The cerebrospinal fluid protein fractions were investigated by the agarose isoelectric focusing (agarose IEF) and the silver staining, for the purpose of elucidating protein abnormalities in the neural tissues in the degenerative neurological diseases, especially in motor neuron disease (MND), spinocerebellar degeneration (SCD) and Parkinson disease (PD).
In this study, we focused six bands, mainly composed of transferrin, separated by agarose IEF and the silver staining. Some of these bands showed double fractions, even in the cases of the control group consisted of the patients without organic disease. In MND, all patients had double fractions of one or more of these bands, and it was interesting that in some of them double fractions were seen on the band with the isoelectric point of 5.6. Double fractions were also seen in many of SCD (69%) and PD (91%). Cases in that there was positive in more alkaline zone than transferrin in this method, were more in disease groups (especially in MND and SCD) than in the control group.
This method combined agarose IEF with the silver staining seemed to be the excellent one as the investigating procedure for cerebrospinal fluid proteins.