    A. 北上山地中部北部の栽培地域
    B. 遠野盆地のりんご生産地域
    C. 北上山地南部の地域
    4. 海岸地帯のりんご栽培地域
    A. 米崎のりんご栽培地域
    B. 大部分の沿岸栽培地域
    5. 奥羽山脈の地域
    V. 之等の区分は, 特定な或は一律な指標を用いてなされたものではない。地域の産業特に農業の組織の中にりんご栽培が如何に組合わされているか, 如何なる段階で如何なる実体を示しているかの考慮に差いた区分である。
    かくして岩手県のりんご栽培地域は多様な性格を示す。地形や気候の複難さ, 交通条件の便否, 冷害水害の影響の程度の相異と共に, 従来おかれて来た地域の産業の性格や農業の発展の過程にも夫々特色がある。従つてりんご栽培が導入されそれが発展して形成した栽培地域も多様な性格, 多様な発展段階を示す。
    此の研究から演 され得る問題が2つある。1つは新しい農業地域が形成された場合のその発展段階についてである。夫々の性格を持つた地域で, 新しい農業を導入する仕方, 導入する農家の性格, 及び経営方式が具つているのを見る事によつて, 時間的流れの中でのその発展段階を知り, 次の段階を推察して行く事が可能である。之は新しい農業地域の形成及びその発展を考察する場合の不可欠な側面である。
    他の1つは, より有利且先進的なかゝる農業地域が形成され発展するに際しての, 栽培技術の重要性についてである。日本農業で一般的に見られる労働集約的な手労働を必要とする段階では, 新しい栽培技術の収得及びその伝播は新しい農業地域形成に於ける必須の要件である様に思われる。此の事は岩手県のりんご栽培の発展及び現在の分布地域を調べる事によつて知り得た一つの事実である。之に関しては他の実例と併せて理論的吟味を別途に意図している北上市の商店街
  • Tetsuya Kunihiro
    2022年 Supplement.2 巻 99-114
    発行日: 2022年
    公開日: 2022/06/20
    ジャーナル フリー

    This paper examines the cognitive basis of linguistic expressions. It is shown that our ability to construe the same situation in different ways (cognitive aspect) is reflected in language use. Particular focus is given to the tendency of Japanese to focus on the point at which an event occurred (point-like cognition) compared to the tendency of English to focus on the continuing resultant state of an event (line-like cognition). Our cognitive abilities of extrapolation and complementation, perceiving something as a remnant of the results of a previous event (e.g., perceiving a shape as a square with a missing corner), are shown to be reflected in a diverse range of linguistic expressions including motion verbs used in the sense of ‘extent’. Finally, it is shown that metaphorical cognition is at work behind our linguistic expression of abstract objects. Metaphorical expres- sions related to the mind and emotions are shown to differ between Japanese and English.

  • 三次喫煙という新たな課題
    戸次 加奈江, 稲葉 洋平, 牛山 明
    2020年 69 巻 2 号 138-143
    発行日: 2020/05/29
    公開日: 2020/06/27
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス

    喫煙による健康被害は,有害成分を含む喫煙者本人の主流煙による一次喫煙をはじめ,喫煙時に発生する副流煙や喫煙者が吐き出す呼気中のたばこ煙(呼出煙)による受動喫煙(second-hand smoke),そして洋服や部屋に吸着したたばこ煙(残留たばこ煙)による三次喫煙(third-hand smoke)が知られている.特に三次喫煙については,受動喫煙と比べると一般的な認知度は低く,その有害性についても現時点で人への有害性は立証されていないものの,室内に吸着する残留たばこ煙には,揮発性が高く悪臭を伴うピリジン類をはじめ,揮発性の低いニコチンやたばこ特異的ニトロソアミン類(TSNAs)等多岐に渡る成分が含まれている.三次喫煙は,室内におけるこうした成分に,空気やハウスダストを介して非意図的に曝露を受けることであり,受動喫煙と同様,特に感受性の高い乳幼児や幼児期の子供への健康影響には注意を払う必要がある.

    我が国で2020年 4 月 1 日から全面施行された改正健康増進法の中では,受動喫煙対策の強化が主な目的にもされていることから,今後,室内での喫煙機会は大幅に減少していくものと推定される.しかしながら,喫煙可能な場所も未だ半数以上を占めており,これまでの実証実験による報告からも,従来の喫煙場所を禁煙区域に変更するだけでは,残留たばこ煙による三次喫煙の影響を完全に除くことは困難である.さらに,近年普及する新型たばこにおける健康影響や環境汚染への影響については未解明の問題も多く残されていることから,喫煙による室内汚染問題への対応として,今後は,長年の課題である受動喫煙をはじめ,三次喫煙も含めた微量なたばこ煙成分に対する高性能な分析技術と生物学的な影響評価手法を確立することで,喫煙の有害性に関する基礎的な情報を得る必要がある.さらに,短期及び長期に亘る実際の人への健康影響を明らかにしていく上でも公衆衛生分野における継続した疫学的調査研究の実施が必要である.

  • Yosuke Igarashi, Tukinori Takubo, Yuka Hayashi, Thomas Pellard, Tomoyuki Kubo
    2016年 20 巻 1 号 47-60
    発行日: 2016/04/30
    公開日: 2017/05/31
    ジャーナル フリー

    In this paper we test the hypothesis that Ikema, a dialect of Miyako Ryukyuan, has a three-pattern accent system, where three accent classes, Types A, B, and C, are lexically distinguished, in contrast with previous studies which have claimed that it has a two-pattern accent system. The results of our analysis confirm the existence of three distinct accent classes. The three-way distinction can only be observed in quite restricted conditions, including when nouns followed by one or more bimoraic particles precede a predicate. The results also reveal that Type A words are few in number, indicating that Type A words are in the process of merging with Type B.

  • 服部 四郎
    1955年 19 巻 2 号 142-151
    発行日: 1955/03/15
    公開日: 2018/03/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    As a continuation of his study published in the Journal of the Linguistic Society of Japan, Nos. 26/27, the author presents the glottochronological data of the three Okinawan dialects : Naha, Shuri, Yonamine (Nakijin, Kunigami), compared with those of Tokyo and Kyoto The percentages of the residual words common to the dialects are as follows : (the old list of 200 items) [table] (The newest list of 200 items, divided into two parts, A and B) [table]