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3件中 1-3の結果を表示しています
  • 小林 史弥, 山田 颯, 藤原 蒼太, 青柳 西蔵, 山本 倫也
    2023年 25 巻 4 号 331-340
    発行日: 2023/11/25
    公開日: 2023/11/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    For many years, Ekman’s research on facial expressions has been the basis of research on facial expression recognition or estimation. However, in recent years, it was reported that Japanese people do not follow Ekman’s theory, and much remains to be clarified about the relationship between emotion and facial expression. In this study, we focused on the natural expression of eye region, which is unintended expressions of emotions, and analyzed the characteristics of it in comparison with facial features expressed in spontaneous emotional arousal situations. As a result, we revealed that the size of the eyes differed for each emotion and that the expression of the eye region varies greatly among individuals. In addition, we suggested that the mouth may be useful for pleasantness estimation by machine learning.
  • Iku OHAMA, Hiromi IIDA, Takuya KIDA, Hiroki ARIMURA
    IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems
    2016年 E99.D 巻 4 号 1139-1152
    発行日: 2016/04/01
    公開日: 2016/04/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    Latent variable models for relational data enable us to extract the co-cluster structures underlying observed relational data. The Infinite Relational Model (IRM) is a well-known relational model for discovering co-cluster structures with an unknown number of clusters. The IRM assumes that the link probability between two objects (e.g., a customer and an item) depends only on their cluster assignment. However, relational models based on this assumption often lead us to extract many non-informative and unexpected clusters. This is because the underlying co-cluster structures in real-world relationships are often destroyed by structured noise that blurs the cluster structure stochastically depending on the pair of related objects. To overcome this problem, in this paper, we propose an extended IRM that simultaneously estimates denoised clear co-cluster structure and a structured noise component. In other words, our proposed model jointly estimates cluster assignment and noise level for each object. We also present posterior probabilities for running collapsed Gibbs sampling to infer the model. Experiments on real-world datasets show that our model extracts a clear co-cluster structure. Moreover, we confirm that the estimated noise levels enable us to extract representative objects for each cluster.
  • 高田 裕司, 柏尾 具俊, 寺本 健, 松尾 和敏, 高木 正見, 櫻井 玄
    2011年 57 巻 55-63
    発行日: 2011年
    公開日: 2012/03/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    大規模露地野菜圃場において,高圧ナトリウムランプを圃場周縁部に設置・照明しヤガ類等による被害を低減する方法を検討した。270W 黄色高圧ナトリウムランプ((株)パナソニック電工製)を農作業に支障がないよう1ha (100m × 100m) 露地圃場の周縁部両側に,35m 間隔,高さ5 m,内向き水平方向照明で3 灯ずつ2 か所計6 灯を配置し,その照明圃場における照度分布を調査した。また,黄色灯区のフェロモントラップによるヤガ類誘殺数およびジャガイモ,キャベツ,レタスにおける被害を無灯区と比較した。黄色灯区では全域でヤガ類の被害低減効果に必要な照度2.5lx 以上が確保された。フェロモントラップによるハスモンヨトウ,シロイチモジヨトウ,オオタバコガの黄色灯区での誘殺数は,常に無灯区より少なく推移した。ジャガイモ,キャベツ,レタスにおける黄色灯区のヤガ類の密度や被害は無灯区に比べて少なく,本設置法による黄色灯照明の被害軽減効果が示された。また,黄色灯照明の効果が及ばないコナガ,モンシロチョウに対して,黄色灯を用いた防除戦略や併用技術を提案し,その有効性を実証した。