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25件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • Maruo Munemasa, Masato Nikaido, Stephen Donnellan, Christopher C. Austin, Norihiro Okada, Masami Hasegawa
    Genes & Genetic Systems
    2006年 81 巻 3 号 181-191
    発行日: 2006年
    公開日: 2006/08/14
    ジャーナル フリー HTML
    Australidelphia is the cohort, originally named by Szalay, of all Australian marsupials and the South American Dromiciops. A lot of mitochondria and nuclear genome studies support the hypothesis of a monophyly of Australidelphia, but some familial relationships in Australidelphia are still unclear. In particular, the familial relationships among the order Diprotodontia (koala, wombat, kangaroos and possums) are ambiguous. These Diprotodontian families are largely grouped into two suborders, Vombatiformes, which contains Phascolarctidae (koala) and Vombatidae (wombat), and Phalangerida, which contains Macropodidae, Potoroidae, Phalangeridae, Petauridae, Pseudocheiridae, Acrobatidae, Tarsipedidae and Burramyidae. Morphological evidence and some molecular analyses strongly support monophyly of the two families in Vombatiformes. The monophyly of Phalangerida as well as the phylogenetic relationships of families in Phalangerida remains uncertain, however, despite searches for morphological synapomorphy and mitochondrial DNA sequence analyses. Moreover, phylogenetic relationships among possum families (Phalangeridae, Petauridae, Pseudocheiridae, Acrobatidae, Tarsipedidae and Burramyidae) as well as a sister group of Macropodoidea (Macropodidae and Potoroidae) remain unclear. To evaluate familial relationships among Dromiciops and Australian marsupials as well as the familial relationships in Diprotodontia, we determined the complete mitochondrial sequence of six Diprotodontian species. We used Maximum Likelihood analyses with concatenated amino acid and codon sequences of 12 mitochondrial protein genomes. Our analysis of mitochondria amino acid sequence supports monophyly of Australian marsupials + Dromiciops and monophyly of Phalangerida. The close relatedness between Macropodidae and Phalangeridae is also weakly supported by our analysis.
  • ――インドネシア東部セラム島における狩猟獣利用の社会文化的意味――
    笹岡 正俊
    2008年 46 巻 3 号 377-419
    発行日: 2008/12/31
    公開日: 2017/10/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper examines the social and cultural meanings of the subsistence consumption of game animals among mountain villagers in Seram Island, Eastern Indonesia. The community under study is highly dependent on sago (starch extracted from sago palm) as staple food. Sago is rich in carbohydrate but contains little protein. Game animals therefore provide an essential protein complement. Field research was carried out in a remote mountain village located in Manusela valley in central Seram where Cuscus (
    orientalis, Spilocuscus maculates
    ), Celebes wild boar (Sus celebensis) and Timor deer (Cervus timorensis) account for almost 90% of the protein resources consumed by villagers.
     The meat of these wild mammals is usually shared by close relatives and adjoining villages. The field data suggests that about 30% of cuscus and 60% of large mammals (Celebes wild boar and Timor deer) are often distributed to others. An “ethics of sharing” encourages villages to distribute wild meat since it enhances the enjoyment of consumption and brings about feelings of satisfaction and pleasure. This sense of contentment over having intimate and good inter-relationships is regarded by villagers as the ideal and desirable way of life. Moreover wild meat sharing also strengthens their collective identity as a mountain people that distinguishes them from those living in coastal areas. Failure to share leads to apprehensions of sorcery arising from jealousy and the fear of malahau, a kind of sanction given by ancestor spirits.
  • 山本 重亮, 田中 耕三, 杉本 力夫, 松尾 由也
    Archivum histologicum japonicum
    1955年 9 巻 3 号 423-431
    発行日: 1955/12/20
    公開日: 2009/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    橋内顔面神経の特有な走行を示す理由に就いては Kappers が彼の所謂 neurobiotaxis 説を以て興味ある説明をなしているが, 私達は各種哺乳類即ち猿類 (猩々, 大排々) 擬猴類 (狐猿), 鯨類 (鰯鯨, 真海豚), 翼手類 (小笠原大蝙蝠), 食虫類 (ハリ鼠, 麝香鼠), 貧歯類 (広帯鎧鼠, 大食蟻獣, 2指樹懶, 尾長穿山甲), 有袋類 (大カンガルー, ワラビイ, 袋狼, 兎耳袋狸, 大飛袋獣, 子守鼠, 袋イタチ) 及び単孔類 (ハリモグラ) に属する20種類の動物の橋内顔面神経の走行に就いて観察し若干の知見を得た.
    これら哺乳動物の橋内顔面神経は顔面神経核の背面より発して第1部, 膝及び第2部を形成し, 膝は殆どすべての動物で外転神経核出現以前に形成されるが, ハリモグラだけは該核の出現後その上端近くで形成される. 外転神経核出現後の第1部線維の走行は動物の種類によって一様でなく, 該核を貫通するもの, 外背側から包むもの, この両者を混合するもの及び腹側から包むもの等があって複雑である. 膝は外転神経核の背側に位することは各種動物共に共通であるが, その位置は該核を基準にして, その中央に位するもの (尾長穿山甲), その外側に位するもの (鰯鯨, 真海豚, 子守鼠, ハリモグラ) 及びその内側に位するもの (猩々, 大排々, 狐猿, 小笠原大蝙蝠, ハリ鼠, 麝香鼠, 広帯鎧鼠, 大食蟻獣, 2指樹懶, 大カンガルー, ワラビイ, 袋狼, 兎耳袋狸, 大飛袋獣, 袋イタチ) 等があって, 私達は之を夫々I型, II型, III型として区別した. 膝は外転神経核の上端あたりで外方に方向を転じ, 第2部に移行する. 外転神経核残存中の第2部は一般的には該核の背側を外方に走るが, 一部分これを貫通するものも観られる.
    I型及びII型を示す動物の膝の位置はIII型を示す動物のそれに比してかなり外側になっているにも拘らず. これら動物の孤束核の位置は大体同じであり, 而も形態学的にはっきりした発達の差異は認められない. 又II型とIII型では膝の位置にかなりの隔りがあるにも拘らず, この両型を示す動物の顔面神経核の位置は大体同じである. これらの事実は, 第1部及び第2部の線維走行が一様でなく, 色々異った走行を示す線維を有する事実と共に, Kappers の neurobiotaxis 説では説明し難い所見である.
    上述せる如く哺乳動物の橋内顔面神経の走行は動物の種類によってかなりの相異を示すばかりでなく, 同じ類でも相異を示し, 人間のそれに比して単純ではあるが, 而も尚種々の走行を示す線維を含んでかなり複雑である.
  • Jinzo Yamada, Katsumi Otani
    Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica
    1977年 54 巻 2-3 号 121-137
    発行日: 1977/08/20
    公開日: 2012/09/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    Applying silver impregnatio n methods, the long ascending fibers from the spinal cord were reclassified according to the location of degenerating fibers in the brain stem as a result of lesions in the spinal cord in the rabbit, rat and cat. In the bulb, the long ascending fiber systems ascended in the medial lemniscus and lateral to it, and at the level of the trapezoid body diverged into following fiber system: The lateral thalamic system and ventral thalamic system ran through the medial lemniscus, and the former terminated in the posterior ventral nucleus and the latter terminated in the zona incerta, Forel's H-field and posterior hypothalamic area. The FR-system ascended through the reticular formation and terminated in it, and the GM-system ascended medial to the brachium of the inferior colliculus to reach the medial part of the medial geniculate body. Some fibers of these two system interweaving with each other in the rostral mesencephalic reticular formation made up the medial thalamic system which terminated in the internal medullary lamina and its associated nuclei (parafascicular and lateral central nuclei). The spinotectal system terminated in the superior colliculus and passed through it. Further, there occured the fibers terminating in the periaqueductal gray matter and passing through it.
    Terminals in the posterior ventral nucleus were observed following the all spinal lesions in the rabbit and rat, and in the cat numerously after the first two cervical lesions and scarcely after the oth er cervical and upper thoracic ones. In the cat, probably in the rat, some fibers of the lateral thalamic system terminated in the lateral ventral nucleus.
    Development of the medial thalamic system was most prominent in the cat and least prominent in the rabbit in three species. Degenerating fibers in the internal medullary lamina and its associated nuclei were scarce in the rabbit following the uppermost thoracic lesion and not so much degeneration was found even after the uppermost cervical lesion. These degenerating fibers in the rat were slightly more following a lower thoracic injury than those in the rabbit with some cervical lesion, and were not found with the uppermost sacral one. On the other hand, in the cat even following the fourth lumbar lesion, preterminals in the lateral central nucleus appeared clearly.
  • 黒崎 伸子, 下田 穂積, 富田 正雄, 徳永 茂樹, 池田 高良
    1987年 23 巻 5 号 933-937
    発行日: 1987/08/20
    公開日: 2017/01/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    A female infant weighing 3,800g was born at 41 weeks of gestation in a satisfactory cource to a healthy 23-year-old primipara. The infant had a parasite conjoined with her sacrococcygeal region. The autosite had no other anomalies. The asymmetrical conjoined twins were easily separated by operation 36 hours after birth. The parasite was 730g in weight. It had a femur, a tibia, a fibula, seven
    and hypoplastic pelvis. Vertebral structures were not present. There was no connection of viscerae between the parasite and the autosite. It had well develoed intestines, multilocular cyst, unilocular cyst, and lower limb. Histlogically, the wall of multilocular cyst consists of tissues of three germ layers that has differentiated to the various degrees. It was diagnosed, there-fore, as the Sacral Parasite. After the operation, her growth and development are favorable. Reviewing the Japanese literatures, the authors could find only 2 cases of sacrococcygeal parasite. The pathogenesis and diagnotic criteria of this anomaly were discussed.
  • Ryohei Honjin, Kyoichi Hiramatsu, Hikaru Taniguchi, Akira Nakamura
    Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica
    1964年 40 巻 1 号 71-79
    発行日: 1964年
    公開日: 2012/09/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    The brains with the optic nerves of 25 mice were impregnated with silver at intervals up to 125 days following either unilateral or bilateral enucleation of the eyeballs for investigation of efferent fibers in the optic system. Serial sections were examined in every case for axonal degeneration in the optic pathway. Results obtained were as follows:
    1. The optic nerve of the mouse consists mainly of fibers of retinal origin, but also contains a small number of efferent fibers.
    2. All the retinal fibers completely decussate in the optic chiasma there are no uncrossed retinal fibers.
    3. The efferent fibers originate partly in the superior colliculus and partly in the lateral geniculate body.
    4. The efferent fibers completely cross at the optic chiasma and run to the retina of the opposite eye passing through the optic nerve. There are no uncrossed efferent fibers in the mouse optic system.
  • 大川 〓姫
    Archivum histologicum japonicum
    1957年 13 巻 1 号 21-57
    発行日: 1957/09/20
    公開日: 2009/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    本研究は各種哺乳類67種の小脳核に就き前額断連続切片のパールカルミン染色標本を用いての比較解剖学的研究であるが, 著者は小脳核の小脳全体に対する発達度合を知る為に外側核, 中位核及び内側核の最大面積を求め, 一方小脳室頂に於ける小脳半側の面積を計測して両者の比を求め, また外, 中, 内3小脳核の体積推定値を求めて比較した. その成績は次の様に要約される.
    哺乳動物が高級になるに従って小脳核対小脳全体の比は小さくなる. 之は半球が大きくなる為によるものである. そして下級動物では半球の発達の弱さを核が代償していると思われる.
    3小脳核は人及び猿類の大部分では外側核, 中位核, 内側核の発達順位を示し, それ以下では中位核, 内側核, 外側核の順位になる. 人と猩々では特に外側核の発達が良い. 之は機能的及び系統発生学的事実に一致する.
    中位核は前中位核と後中位核に分けられ, 前中位核は外側核と, 後中位核は内側核と形態的にも機能的にも複合体を作る. 前者の中, 前中位核は四肢の一般的基本運動に, 外側核は四肢の基本運動の外に手の運動にも関与する. 後者の中, 内側核は平衡運動に, 後中位核は躯幹及び頭部の運動の外, 一部平衡運動にも関与するものと考えられる.
    外側核に於ける鋸歯形成は, 人, 狭鼻猿類並びに広鼻猿類の一部に限り認められ, その発達は外側核の発達に比例する.
    3小脳核は高級哺乳類では完全に分離独立し, 又中位核も前中位核と後中位核とに分離するが, 動物が下級になるに従って互に融合の傾向が強くなり, 最下級の単孔類では1つの核塊として表わさされる.
  • Shoei SUGITA, Masato AOYAMA, Katsuhiko FUJIWARA
    2000年 71 巻 2 号 189-196
    発行日: 2000/03/25
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    Retinal projections and cytoarchitectonic organization of the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) in domestic pig (Sus scrofa domesticus Brisson) were studied using the Nissl stain and anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) methods. In Nissl preparation, both the dorsal LGN (LGNd) and the ventral LGN (LGNv) of the domestic pig were divided into four laminae according to cell organization, respectively. They were named lamina I-IV in both nuclei in lateromedial order and another cell group located in the dorsal part of LGNv was named intergeniculate leaflet. The rostral and caudal end of the LGNd were shown with only lamina I. Two-thirds of middle part was composed with all laminae. Injection of HRP into the unilateral vitreous body demonstrated that many labeled optic fibers crossed at the optic chiasm and a few of them were uncrossed, and they entered into the brain stem via the optic tract. HRP labeled terminals were seen bilaterally in the LGNd and the LGNv of the thalamus, with contralateral predominance. Lamina I and II of the LGNd received contralateral retinal projections. Laminar III and IV received ipsilateral and bilateral retinal projections, respectively. Many retino-geniculate terminals were found in laminae I and III of the contralateral LGNv and a few of them were seen as a small tiny spot in the upper part of lamina II of the ipsilateral LGNv.
  • Shozo Matano, Yoshio Shigenaga, Toru Hiura, Akira Sakai
    Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica
    1972年 49 巻 4 号 249-269
    発行日: 1972年
    公開日: 2012/09/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    I. Cortical fibers from somatic sensory face area (S I-f) were studied with silver staining technic. S I-f in rat cerebral cortex was confirmed by the record of evoked potentials following the mandibular incisor pulp stimulation.
    II. The cortico-thalamic fibers from S I-f ipsilaterally terminated in VPM. Preterminal degenerations could be hardly observed in VA, PF-CM complex and PO from S I cortex.
    III. The degenerating terminals of the cortical fibers from S I-f were shown contralaterally in the superior and spinal trigeminal nuclei, except for the rostral half of the superior nucleus and the part caudal to level of the pyramidal decussation in the caudal spinal nucleus. At the level of the pyramidal decussation, some degenerated fibers were found to terminate in the formatio reticularis adjoining to this nucleus.
    IV. Termination to the nucleus of tractus solitarius was also recognized in its oral part. Almost no degenerating fibers proceeding into the cuneate nucleus were found.
    V. The cortical projections from S II are recognized in the thalamic reticular nucleus, VA, VPM, VPL and the medial geniculate nucleus. In PO, only a few degenerating terminals were recognized. On the other hand, degenerated fibers emerging from M I-f showed the presynaptic terminals in the reticular thalamic nucleus, the lateral part of the anterior ventral thalamic nucleus and the subthalamic region. And also, in the pontine and bulbar reticular formation, the degenerating terminals from M I-f were also recognized in the part adjacent to the sensory trigeminal nucleus, while terminations could not be observed in the trigeminal motor, facial and the hypoglossal nuclei.
    VI. Some discussions on the terminal distribution of the degenerating fibers were made to compare with results of other animal species.
  • Naobumi Kawai
    Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica
    1955年 27 巻 2-3 号 115-131_7
    発行日: 1955年
    公開日: 2012/09/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    This is a comparative anatomical study of the bands of Sch re g e r in mammalian enamel. The observation was made on meridional ground section of the crown. The ground surface was stained with hematoxy lin.
    Through the investigation it was established that the mentioned structure of the enamel has a characteristic feature specific to each kind of animal. The pattern of the bands of S chr eger can therefore be useful as one of the taxonomic criteria.
    The zonial patterns can be classified into following main categories:
    1) Carnivora type: The bands are conspicuous because the diazoniae consisting of cross sections of the enamel rods are bounded clearly against the parazoniae which are cut mostly in longitudinal direction and oriented parallel to the course of the bands. They stand verticalupon the dentine surface and describe rather a streight course. me indifferent bright layer under the enamel surface is relatively thin.
    2) Primate type: The bands are relatively broad and each of them consists of 5-15 rods in its width. They stand oblique to the dentoenamel junction and run in more or less curved course. Leaving a thin indifferent layer above the dentine they vanish into a thicker bright layer under the enamel surface. The parazoniae are also composed with curved, oblique sections of the enamel rods so that the boundary of the dia- against the parazoniae is rather transitional.
    3) Ungulate type: The bands are considerably long and the indifferent zones are broad in accordance with the thick enamel of the order. They stand oblique to the dento. enamel junction and are more or less curved. The boundary between para- and diazoniae is still more obscure than that in the Primate type. Even in the parazoniae a parallel arrangement of the longitudinally cut rods is scarcely to encounter. The rods in the diazoniae are arranged in rows.
    4) Rodent type: The para- and diazoniae are in most Rodents bounded sharply against each other and no transition of the rods from a band to the adjacent one can be seen. They are straight and consist of rather small number of enamel rods, mostly of a single row of them. The Leporidae and Caviidae have, however, their own patterns of the bands of Schrege r. In general the molar teeth of the Rodents show zonial structures more or less modified from those found in the incisors.
  • 加藤 克
    2018年 45 巻 61-72
    発行日: 2018/08/31
    公開日: 2018/08/31
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス

    Value of specimens as research materials is secured by their collection information. This research attempted to restore collection information of a mammal skeletal specimen stored in the National Museum of Nature and Science with insufficient collection data by clarifying its collection history. The specimen was presented to the Tokyo Imperial Museum in 1906 from the Australian Museum, where we found the information for the specimen including the collection locality, cataloging date, collector’s name, and the catalog number of the Australian Museum. The restoration of collection information improved the value of the specimen. And the continuation of the restoration effort like this study contributes to the improvement of the global biodiversity information.

  • 加藤 功
    Equilibrium Research
    1998年 57 巻 3 号 243-253
    発行日: 1998年
    公開日: 2009/10/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    The neural substrates subserving optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) in mammalian brainstem are reviewed. The accessory optic system (AOS) consists of 3 terminal nuclei, lateral (LTN), medial (MTN) and dorsal terminal nucleus (DTN) which are distributed along the brachium of the superior colliculus. All the AOS nuclei receive direct retinal inputs from the contralateral eye and a weak input from the ipsilateral eye and connect strongly with the nucleus of the optic tract (NOT) which is thought to provide the afferent limb of the horizontal OKN. LTN is the only nucleus where electrophysiological experiments have been performed in mammals as follows :
    (1) LTN units are direction-selective, responding preferentially during upward vertical background movements, and show a parafoveal receptive field. Most LTN neurons can provide both direction and velocity information only at lower velocities, and differ significantly from NOT neurons, responding to over 200°/s OKN stimuli. Therefore, it remains unclear how the LTN might subserve for the generation of OKN, other oculomotor or visual roles.
    (2) Ablation study of the NOT revealed the NOT contributes to the slow buildup of OKN which is thought to underlie the brainstem of lower vertebrates.
    (3) Pretectofugal fibers investigated using either biocytine or WGA HRP demonstrated the following :
    1) Fibers traversing the posterior commissure terminate in the contralateral NOT.
    2) Fibers descend medially through the nucleus reticularis pontis oralis to reach the lateral part of the ipsilateral nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis.
    3) Fibers project into the dorsal cap of the inferior olive. At the level of the abducens nucleus, some fibers ascend through the nucleus pontis caudalis and reach the nucleus prepositus hypoglossi and medical vestibular nucleus.
    Consistent with the physiological data, direct terminals of the NOT neurons in themedial vestibular nucleus could drive storage mechanisms and produce OKN in the monkey.
  • 野嶋 洋子
    2012年 51 巻 4 号 257-265
    発行日: 2012/08/01
    公開日: 2013/06/14
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Shingo Odani, Kaori Komatsu, Kagari Shikata-Yasuoka, Yasuaki Sato, Koichi Kitanishi
    People and Culture in Oceania
    2018年 34 巻 55-78
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2019/10/03
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    The purpose of this study was to assess the diversity of banana cultivars and their usage in 3 lowland areas of Papua New Guinea, where bananas are a staple food. We focus on the kalapua subgroup, which is of genome group ABB. We found 3 subgroups of banana at the 3 research sites: the kalapua subgroup, a subgroup of cooking bananas other than kalapua, and a subgroup used as dessert bananas. We observed that kalapua subgroup cultivars and other subgroup cultivars are planted in separate gardens, likely because the growth rate and tolerance to climate differ between kalapua and other subgroup cultivars. A nutritional status assessment revealed that in the kalapua subgroup, nutrient levels, except for carbohydrates, are comparatively low. Thus, farmers classify and produce kalapua and other cultivars separately. Kalapua, which are known for their tolerance for both dry conditions and flooding, are cultivated as a sustainable energy supply. Other banana cultivars may be grown because of their nutritional composition, as a matter of preference, or as a means of cash income.
  • 神部 勉
    1982年 2 巻 4 号 284-292
    発行日: 1982/01/05
    公開日: 2009/07/31
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ―ハイナンモグラのラベルを読み解く―
    川田 伸一郎, 安田 雅俊
    2012年 52 巻 2 号 257-264
    発行日: 2012年
    公開日: 2013/02/06
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Hainan mole, Mogera hainana Thomas, 1910, was recorded to be collected by “a native employed by Mr. Alan Owston” in the original description of the species. We noticed the specimen tag of the holotype was printed and handwritten in Japanese characters. The same tag was attached to another specimen of this species deposited at the Forestory and Forest Products Research Institute (Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan). Those specimens were both collected in November, 1906; therefore, the Hainan mole was collected by a Japanese person who visited Hainan Island in this period. We searched for the same form of specimen tags, and found many among bird specimens from Hainan Island at the Yamashina Ornithological Institute (Abiko, Chiba, Japan). In this period, Zensaku Katsumata collected the birds in Hainan Isl. and sent them to the Lord of Lionel Walter Rothschild in England. We estimated the type series of the Hainan mole was also collected by Z. Katsumata, who was a collector employed by a merchant A. Owston, and he sent it to L. W. Rothschild in UK. L. W. Rothschild communicated with the Natural History Museum and his name was dedicated to 18 mammalian species by researchers of this museum. It is possible to consider that Rothschild’s mammalian collection was presented to the Natural History Museum and examined by mammal researchers. Although Zensaku Katsumata was an obscure person in mammalogy, we discuss his contribution to the dawn of natural history in Japan.
  • 笹岡 正俊
    2015年 44 巻 41-58
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2023/11/24
    ジャーナル フリー

    As an alternative to past forcible and exclusive fortress conservation policies, “participatory” conservation has been implemented in many parts of the world since the 1980s. Most participatory conservation projects have been led by outsiders such as governmental officers, scholars, international environmental groups, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), among others. In those projects, local people have been portrayed as (potential) threads to “intact” natural cosystems.

    In some cases, however, local people have been conducting practices that enhance sustainability in human-nature relationships as well as human-human relationships over natural resources, as seen in mountain areas on Seram Island, east Indonesia, where I conducted environmental anthropological research.

    This paper depicts discrepancies between local grassroots practices seeking environmental peace and exogenous conservation policies by using the concept of “simplification in conservation.” The paper then discusses how to overcome the discrepancies. Finally, the paper suggests an anthropological approach, which enables a holistic and in-depth understanding of an object, has great potential for promoting socially just conservation.

  • インドネシア東部セラム島Manusela村の事例
    笹岡 正俊
    Sago Palm
    2007年 15 巻 1 号 16-28
    発行日: 2007年
    公開日: 2023/07/06
    ジャーナル フリー
     インドネシア東部マルク諸島の農山村では,サゴヤシの利用に付随してイモ類やバナナなどの根栽作物栽培(根栽畑作)が行われている.本稿では,こうしたいわば「サゴ基盤型根栽農耕(sagobased vegeculture)」とでも呼べるマルクの在来農業が,地域の森林景観の成り立ちにどのように関わっているのかを、サゴヤシの土地生産性と根栽畑作の経営規模の分析を通して検討した.
     セラム島内陸部のManusela村で行った調査の結果,(1) 村のサゴヤシ林の生産性は,陸稲栽培の6~17倍に相当する年間353.6~530.4万kcal/haであり,サゴヤシ栽培に必要とされる農地面積が例えばボルネオ島で行われているような陸稲焼畑と比較して相対的に少ないこと,および(2) サゴへの強い依存(主食食物から得られるエネルギー量の7割以上はサゴに由来)を背景として,この地域の根栽畑作の経営規模はわずか0.22ha/世帯(アジアの陸稲焼畑の1/6~1/8程度)にすぎず,移動耕作に伴う森林伐採圧力が相対的に低いことが明らかになった.
  • 瀬戸口 烈司
    1970年 8 巻 3 号 378-400
    発行日: 1971/02/06
    公開日: 2019/06/06
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 笹岡 正俊
    2011年 75 巻 4 号 483-514
    発行日: 2011/03/31
    公開日: 2017/06/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    世界のさまざまな地域では、超自然的存在やそれが持つ力への視点を抜きにしては捉えられないような、数かずの「在地の資源管理(Indigenous Resource Management:IRM)」が行われている。資源管理や自然保護をめぐっては「コミュニティ基盤型」あるいは「参加型」アプローチの有効性・必要性が叫ばれて久しいが、人類学的コモンズ論をはじめとして自然資源管理をめぐる議論では、地域の人びとの超自然観と密接に結びついているIRMを十分に主題化してきたとは言い難い。そこで、本研究ではインドネシア東部セラム島の内陸山地部をフィールドに、日々の暮らしに欠くことのできない狩猟資源の利用をめぐる秩序が、山地民と超自然的存在とのかかわりあいのなかで、どのように生み出され,維持されているのかを、可能な限り山地民の生活世界に入り込みながら仔細に描き出すことを試みた。その上で、そうした超自然的強制に支えられたIRMと地域の社会文化的コンテクストとのあいだにどのような適合性がみられるのかを検討し、超自然的存在との相互関係のなかで資源利用秩序を生み出している地域の人びとの営為に目を向けてゆくことが、「超自然的存在と共に生きている人びと」が主体性を発揮しえる資源管理・自然保護を模索・推進してゆく上で重要であることを指摘した。