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クエリ検索: %22Asperger disorder%22
2,038,881件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 油井 邦雄, Declan Murphy, 濱川 浩
    2009年 20 巻 2 号 133-142
    発行日: 2009/06/25
    公開日: 2010/06/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Ro
    1987年 49 巻 5 号 902-911
    発行日: 1987/10/01
    公開日: 2012/03/10
    ジャーナル 認証あり
    -8181の有効性, 安全性および有用性を検討するため, ヒト血清アルブミンを対照薬として, 二重盲検比較試験を行つた。皮膚症状の観察項目別の改善率では, 水疱·膿疱において投与開始後5日目でRo
    -8181群70%, placebo群50%で, 両群間に差(p<0.05)が認められた。皮膚症状改善度の推移を著明改善以上の症例についてみると, 投与開始後4日目の著明改善率はRo
    -8181群8%, placebo群0%であり, Fisherの直接計算法で両群間に差(p<0.05)が認められた。また, 投与開始後5日目の著明改善率はRo
    -8181群15%, placebo群3%であり, κ2 検定で両群間に差(p<0.05)が認められた。主治医による有効性の判定ではU検定でRo
    -8181群83%, placebo群14%であり, U検定で両群間に差(p<0.001)が認められた。主治医による有用性の判定ではU検定で両群間に差は認められなかつた。以上の結果より, 帯状疱疹に対し, Ro
    -8181は皮疹のうち水疱·膿疱に対して有効であり, 主治医判定でも有効性が認められたが, 安全性については本薬剤の耐薬性が示されたものの副作用の発現率が高かつたため, 有用性は高くないと考えられた。
  • 森谷 博之
    2020年 11 巻 1 号 17-22
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/04/15
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
    CTAの行政上の取り扱い、歴史、投資戦略等をまず簡単に説明する。CTAとは金融先物、オプション、スワップを対象とした取り引きに関する投資のアドバイスやサービスを個人、ファンドに提供する個人、または組織に対する金融行政上の用語で、正式名はCommodity trading advisorである。CTAという用語は投資信託、ETFを含むヘッジファンド、プライベートファンドへの投資アドバイスにも適応される。CTAs は米国連邦政府による規制対象であり Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) への登録と National Futures Association (NFA) のメンバーになることが義務付けられている。また、CTAはヘッジファンドの投資スタイルのひとつ (Global Macro) でもある。
  • Liqiong Liu, Van Vo, Marcus Ware, Zhenggang Xiong
    Intractable & Rare Diseases Research
    2012年 1 巻 2 号 92-94
    発行日: 2012/05/31
    公開日: 2014/04/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    A case of
    syndrome with unusual cerebral pathological changes is reported. A
    -year-old male had been having diagnostic
    syndrome since the age of eight and had epilepsy during the past two years. Radiological studies revealed a focal intra-axial cortical and subcortical cerebral lesion with hyper-intensity and non-enhancing contrast in the left frontal lobe. Histological and immunohistochemical studies demonstrated that the lesion consisted of cortical laminar disorganization, neuronal dysmorphism and increased heterotopic neurons in sub-cortical white matter. To our knowledge, this is the first case of
    syndrome with focal cerebral pathological abnormalities rather than mini-columnar changes and the gyrial malformation reported in the literature.
  • Moe Eto, Saeko Sakai, Tomoka Yamamoto, Kuriko Kagitani-Shimono, Ikuko Mohri, Masako Taniike
    2014年 22 巻 1 号 28-39
    発行日: 2014/09/01
    公開日: 2014/12/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    Individuals with autism spectrum
    have difficulties recognizing emotional information, especially from facial expressions. The present study investigated facial expression recognition ability among 17 children with high-functioning autism spectrum
    and 26 typically developing children. Three facial expression tasks were used: the Eyes Task, the Morphed Faces Task, and the Movie Stills Task with and without faces. Children were asked to adapt emotional words for stimuli (eye stimuli and emotional scenes) or rate emotional intensity from facial expressions. Results showed that children with high-functioning autism spectrum
    had difficulties perceiving subtle fear, complex emotions, and using contextual information appropriately in the absence of faces. These findings suggest that difficulty in recognizing emotional information from not only facial expressions but also contextual cues could provide a basis for understanding to social deficits among children with high-functioning autism spectrum
  • 今野 義孝
    2005年 42 巻 6 号 467-481
    発行日: 2005/03/31
    公開日: 2017/07/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    The present study attempted to identify behavioral and movement characteristics of children with autism or attention deficit/hyperactive
    (ADHD), using factor analysis. Participants were 30 children with autism (26 boys and 4 girls; 5 years 7 months to 10 years 3 months; mean CA=6:2), and
    children with ADHD (18 boys and 4 girls; 5 years 3 months to 9 years 11 months; mean CA=6:8). The mean IQ was 76 (range 71-89) for the children with autism, and 74 (range 71-83) for the children with ADHD. A behavior checklist (21 items) and a movement checklist (
    items) were administered. Factor analysis of the behavior checklist revealed 4 factors: "lack of active relating to others" (Factor I), "persistent interest in objects" (Factor II), "psychological tension and suppressed emotional expression" (Factor III), and "lack of sympathy with others" (Factor IV). The following factors were obtained from the movement checklist: "lack of active control of bodily movement" (Factor I), "insufficiency of movement skill and movement coordination" (Factor II), "impulsivity" (Factor III), and "hyperexcitability in mind and body" (Factor IV). For the children with autism, comparison of factor scores from the behavior checklist revealed that Factor I, Factor III, and Factor IV were their dominant characteristics, while comparison of the movement checklist factor scores indicated that Factor I was a salient characteristic for them.
  • The Japan Society for Occupational Health May
    , 2019
    Environmental and Occupational Health Practice
    2019年 1 巻 2 号 61-94
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2019/12/28
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2019/12/04
    ジャーナル フリー HTML

    The Japan Society for Occupational Health (JSOH) recommends the Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs) as reference values for preventing adverse health effects on workers caused by occupational exposure to chemical substances, continuous or intermittent noise, impulsive or impact noise, heat stress, cold stress, whole-body vibration, hand-arm vibration and time-varying electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields and ultraviolet and ionizing radiation.

  • 高橋 智
    2008年 45 巻 6 号 527-541
    発行日: 2008/03/31
    公開日: 2017/07/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    Inadequate support and neglect of children with developmental disabilities often engenders "secondary symptoms", such as school non-attendance, withdrawal, and criminal acts. Through a questionnaire survey of resource rooms in elementary and lower secondary schools in the Tokyo metropolitan area, the present study assessed the actual conditions that students with developmental disabilities confront, focusing on maladjustment problems of and problems of educational support for students with mild developmental disabilities. The survey results revealed many possible reasons for these students' school maladjustment. Suggestions for improvement were also described. Furthermore, the results revealed that cooperation among guardians, schools, resource rooms, counseling organizations, and medical institutions is extremely insufficient. It is strongly urged that schools and related organizations promote guardians' understanding of their children's disabilities.
  • 福島 順子
    2009年 20 巻 2 号 101-110
    発行日: 2009/06/25
    公開日: 2010/06/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Koji Adachi, Yasuo Murai, Akira Teramoto
    Journal of Nippon Medical School
    2012年 79 巻 3 号 228-231
    発行日: 2012年
    公開日: 2012/07/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    The etiology of autism remains unclear, but relationships to cerebellar factors have been reported. We report 2 cases of infantile cerebellar pilocytic astrocytoma in children with autism spectrum
    . Cerebellar tumors may be related to the pathogenesis of autism.
    The Journal of General and Applied Microbiology
    1971年 17 巻 3 号 251-257
    発行日: 1971年
    公開日: 2006/08/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    Intracerebral injection of vegetative myxamoebae of strains of Polysphondylium pallidum caused 80 to 100% mortality in mice, whereas a 30 to 50% mortality occurred with strains of Dictyostelium giganteum and D. mucoroides. Death is attributable to an unidentified toxic factor. Histopathologically a giant cell formation was seen in the spleen of mice. This cell was different from Langerhan's or foreign body giant cell. Rats injected intracerebrally behaved similarly. Intranasal instillation of myxamoebae in guinea pigs caused transient pneumonia. Myxamoebae do not multiply in the brain tissues of mice or rats, or in the lungs of guinea pigs.
    Intranasal instillation of vegetative myxamoebae is less pathogenic than free living amoebae like Hartmanella culbertsoni, H. rhysodes, Naegleria sp. (Culbertson strain HB-1), or Naegleria aerobia.
  • 22
    2013年 15 巻 3 号 293-296
    発行日: 2013/11/15
    公開日: 2014/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 十一 元三
    2010年 21 巻 2 号 91-96
    発行日: 2010年
    公開日: 2017/02/16
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    広汎性発達障害(PDD)に関する認知科学的・精神生理学的研究について展望した。精神生理学的研究に関しては,覚醒や注意について事象関連電位や自律神経活動の指標を用いて PDD 群に何らかの所見を見出した報告が多い。対人的注意については行動学的検査をもとに共同注意の低下を示す所見が得られている。脳機能画像を用いた研究からは,顔・表情や感情などの対人的処理と関連する領域を中心に所見が得られている。例えば,表情に対する扁桃体の低活動,顔に対する紡錘状回や上側頭回の賦活減少などが報告されている。さらに,対人的刺激に対し,ミラーニューロンにあたる下前頭回弁蓋部や眼窩部前頭前野の賦活減少もしばしば見出されている。聴覚刺激を用いた研究でも,主に対人的刺激に対する非定型的反応が報告されている。以上のように,PDD に関して非高次機能および対人的認知機能を中心に所見が集まりつつあると言える。
  • 山内 裕子, 宮尾 益知, 奥山 眞紀子, 井田 博幸
    2013年 45 巻 5 号 366-370
    発行日: 2013年
    公開日: 2014/10/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    障害の女児の臨床的特徴を男女で比較検討し, 診断上の注意点を明らかにする. 【方法】初診年齢, 初診理由となったおもな症状, 受診前の状況, WISC-IIIの結果をカルテより後方視的に比較検討した. 【結果】男児と比べ, 女児は10~15歳の受診が多く, 初診年齢が思春期に集中していた. 女児では睡眠リズム障害や心身症, 適応障害の合併が多かった. また, 女児のWISC-IIIでは動作性下位項目の内差が顕著でなく, 算数や積木下位項目が高値の男児とは異なる認知パターンが示唆された. 【結論】
    障害の臨床像には性差があり, 診断や対応にあたり, 性差を考慮する必要があると考えられた.
  • -当事者の記述からみた建築環境における困難-
    金波 詩明, 園田 眞理子
    2012年 77 巻 676 号 1325-1332
    発行日: 2012/06/30
    公開日: 2012/07/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    In recent years, it is clarified that autism spectrum
    person have special senses, and differ from normal senses. This study is therefore intended to clarify confusion between autism spectrum
    and building environment.
    The survey was conducted as follows;
    1) Analysis of texts written by persons with high functioning autism and
    2) Interview by documents to some persons with high functioning autism and
    We can be clarified that autism spectrum
    persons have various type of confusion and barriers against building environment. And the barriers between autism spectrum
    and living environment are space planning, shapes, color, quality of materials, lighting, acoustic, heating, air-conditioning.
  • Kaori Yamaguchi, Misako Sano, Reiko Fukatsu
    Asian Journal of Occupational Therapy
    2019年 15 巻 1 号 77-83
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2019/10/15
    ジャーナル フリー

    It is well known that children with autism spectrum

    show handwriting difficulty. Although it is considered that not only cognitive but also motor impairments affect the difficulty, remarkably little is known about the motor characteristics of handwriting in autistic children. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate: 1) peculiarities of hand and finger functions; and 2) characteristics of handwriting movement in preschool children with ASD during the chrysalis stage of handwriting. Participants were children with ASD and age- and partially IQ-matched controls. We conducted assessment of muscle strength, motor coordination, separate finger movement, dexterity, grasp posture and line drawing movement. We compared data between ASD and control groups. Significant differences were observed in repetitive hand tapping, pronation and supination, sequential finger tapping, finger lifting and pegboard. Considering components of handwriting, there seems to be no prominent difference between the two groups in grasp posture, although ASD showed poorer motor coordination on the drawing line task compared to that of controls. The present results also showed atypical characteristics of hand and finger motor functions and line drawing movement in ASD. These findings provide further insight into the motor aspects of handwriting and suggest investigating correlation between hand and finger functions, especially separate finger movement and manual dexterity and motor aspect of handwriting may be important to clarify effective bottom up training for acquisition of handwriting skills.

  • 日本科学教育学会第
    1999年 23 巻 2 号 138-152
    発行日: 1999/06/10
    公開日: 2017/06/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    nd Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Science Education (JSSE) was held on July 29-31, 1998 at Tokyo Gakugei University in western suburb of Tokyo with about 290 registrants under the main theme of "Towards Implementation of Science Curriculum for Construction of Creation and Symbiosis." Number of papers over 210 were presented in both main sessions and general presentations. There were two symposiums, one lecture, one forum, one international forum, one workshop, three sessions of themes set by the steering committee and ten sessions of themes set independently by members of JSSE in main sessions. Also, there were many other general presentations. Many papers were presented coping with the main theme. They were a lecture related to learning and creativity based on advance of brain, and many presentations related to symbiosis such as relation between in-door and out-door school activities, school based research activities such as curriculum development, and way of finding new methodology of research on classroom, consistency of curriculum through elementary to high school, pre-service teacher education, and so on. Contents of claims and discussions in every presentation in main sessions are summarized in this paper.
  • 板垣 俊太郎, 矢部 博興
    2023年 51 巻 2 号 83-86
    発行日: 2023/04/01
    公開日: 2023/04/03
    ジャーナル フリー

    自閉症スペクトラム障害 (Autism Spectrum

    : ASD) のP3bはメタアナリシスで振幅の減衰が示され, 意思決定処理状態における認知およびワーキングメモリの欠陥が示唆された。Mismatch Negativity (MMN) のメタアナリシスでは, 言語課題MMNでは振幅の減少と, 潜時の延長が報告されており, 乏しい社会機能や中核的な言語性の障害との関連が指摘された。一方で非言語課題のMMN振幅の減少は, 前注意/時間的聴覚処理の欠陥を示唆した。注意欠如多動性障害 (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
    : ADHD) のP300のメタアナリシスでは, Cue P300振幅の減衰, Go P300の潜時延長, NoGo-P300 振幅の減衰, NoGo-P300潜時の延長が認められた。MMNの小児期ADHDのメタアナリシスで, 定型発達児に比べてMMN振幅が減少することが明らかになったが分析に選ばれた論文の課題や測定方法の条件が統一されていない問題点がある。成人期ADHDにおいてはMMNの振幅の減衰や潜時延長を示さない報告もあり小児期と成人期で異なる認知特性が示される可能性もある。

  • Tomokatsu Yoshida, Eri Eguchi, Hirofumi Mashiko, Tetsuya Ohira
    The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
    2021年 253 巻 2 号 113-123
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2021/02/17
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス HTML

    A developmental

    is condition in which a person has deficiency in either physical, learning, language, or behavior, and people with developmental disorders often experience difficulties in their social lives. In Japan, no systematic surveys of developmental disorders targeting local residents have been reported, including working-age. Hence, we aimed to estimate the prevalence and determine the psychosocial factors associated with life satisfaction and psychological distress in the Fukushima prefecture. We conducted an Internet questionnaire survey among 4,030 residents (2,136 men and 1,894 women) aged 16-65 years who either had a job or were willing to work. Developmental disorders were defined based on participants’ self-reported history diagnosed by a psychiatrist or their responses to screening questionnaires. The prevalence of developmental disorders was 9.6% (n = 386). Subsequently, a secondary survey (on a first-come, first-served basis) was conducted to assess psychosocial factors among those with developmental disorders, and responses were received from 121 men and 79 women aged 16-65. Being a regular employee and disclosing diagnosis at the workplace was associated with higher job satisfaction. The participants living with a spouse and/or their children tended to feel satisfied with their life (multivariable-adjusted odds ratio (OR): 3.55), job (OR: 3.20), and income (OR: 4.68), whereas those living with parents tended to not feel satisfied with their life, job, or income. Working as a regular employee, having co-workers who understand developmental disorders, and living with a spouse or children are important social factors that increase life satisfaction among people with developmental disorders.

  • 森谷 博之
    2017年 2017 巻 FIN-019 号 09-
    発行日: 2017/10/14
    公開日: 2022/12/17
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー

    A financial market is a diversified dynamical system with many constraints, and price movements are modeled in terms of the micro properties of each transactions and the macro properties of dynamical systems. These two properties must be bridged by the multiplicity. The model forcuses on the size of tick and the number of transactions with the price movement compared with the previous transctions and explains stochastic nature of short-term volatilities and persistently stable long-term volatilities as a results of unique behaviour of heterogeneous market participants.
