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16件中 1-16の結果を表示しています
  • 小林 正, 康村 満枝, 出海 裕子
    1975年 49 巻 9-10 号 373-379
    発行日: 1975/10/25
    公開日: 2018/03/06
    ジャーナル フリー
    In order to clarify the influences of sunlight intensity on the yield of vitamin D by sunlight irradiation of provitamin D, an ergosterol solution was irradiated by sunlight under various circumstances and the yield of vitamin D_2 in the solution was determined according to the procedure described in the previous paper^<1)>. The results are summarized in the following : (1) When the ergosterol solution was irradiated by sunlight of fine days at Kobe in different seasons, yearly variation of the yields showed that these in summer were significantly higher than those in winter and that these in spring or autumn were nearly middle between the two classes ; (2) When the ergosterol solution was irradiated by sunlight of different weather's days at a same place in a same month, the yields of fine days were significantly higher than those of cloudy, smogy and rainy days ; (3) When the ergosterol soltuion was irradiated by sunlight of nearly same weather's days at different places in a same month, there were no significant difference each other except the cases of Shiga heights and Kobe in summer ; (4) There were significant correlations between the yields and the sunlight intensities of both 300〜400 and 300〜330nm ranges, and the correlation with these in the latter's range was higher than those in the former's ; (5) There was no significant correlatation between the yields estimated on fine days and the sulfur dioxide concentrations in atmosphere.
  • 岡本 勇也, 池田 毅, 稲垣 詠一
    2015年 2015 巻 1A1-J08
    発行日: 2015/05/17
    公開日: 2017/06/19
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    RGB-D sensor is a very useful sensor for mobile robot. KINECT v1 is one of the RGB-D sensors. And it is measured the depth information by light cording method. KINECT v1 is developed to use in the room. The light cording method is affected by sunlight. Under the sunlight, this sensor loses the infrared pattern and it cannot calculate the depth information. Then we propose the using the polarized filter to find the infrared pattern. It uses to decrease the reflected light on the digital camera. In some experiments results show that the KINECT v1 is output the depth information under the sunshine.
  • Shoji TAKECHI, Kenji TANAKA, Hayato KONDO
    2011年 61 巻 6 号 374-381
    発行日: 2011/02/15
    公開日: 2017/11/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper discusses the use of cutting-edge energy devices, such as high-capacity lithium-ion batteries, in office building energy management systems. We simulate an energy management system using a time-marching method and an energy network based on discrete models. The simulation enables not only operating costs but also CO_2 emissions of devices to be seen. As a result, installation of new energy devices can be assessed based on initial investment, operating costs and CO_2 emissions. Additionally, we provide examples of optimized operation and installation of new energy devices.
  • 牧 英二, 猪岡 達夫
    空気調和・衛生工学会 論文集
    1976年 1 巻 1 号 1-13
    発行日: 1976/06/25
    公開日: 2017/09/05
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 力士の場合
    黄 順姫
    1996年 4 巻 23-33
    発行日: 1996/03/19
    公開日: 2011/05/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    本稿は相撲の場合競技者の身体がおのおのの民族の有する身体文化と深く関わりながら, 特定の競技の固有性の中で創出された文化の規律化されたものであることを分析してきた。具体的には力士の身体を「受容としての身体」「表出としての身体」「メタファーとしての身体」という枠組みをもうけ考察を行った。その結果次のことが明らかになった。すなわち, 「受容としての身体」について, 第一に, 日本の力士は阿うんの呼吸を特徴とする日本の相撲競技の立ち合の仕方を規範として受容している。第二に, 力士は土俵を通じて自己完成を行う相撲道を身体化する。第三に, 力士の身体への裸身信仰は日本の民族の身体文化と深く関係づけられている。
    また,「文化の表出としての身体」について, 第一に力士の身体は彼が行った稽古の質, 量及び稽古への態度を表出する。第二に, 力士の身体における感情表出の仕方は相撲社会のなかで形成された相撲の文化を内面化していることを表す。第三に, 力士の身体の得意技, 型は彼の身体の特徴を反映し, 相撲に対する内面のあり方を表出する。
    さらに,「メタファーとしての身体」について, 第一に力士の身体は「個人の身体」と「社会的身体」との「交差点」に成立する日本文化の遊びのフォルムである。第二に, 力士の身体は「政治的身体」として国際間の象徴的地位をめぐる象徴的権力闘争の桔抗の構図を表象している。第三に力士の身体についてアメリカでは「脂肉」「巨大性」「パワー」「破壊力」の規範化されたイメージが創出, 消費されている。以上「メタファーとしての身体」から次の結論をみちびきだすことができる。すなわち, メタファーとしての力士の身体は相撲の特性に由来し, 相撲世界の固有の論理を越え, 国際政治・経済の関連のなかで象徴的権力の維持, 再生産のからくり人形として操作されているのである。
  • 岩田 利枝, 伊藤 大輔, 望月 悦子
    2005年 70 巻 592 号 1-8
    発行日: 2005/06/30
    公開日: 2017/02/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this study is to propose a simplified method which has sufficient reliability in practical use. This simplified method which was derived from JIS method can separate light passing through open area of screen and light diffused by the solid area of screen. The openness factor of the fabric, the transmittance of the yarn and the change in the openness factor with the viewing angle were measured by this method. The applicability of the method was tested with lace curtains, and a light blocking curtain. Also the reliability of this method was checked with actual window. It was considered this simplified method produces results within acceptable engineering accuracy in many cases.
  • 水野 亘恭, 森田 恵美子, 藤原 あさみ
    1980年 54 巻 4 号 119-127
    発行日: 1980/04/25
    公開日: 2018/03/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    In fact pyridoxine (PN) in a commercial internal solution (injection) was stable to light, but became unstable by dilution with distilled water or infusion fluid. PN, pyridoxamine, pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate, and pyridoxal 5'-phosphate were found to be relatively stable to light in the concentrated solutions (>25mM), but unstable in dilute solutions (<0.5mM). The results suggest that possible photodecomposition should be considered in handling dilute solution of vitamin B_6 for medical use. The photodecomposition of PN was slow in polyethylene container for the internal solution which had poor light transmittance, but was fast in polypropylene or glass container for the infusion fluid which showed high light transmittance.
  • 宿谷 昌則, 木村 建一
    1981年 308 巻 94-102
    発行日: 1981/10/31
    公開日: 2017/08/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    1)反射ルーバーの効果を実験的に確かめるためには, 事務所建築の中間階を想定した縮尺1/15の模型室を製作し, 窓面に反射ルーバーを設けた場合と設けない場合について室内照度を比較検討し, 併せてその測定方法を示した。2)自然条件のもとで実験を行う場合, 直接的に直射日光率を測定することは不可能であるので, 快晴時及び曇天時における測定値から直射日光率を推定する方法を示した。この方法によれば, 反射ルーバーのような直射日光利用装置ばかりでなく, 従来の窓面による直射日光率を実験的に推定することが可能である。3)反射ルーバーを設けた場合と設けない場合についての実験値から直射日光率を推定し, その値を比較した結果, 今回の実験に用いた模型室の奥の部分で, 反射ルーバーによる効果は十分あることがわかった。また, 反射ルーバーを設けた場合と設けない場合について, 快晴時における室内の様子を観察したが, 反射ルーバーを設けた場合には, 設けない場合に比較してかなり明るくなることがわかった。4)模型室中央線における実験値と計算値を比較した結果, 昼光率は, 傾向が大体において一致したが, 模型室奥の部分でかなりの違いがあった。これは, 実験時における天空輝度分布が影響したためと考えられるが, 更に室内の反射率, 反射ルーバーのスラット面輝度等の推定に誤差があったとも思われる。また, 直射日光率については, 大まかな比較ではあるが, 模型室の奥の部分で, かなりよく一致した。このことから, 反射ルーバーの実質的効果をある程度定量的に表わすことができたと考えている。5)今回の実験で用いた反射ルーバーは, 1/15の縮尺という制約等から, 十分な強度で製作できなかったために, スラットのたるみあるいは風等の影響で, 天井面受照部に乱れを生じたが, これは縮尺を変えて, 反射ルーバーの強度を増せば, 解決できるものと思われる。6)ここで示した測定方法には, 必ず時間的ずれが生じるので, 数多くの実験値を得ることが困難である。そのために, 非常に数少い実験値のみ検討したが, 更に実験方法を改良して, 直射日光を利用した場合における昼光もしくは天気状態の変化が室内照度に及ぼす影響や, 反射ルーバーによって得られる室内照度の時刻的変動について調べていく必要があると考える。
  • 河野 友光, 鈴木 信宏
    2004年 69 巻 578 号 65-69
    発行日: 2004/04/30
    公開日: 2017/02/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    Lattice screens of a building located in a traditional street control pedestrians view and sunlight into a room facing the street. They seem to create a serene, vivid, and comfortable interior space. We observed such spaces in traditional old sections in Japan and surveyed relation of an opening ratio and luminance contrast of lattice surfaces with spatial images and doings in the space. Then we examined the relations by using 1/5 mockups of different lattice and opening sizes. As the result we have found that (1) the 50% opening ratio creates serenity with both images of connection and seperation. We have also found that (2) an interior spot with the 45° view angle to the center of the lattice screen is comfortable for concentrated thinking, whereas a spot which faces the screen directly is comfortable for eating and drinking.
  • 田中 享二, 清水 市郎, 小池 迪夫
    1990年 414 巻 1-9
    発行日: 1990/08/30
    公開日: 2017/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    Four kinds of butyl blended with EPDM rubber sheets which have different properties against ozone were exposed inside or outside of a building to know the effect of the environment. Dumb-bell specimens were cut out from the sample sheets and were stretched up to elongation rates of 20, 50 and 100 % of the initial gage length. As for the outdoors, they were exposed at Sapporo, Yokohama and Naha under the two ways, i. E. one is exposed to all weather elements and the other is sheltered from sunlight and rain. As for the indoors, they were exposed in a meeting room, a copy room and a constant temerature room controlled at 20°C and 60 % R. H. Most of all exposure tests started in spring in 1987. An additional test started in winter in 1988 to know the effect of the season when tests began. The tests were carried out for two years and were inspected periodically with the naked eyes. Cracks appeared on the surfaces of the specimens during exposure and some of them ruptured. The specimens in the outdoors degraded faster than the ones in the indoors, and Naha is the severest environment in all exposure sites. Comparing the weather data, the affecting factor to degradation were discussed. Oxidant in the air is, of course, the most effective one, and it was also made clear that temperature was another important factor to degradation. The degradation of samples exposed in spring was severer than that exposed in winter, because of higher oxidant concentration and higher temperature in spring. Furthermore, the two years degradation of the samples started in spring was severer than that started in winter, though the same time exposed to weather. It is guessed that this difference depends on the stress relaxation in stretched sheets during the exposure in addition to the environmental factors, and the importance of changing in stress of sheets during the tests was pointed out.
  • 小山 浩正, 今 博計, 紀藤 典夫
    2007年 24 巻 2 号 113-121
    発行日: 2007/12/25
    公開日: 2017/01/06
    ジャーナル フリー
      1. ブナの稚樹の空間分布と林冠木の状態との対応を調べるために,北海道南西部のブナ天然林において設定した1haの方形区を5m×5mのグリッドに400分割し,各グリッドに出現したブナの稚樹を数えた.グリッドは上部の林冠の状態により,「ギャップ下」,「ブナ樹冠下」および「ブナ以外の樹冠下」の3タイプに区分した.
      2. 方形区内に存在した稚樹は,高さが10-50cmの稚樹で686本,50-100cmの稚樹で683本であったが,どちらもブナ以外の樹冠下に集中していた.
      3. 林冠木は,4月17日にはどの樹種も未開葉であったが,5月23日にはブナのみが展葉を完了し,他の樹種は開葉していなかった.7月10日にはすべての林冠木が展葉を完了していた.
      4. 林床の相対光量子束密度(rPPFD)は,林冠層のブナのみが開葉した5月23日には,ブナ樹冠下でギャップ下に比べて大きく減少していた.しかし,開葉が始まっていないブナ以外の樹冠下ではギャップ下と大きな違いはみられなかった.
      5. ブナの稚樹がブナの樹冠下で少なかったのは,ブナ林冠木の展葉が他の広葉樹よりも早いため,全天条件で生育した場合に比べて成長が抑制されるためと考えられた,一方,開葉の遅いブナ以外の広葉樹の樹冠下では,ブナの林冠木が開葉を完了させた時期においても,ブナの稚樹は被陰を受けないので成長が抑制される程度が少ないと考えられた.
      6. ブナ以外の樹冠下では生育期間の前半に閉鎖し,以降の林床は被陰下におかれるので強光を通年で要求する先駆種は生育できない.このため,ブナの稚樹が独占的に利用できる生育立地と考えられた.
  • 三浦 秀一
    1998年 63 巻 510 号 77-83
    発行日: 1998/08/30
    公開日: 2017/02/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this study the energy consumption of housing in all prefectures of Japan have been estimated and its regional characteristics have been made clear by using Annual report on the family income and expenditure survey. The energy consumption which would be considered as an average value have been classified according to energy resources and uses such as heating, cooling, hot-water supply and lighting and its regional distribution have been made clear. Furthermore as a result of investigating the factor of energy consumption by multiple regression analysis, temperature, hours of sunlight, dwelling area, and income have been confirmed as the factor.
  • 狩谷 和季, 石田 貴行, 澤井 秀次郎, 木下 智雄, 梶原 邦弘, 岩佐 修, 福田 盛介
    2018年 17 巻 79-87
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2018/03/10
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2017/08/03
    ジャーナル フリー

    Next generation moon landing mission will require autonomous pinpoint landing capability because of requirements for landing on specific terrains in a limited area. This capability requires precise absolute self-localization of the lander during braking descent phase. The purpose of this paper is to propose an algorithm to estimate the lander position and to evaluate its mountability to a space-grade FPGA. In this method, the position estimation is performed by matching crater point patterns with database point patterns by finding topological correspondences using crater-based linear features. In addition, we confirmed the resource amount and the calculation time when this algorithm is implemented on the FPGA using high-level synthesis.

  • 松下 伸行, 勝部 元, 日原 大輔, 後 輝行, 兼松 幸市, 吉村 真一, 暦本 純一, 山本 喜一
    2003年 8 巻 3 号 329-338
    発行日: 2003/09/30
    公開日: 2017/02/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper describes our design and implementation of a new augmented live stage system called Motion Groove. Our system is a new application of a Mixed Reality system. On a live stage, because of lighting production, the optical environment changes violently. Conventional positioning systems used for motion capture cannot be used in this environment. We have developed a positioning system that can be used during live performances on stage. The positioning system has three features. The system can recognize multiple optical beacons simultaneously up to 255. It can track optical beacons that move quickly such as when attached to the limbs of dancers. It is robust to changes in the optical environment e.g. complete darkness, spotlights, sunlight. We implemented the live stage augmentation system called Motion Groove using a positioning system, and confirmed its practicality.
  • 新林 直子, 宮本 栞
    2006年 49 巻 2 号 115-125
    発行日: 2006年
    公開日: 2022/01/18
    ジャーナル フリー

      The mechanism of coloration, tensile strength, bending resistance and waterproof of the fabrics dyed with persimmon tannin juice were investigated through colorimetry, spectroscopic method, tensile testing, canti-lever testing and spray testing. The test cloths woven of cotton, flax, silk, rayon, nylon and polyester were irradiated ultraviolet rays or heated after dipping into persimmon tannin juice. All of the test pieces were dyed with persimmon tannin juice and the greater the water absorption property of the fiber was, the deeper the test cloth was dyed. The cloths dyed under irradiating ultraviolet rays showed thinner color, higher reddish color and more yellowish color than the ones heated. It was inferred that such coloration of dyeing with persimmon tannin juice resulted from the change of the characters of the pigments and tannin of persimmon due to ultraviolet rays and heat. The tensile strength, bending resistance and waterproof property of the cotton cloth dyed with persimmon tannin juice were stronger, harder and greater than the ones before dyeing. It was considered that the tensile strength, bending resistance and waterproof of the fabrics dyed with persimmon tannin juice depended on the film of slightly soluble phlobaphene formed from tannin of persimmon. investigated

  • 宿谷 昌則, 木村 建一
    1979年 283 巻 87-97
    発行日: 1979/09/30
    公開日: 2017/08/22
    ジャーナル フリー