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5,158,962件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • M. L. GHOSH
    Journal of Physics of the Earth
    1972年 20 巻 2 号 165-186
    発行日: 1972年
    公開日: 2009/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    The possibility of attenuation of microseismic waves due to the presence of an upward folding of the ocean bottom into the liquid is discussed in this paper. The upward folding of the ocean bottom has been idealized by means of an irregularity in the form of a rectangle intruding into the liquid and the evaluation of the displacement component at any point of the solid medium has been carried out in two stages. First, the change in the incident mode of the surface wave due to the presence of the rectangular irregularity has been determined, and second, the subsequent change of the resulting displacement components due to the termination of the liquid layer and the step change in elevation of the solid medium at the continental margin has been discovered. Finally, numerical calculation has been made to determine the attenuation of the microseismic waves of different periods due to the presence of the rectangular irregularity at the ocean bottom.
  • George W. Lee
    1973年 52 巻 3 号 171-177
    発行日: 1973/03/20
    公開日: 2010/06/28
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 川又 紀彦, 渡部 良平
    2019年 60 巻 7 号 767-772
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2019/08/06
    ジャーナル 認証あり

    BCR-ABL1 International Scale(IS)測定はチロシンキナーゼ阻害剤で治療されている慢性骨髄性白血病(CML)患者の治療効果をモニターする上で重要な検査法である。稀ではあるが,BCR-ABL1 IS測定ができないCMLが存在することが知られている。本研究において,我々は,そのようなBCR-ABL1 IS測定のできないCML患者を経験し,分子生物学的な方法で,その原因を解明した。本例ではABL1遺伝子における切断点がa


  • 増大する資源
    . F. Boswell
    1998年 52 巻 7 号 885-889
    発行日: 1998/07/01
    公開日: 2009/11/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    The world is in the midst of a huge fundamental shift in fibre supply, demand balances, and policy changes. Governments around the world are introducing policy changes which influence the supply demand balance as the politicians' thoughts are uttered. Government agencies and their bureaucrats are imposing changes on industry even before the legislation is passed by the government in question.
    hoc change process will continue for a time to come until the countries in question show a tough-mindedness with regard to their land use policies. Policies affecting forest areas such as protection areas, Native land claims, the protection of biodiversity and a true goal of sustainable development ; which addresses the combined issues of cultural, environmental, social and economic matters.
    Eventually all of these difficult issues will reach essential closure. Then there will be great new opportunities for investment to meet the growing demand for forest products ; leading to a strengthening competitive position in the more traditional producing areas such as Canada.
  • Philippe Biane
    Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences
    1995年 31 巻 1 号 63-79
    発行日: 1995年
    公開日: 2009/04/24
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Grover Loening
    1963年 11 巻 119 号 373-380
    発行日: 1963年
    公開日: 2009/05/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 山口 昭彦
    1994年 9 巻 37-65
    発行日: 1994/03/31
    公開日: 2018/03/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    L'entree en Iran des armees britannique et sovietique s'est produite en aout 1941. Elle ebranla du coup le regime de la dynastie pahlavi qui etait au pouvoir depuis 16 ans, et mena le pays vers l'instabilite politique et le chaos social. La defaite de l'arme gouvernementale, qui etait le pivot du regime de Reza Shah, reduisit considerablement le controle du gouvernement central dans le pays. Cette situation politico-sociale confuse permit le developpement de differents mouvements politiques en Iran.
    ainsi que le 16 aout 1942 le parti clandestin Komeley Jiyanewey Kurdistan (J-K) est ne a Mehabad, une ville au nord-ouest de l' Iran. Des sa formation, ce parti a su etendre sa sphere d'activite et, en une courte periode de temps, a fini par mettre sous son influence la ville et ses alentours. A la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, en ete 1945, le J-K etait devenu une organisation representant le mouvement nationaliste kurde en Iran.
    a ce moment-la qu'un autre parti politique, le Hizbi Dimokratiki Kurdistan (HDK), fonde par Qazi Mihemed a Mehabad aussi, devait remplacer le J-K. Des le
    janvier 1946, le HDK proclama l'instauration de la≪Republique de Kurdistan≫. Cependant, les troupes sovietiques qui avaient pris sous leur protection la Republique evacuerent les terres iraniennes, en mai 1946. Six mois plus tard, sous la pression militaire du gouvernement central iranien, la republique s'ecroula. Deux theories tentent d'expliquer le passage du J-K au HDK. William Eagleton Jr., par exemple, affirme dans The Kurdish Republic of 1946 que le HDK a ete cree sur le conseil des autorites sovietiques. L'ex-secretaire general du Parti Democratique du Kurdistan d'Iran, 'Ebd el-Rehman Qasimlu maintient par contre que Qazi Mihemed a etabli le nouveau parti de sa propre initiative, eu regard a la situation politique de cette epoque-la. Il considere que la passage du J-K au HDK comme etant l'evolution d'un parti nationaliste clandestin en un parti democratique. En analysant ces deux theories et en se basant sur les autobiographies des personages qui se sont engages dans cet evenement, cette etude tentera d'examiner le principe directeur et les activites du J-K et de mieux comprendre les raisons pour lesquelles le J-K devait etre remplace par le HDK. La conclusion generale portera sur les differents objectifs politiques du J-K et du HDK. Le J-K visait l'elevation du niveau culturel du peuple tout en luttant contre le tribalisme, qui etait, selon lui, le probleme majeur de≪la nation kurde≫, et cela en ecartant toute idee de revolte militaire. Le J-K a aussi exclu de son cadre les elites sociales telles que les leaders des tribus et dirigeants religieux de peur qu'ils n'excercent une influence sur les membres du parti. L'automne de 1944 fut le debut d'une nouvelle ere pour le mouvement kurde. Alors que l'espoir de l'autodetermination augmentait parmi le peuple a mesure que s'approchait la fin de la guerre, la necessite de la force militaire a commence a se faire sentir dans le J-K.
    pour cela que s'est produite au sein du parti une tendance a compter sur l'aide militaire des sovietiques et a recourir au leadership de Qazi Mihemed, qui avait une certaine influence meme sur les leaders tribaux. Mais cette tendance etait essentiellement incompatible avec la ligne fondamentale du J-K et, graduellement, a prive ce parti de sa raison d'etre. Ainsi, le HDK se substitua au J-K en tant que≪parti democratique≫visant a rallier d'abord les elites sociales sous sa banniere, en s'appuyant sur l'autorite personnelle de Qazi Mihemed.
  • JAN FAJKOS, Jiri Joska, Frantisek Sorm
    International Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products
    1964年 1964 巻 E-10-3
    発行日: 1964/04/12
    公開日: 2017/08/18
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin
    1986年 34 巻 3 号 1148-1152
    発行日: 1986/03/25
    公開日: 2008/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    Nine isoquinoline alkaloids belonging to the protoberberine, proaporphine and bisbenzyl-isoquinoline series were isolated from Caryomene olivascens (Menispermaceae). Four compounds are new : (-)-
    -norlimacine (
    ), (-)-caryolivine (
    ), (+)-1,
    -norlimacusine (
    ) and N-formylstepharine (
    ). The last one is the first N-formyl derivative to be reported in the proaporphine group. Its biogenetic origin is discussed. Structures were established on the basis of 360 MHz (FT) nuclear magnetic resonance measurements and also by chemical correlation in the case of
  • H. K. Mahanty
    1970年 35 巻 1 号 13-49
    発行日: 1970/03/25
    公開日: 2009/03/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. The chromosome numbers of 64 species have been studied on which 56 are investigated for the first time.
    . Morphological, anatomical and cytological findings on the Musaceae in the broad sense are considered from a phylogenetical standpoint and three distinct groups:
    a) Musa-Ensete,
    ) Ravenala-Strelitzia-Phenakospermum and
    ) Holiconia are recognised as suggested by some authors. For these groups sub-familial status is proposed.
    . Lowiaceae have been studied for the first time cytologically and their chromosome morphology, distinct from that of any other group of Zingiberales, confirms their claim to familial status.
    . Consideration of the conflicting theories proposed to account for the higher chromosome number in genera like Globba, Alpinia, and Phaemeria, etc. leads to rejection of Chakravorti's hypothesis of wholesale fragmentation of chromosomes and the acceptance of the opposed view of Raghavan and Venkatasubban and others.
    . Holttum's transference of the genus Zingiber to the tribe Hedychieae has been given cytological support on the following points:
    a) the basic number in the genus Zingiber correlates with that of Kaempferia.
    ) the new tribe Alpinieae (which is infact Zingibereae without Zingiber) have consistently 48 chromosomes in their somatic complements.
    . It is suggested that the African representatives of Kaempferia should be given the status of genus; Cienkowskya on the following points:
    a) the difference in floral morphology
    ) geographical separateness and
    ) the difference in the number and morphology of the chromosomes. By comparing the present and past findings, various lines of evolution of the chromosome complements within each group are discussed.
    . The basic number 11 is considered to be probably the original one for the Zingiberales as a whole, being present in Ravenala which is the most primitive member in the order. From this secondary basic numbers have arisen through evolution.
  • 米田 文郎, 大高 孝之, 新田 義博
    Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin
    1963年 11 巻 7 号 954-956
    発行日: 1963/07/25
    公開日: 2008/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Journal of Antibiotics
    2001年 54 巻 2 号 175-178
    発行日: 2001/02/25
    公開日: 2008/09/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • S. Datta, J. Sil, M. K. Banerjee
    ISIJ International
    1999年 39 巻 10 号 986-990
    発行日: 1999/10/15
    公開日: 2007/05/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    The effect of composition and controlled thermomechanical process parameters on the mechanical properties of HSLA steels is modelled using the Widrow-Hoff's concept of training a neural net with feed-forward topology by applying Rumelhart's back propagation type algorithm for supervised learning, using a Petri like net structure. The data used are from laboratory experiments as well as from the published literature. The results from the neural network are found to be consistent and in good agreement with the experimented results.
  • 榎 明潔, 八木 則男, 矢田部 龍一, 一本 英三郎
    1991年 31 巻 2 号 1-13
    発行日: 1991/06/15
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    It has been shown after mathematical and mechanical investigation that Limit Equilibrium Method (LEM) can be considered as a method to obtain the necessary condition of Slip Line Method (SLM), and that the solution can be obtained under the condition that Fs=1 and ∂Fs/∂θ=O, where Fs is the safety factor and θ is the inclination of the plane on which the safety factor is defined. Next, the generalized LEM (GLEM) is proposed, dealing with the following points : (1) Triangular or quadrangular blocks can be treated; (
    ) Safety factors are defined also on interblock planes; and (
    ) All types of plastic problems, slope stability, bearing capacity, and earth pressure are identically formulated. Two situations regarding treatment of the moment equilibrium condition are discussed. GLEM is applied to well-known problems. The results agree well with those obtained by theoretical methods. GLEM can be used to obtain the distribution of earth pressure or bearing capacity. GLEM, Iike ordinary LEM, is very effective for the practical problems, but GLEM is more theoretical and it can result in more accurate solutions.
  • 布施川 雄一, 多田 博己, 小熊 利明, 椎名 豊, 玉地 寛光, 半田 俊之介
    1996年 23 巻 9 号 545-551
    発行日: 1996/04/10
    公開日: 2011/09/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    The association between apolipoprotein
    ) polymorphism and the response of plasma cholesterol to dietary therapy (cholesterol intake of less than 300mg/day) was investigated for about
    weeks in 208 nonfamilial hypercholesterolemia patients (
    47). The baseline lipoprotein concentration and the intake of energy and lipids were not significantly different between subjects with
    and those with
    phenotypes. After the dietary therapy plasma total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein cholesterol were significantly decreased in both phenotype groups (p<
    .05). The patients with
    had significantly smaller reductions of LDL-
    than the patients with
    . The changes of LDL-
    showed a significant difference between the patients with
    by the Kruskal Wallis test (p=
    .041). The presence of
    predicted the degree of cholesterol reduction following dietary therapy.
    ISIJ International
    2005年 45 巻 1 号 121-126
    発行日: 2005年
    公開日: 2006/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    An unsupervised learning technique and an associative memory have been used for encoding weights by a special type of Petri network named Petri neural net for modelling the influence of alloying elements on the final property of the high strength low alloy steel. The combined effects of alloying elements for different strengthening mechanisms is predicted when weights and threshold values are chosen on the basis of metallurgical understanding. The technique is found to be effective to create an associative memory of input-output relations in unknown data sets so that the same can be subsequently be used as a predictive tool.
  • S. Datta, M. K. Banerjee
    ISIJ International
    2004年 44 巻 5 号 846-851
    発行日: 2004/05/15
    公開日: 2007/05/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    Primarily from the point of view of improvement of yield strength due to additions of niobium, titanium and boron in HSLA steels, the experimental steels are divided into five classes. The data are then supplied for learning a Self Organising Map (Kohonen network). It is found that the network with six neurons possesses better capacity of prediction with unknown data. Another effort of clustering the steels according to its major strength contributing mechanisms is also made. But the capacity of the network to cluster unknown data is found to be rather poor and has failed to follow from the metallurgical principles. To avoid this limitation, Learning Vector Quantisation method is adopted to impart a certain amount of supervision in the learning process and it is found that the training pattern of the network attains a good convergence thereby leading to a good predictive ability.
  • M. K. Banerjee, P. S. Banerjee, S. Datta
    ISIJ International
    2001年 41 巻 3 号 257-261
    発行日: 2001/03/15
    公開日: 2007/05/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    A boron treated copper bearing HSLA steel containing austenite formers like manganese and nickel, somewhat lower in amount than that in HSLA 100 variety of steel is chosen for the study. The role of thermomechanical processing on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the above steel has been investigated. Differential scanning calorimetric study is carried out for understanding the precipitation behaviour of copper in HSLA steel under the influence of boron. The microstructure of the experimental steel is found to consist of laths of martensites and bainite. MA constituents of ribbon like morphology are observed at the lath boundaries. Higher strength properties of the steel are attributed to the presence of finely distributed precipitates of copper and microalloy carbides.
  • B.C
    1986年 26 巻 4 号 16-22
    発行日: 1986/12/15
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Horizontal plate anchors are widely used in civil engineering constructions to resist vertical pulling loads. The available theoretical model suggested by Vesic to estimate the breakout resistance of plate anchors is in significant error, particularly for dense sandy soils. A theoretical model assuming a curved surface of failure through the surrounding soil, to evaluate the ultimate breakout resistance of horizontal plate anchors, has been proposed. It successfully brings out the concept of characteristics relative depth beyond which the breakout factor reaches a constant final value. It is capable of predicting breakout factors for wide range of values of angle of shearing resistance of sand.
    2000年 40 巻 5 号 65-73
    発行日: 2000/10/15
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The applicability of a method for predicting 'bearing capacity increase'in reinforced sandy ground was examined using tests performed under various test conditions. It was found that the present method predicted, with reasonable accuracy, the bearing capacity increase in sandy ground, reinforced with stiff reinforcement. This method may not be applicable for sandy ground reinforced with extensible reinforcement due to the unsuccessful formation of a semirigid zone under the footing. An investigation into the settlement of a footing on reinforced sandy ground, at ultimate footing load condition, suggested that the settlement of footing for reaching peak footing load may be correlated to the 'deep-footing'and the 'wide-slab'mechanisms. That is, the ultimate settlement ratio between reinforced and unreinforced model sandy ground, SRf, may be linearly correlated to 'BCRD'and 'BCRs', which represent 'deep-footing' and 'wide-slab'effects, respectively, on the ultimate bearing capacity increase in reinforced sandy ground.