Online ISSN : 1349-9785
Print ISSN : 0031-9082
ISSN-L : 0031-9082
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論文タイトル: ろ紙
OR 論文タイトル: 濾紙
36件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 岡田 英孝, 新城 俊憲
    2007年 51 巻 2 号 101-103
    発行日: 2007年
    公開日: 2009/12/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    The stable supply of the cellulose acetate membrane (SEPARAX-SP) for electrophoresis support media became difficult with production device deterioration. Therefore, Toyo Roshi Kaisha, Ltd. was transferred production technology from Fuji Co. and tried to develop a new membrane with similar performance. At the beginning physical properties of the membrane differed slightly possibly due to the difference of production device; however, recently a new membrane with similar performance to SEPARAX-SP has been completed and named SELECA-VSP.
    Physical properties, such as tearing strength and elasticity, electrophoretic properties of SELECA-VSP were similar to those of SEPARAX-SP. By scanning electron microscope, SELECA-VSP membrane surface and cross section showed similar image and uniformly pored.
    To investigate a practical use of SELECA-VSP in clinical laboratory, a working group was organized by Japanese Electrophoresis Society and has examined basic and clinical performance of SELECA-VSP. Because the results have been revealed almost good performance, we go on developing for placing SELECA-VSP on the market.
  • 小林 茂三郎
    1954年 2 巻 1 号 3-16
    発行日: 1954/03/10
    公開日: 2009/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 濾紙電気泳動裝置の試作とその検討
    香月 武人
    1955年 2 巻 2 号 116-122,139
    発行日: 1955/02/15
    公開日: 2009/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    The apparatus devised consists of two buffer vessels, two Ag(AgCl)KCl-electrodes, two electrode vessels, a horizontal plate, a cover, and a supporter frame-work for filterpaper.
    A few basic experiments were performed by means of this apparatus.
    The buffer used was veronal-acetate buffer at pH8.6.
    1) Veronal-buffer was found incomparably best adapted for filterpaper-electrophoretic analysis of blood serum.
    2) 15 hours' electrophoresis under the current of 2mA or so was found to be most appropriate.
    3) 0.02cc of serum was sufficient for the purpose.
    4) The same buffer could be used 5 times in succession without any practical disadvantage.
    5) The result obtained was approximately identical with that obtained by the use of the classical Tiselius apparatus.
    6) The serum values obtained in 10 normal persons averaged Alb. 59.0%, α1-Glob. 3.7%, α2-Glob. 5.9%, β-Glob. 10.8% and γ-Glob. 20.6%.
  • 杉本 良一, 阿部 正和, 猪熊 孝治, 阿武隈川 栄子, 宮本 璋, 坂岸 良克, 中島 一男, 高田 蒔, 畑下 敏行, 天野 久夫, 篠原 玲子, 伊藤 斉, 三浦 勇夫, 森 文彦, 斉藤 慶子, 土屋 豊, 吉野 純男, 井上 信彌, 小高 光, 橋本 明, 有賀 槐三, 長谷 克, 清水 清忠, 金田 春雄, 小林 茂三郎, 朝倉 三郎, 有賀 瑳智子, 杭田 亭, 橘 敏也, 村井 俊介, 玉井 温子, 村上 素子, 幾島 明, 島尾 和男
    1958年 5 巻 3-4 号 181-194
    発行日: 1958年
    公開日: 2009/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 大川 公康, 渡部 東馬
    1958年 5 巻 1 号 12-17
    発行日: 1958/07/15
    公開日: 2009/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 生物物理化学
    1956年 3 巻 3-4 号 155-182
    発行日: 1956年
    公開日: 2009/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 第1報 濾紙電気泳動用電源としての積層乾電池の利用性
    久志本 常孝, 窪田 秀昭
    1956年 3 巻 1 号 32-35
    発行日: 1956/07/15
    公開日: 2009/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 村井 京子
    1961年 7 巻 4 号 167-179
    発行日: 1961/05/15
    公開日: 2009/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    About the filterpaper electrophoresis of proteins, we come to a conclusion as the following, from the result of experiment, ussing serum (plasma) proteins as trial material after studing the provision of experimentation, material of experimentation according to the method of the experimentation.
    1. We find inportant condition in the position on which we put the trial material, how much to have an overdose of it, and how fresh to have it.
    2. The quality of the filterpaper has a close relation with the result of electrophoresis of proteins. We find the good result in the filterpaper of Whatman No. 1, Schleicher & Schüll No. 2043 a, b or Toyo filterpaper corp. No. 51, 51a.
    3. About to the condition of the electrophoresis, the voltage, the electric current and the time of the phoresis are concerned each other. As to decide strictly on these point, we find some deficult problem, but we know that the condition of the phoresis had decided naturally, if we have the fixed filterpaper and buffer.
    4. We find the best conditioh in about 7cm in phoresis distance and in 100-110°C, 20 minutes in the method of the desiccate as the same as we find from the result of experiment as to the phoretic distance and the desiccate method.
    5. 20 minutes are the best in the time of dyeing so for as Amido black 10B is concermed.
    We think as if We will find some deference between Amido black 10B and B. P. B. dyeingin in the result of the some amount, but it is not only clear above mentioned writting in this point of view but it is also necessary to study in future.
  • 第2報 積層乾電池を電源とした濾紙電気泳動
    久志本 常孝, 窪田 秀昭, 本間 光正
    1956年 3 巻 2 号 121-123
    発行日: 1957/03/15
    公開日: 2009/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    Using a laminated dry battery for portable radio use as an electrical source, human serum and eggwhite solution are paperelectrochromatographically developed.
    In case when paper of the size of 2×20cm is used, current required was only 0.2mA with our circuit and arrangement. Fairly good patterns were obtained and it was verified that a laminated dry battery is never worse than a high-class rectifier as far as proteins are separated.
  • 牧 正文, 吉野 光子
    1965年 11 巻 2 号 199-203
    発行日: 1965/12/30
    公開日: 2009/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 交叉濾紙泳動法による抗原抗体反応の検出
    上田 務
    1959年 6 巻 1 号 50-57
    発行日: 1959/06/15
    公開日: 2009/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    By the application of the crossing paper electrophoresis, antigen-antibody reactions could be detected on the filter paper. Antiserum was applied on a line on the anodic side of the filter paper and antigen was applied on a line drawn obliquely to the former on the cathodic side. By the electrophoresis, the antiserum was separated into its components and crossed over by the antigenic proteins. Antigen-antibody precipitates occurred in the zone of γ-globulin of the antiserum.
    The line of precipitate formed by the reaction of egg albumin with its homologous antiserum was dissolved and moved, if excess of egg albumin had crossed with it. The antiserum obtained in the earlier stage of immunization, however, showed a line of complex, which was not dissolved by the excess of egg albumin. The complex was suspected not to be precipitate. Thus it was inferred that the anti-egg albumin antibody of the earlier stage would be “incomplete”, which would become complete precipitin afterwards.
    The cross reactions of the anti-hen's egg albumin with heterogenous antigens, egg albumins of duck, goose, guinea hen, and quail, could also be deteced.
    By the crossing paper electrophoresis of bovine serum and its rabbit antiserum, at least 6 lines of pricipitate were detected. Two-dimensional application of the method was also carried out: The antiserum alone was first separated on a line in the first dimension. Then the antigenic bovine serum was applied on a line vertical to the first one. And the second electrophoresis was carried out to the 2nd direction vertical to the first one. The proteins of bovine serum migrated into the zone of γ-globulin of the antiserum to form lines of precipitate. By the two-dimensional technique, however, the sensibility of the method could not be raised. A comparison with the technique of Garbar's immunoelectrophoresis was made.
    The cross reactions of the anti-bovine serum rabbit antiserum with heterogenous antigens, human, swine and goat serum, were detected by the method.
  • 第2報
    鮎沢 啓夫, 村井 貞彰
    1958年 4 巻 1-2 号 23-26
    発行日: 1958/02/15
    公開日: 2009/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    1) The daily change of the electrophoretic pattern of the silkworm blood from larval to pupal stage was examined. Three components (b3, b2, b1) were present in the blood of the early period of the 5th instar as shown in the previous paper (AIZAWA, 1955), while from 4-5th day of the 5th instar to pupal stage, there appeared two components, which were densely stained (Figs. 1, 3). In the latter case, when the electrophoresis was performed with the diluted blood, three protein components could be clearly detected (Fig. 2). b3 is the fastest moving component and it seems to be albumin. b2 and b1 are probably globulin. b3 component decreased with the pupal age and finally disappeared, at earlier time in male than in female.
    2) Comparison of the electrophoretic patterns was made by veronal, phosphate, citrate, borate or tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane buffer with the varying ion concentration and pH. The separation of the protein fractions with veronal buffer (pH 8.6, I=0.05) was better than with other buffers.
    3) Comparison of staining, was examined using bromphenol blue, solar blue black and amido black. All dyes were suitable for the purpose. By sudan black staining, b3 component was slightly stained (Fig. 4).
    4) Paper strips were cut off from the electrophoresis paper of the jaundice-diseased blood at the regions of b3, b2+b1 and the starting line as shown in Fig. 5. The virus was extracted with the distilled water and the injection experiments were performed. The virus amount was highest in b2+b1 fractions and it decreased in the fraction from near the starting line. The virus activity was scarecely shown in the fraction of b3.
    5) Any difference, except for quantitative one was not observed in the electrophoretic patterns of the blood between the normal and diseased larvae (both nuclear and cytoplasmic polyhedroses). On the contrary, the pattern of Galleria mellonella is, however, different from that of Galleria-adapted silkworm jaundice virus (Aizawa, unpub.).
  • 橘 敏也, 村井 俊介, 玉井 温子, 村上 素子
    1959年 6 巻 1 号 63-71
    発行日: 1959/06/15
    公開日: 2009/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    In view of the complexity and inaccuracy of densitometery now in use, we adopted a fractional elution method as a substitute for it and made basic studies on the same with the following results:
    1. Pigments are completely extracted from pieces of filter paper with 5-10cc of N/100 NaOH solution in 30 minutes at room temperature. The extinction of the extract and the amount of serum added show a linear relationship.
    2. The color tone of the extract, which in prepared by removing bromphenol blue (BPB) or Amidoschwarz 10B (AS) from filter paper with N/100 NaOH solution, fades away with the passage of time; this phenomenon is especially remarkable in the extract which is prepared by removing BPB from filter paper with the said solution. Since the tendency of the color tone to fade away is true of each fraction of serum protein, no significant differences take place at least for 5 hours when the percentage of protein in serum is calculated.
    3. The maximum resorption wavelengths of the extracts which are prepared by removing BPB and As from filter paper with N/100 NaOH solution are 570 and 620mμ.
    4. When measurement is made by only an individual according to this method, its reproductivity is considerably high in each serum of healthy subjects and cases of nephrosis and liver cirrhosis.
    5. Even when this method is performed on different individuals, it shows a reproductivity equal to that of the Tiselius method.
    6. By this method we followed great changes in serum protein in cases of nephrotic syndrome that were produced during a short time by a large dosage of predonine.
  • 山崎 晴一朗
    1971年 16 巻 1 号 35
    発行日: 1971/08/31
    公開日: 2009/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
  • I 濾紙面上の緩衝液流およびイオン強度の泳動像に及ぼす影響
    山口 延男
    1963年 9 巻 3-4 号 221-231
    発行日: 1963/07/15
    公開日: 2009/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    A systematic studies of the electrophoresis technique of human serum proteins (in sodium barbiturate buffer at pH 8.6) using the open horizontal method ware carried out.
    1. During electrophoresis, two kinds of the buffer flow occur on paper surface, one of which heads for the cathode on account of the electroendosmosis. The other one goes to the central part of paper from both of the anodic and cathodic buffer vessels in order to compensate for the relative dryness which occurs owing to the evaporation during electrophoresis. The apparent buffer flow on paper surface is the algebraic sums of these two kinds of buffer flow. The equlibrum points (zero points) of buffer flow are generally located on the cathodic part of the horizontal portion of paper.
    2. These equlibrium points, however, displace to the central part of paper as voltage, ionic strength and electrophoresis hour incerease. It is because, in these cases, the buffer flow due to the evaporation augments more rapidly than the one due to the electroendosmosis.
    3. The buffer flow on the more anodic part than the equlibrium points heads for the cathod and inversely on the more cathodic part. Their dimensions are proportional to the distances from the equlibrium points of buffer flow.
    4. On account of the buffer flow on paper, 1) the electrophoretic patterns are blurred, especially on the anodic part of paper, and displaced, as a whole, to the anodic or cathodic parts, leaving some extent of tailing on paper. This is disadvantageous for the precise determination of serum fractions because one fraction may be superimposed on the other's talings.
    5. As the buffer solution displaces under the continuous evaporation during electrophoresis, the ionic strength varies throughout on paper. To detect the variations of ionic strength, accumulated amounts of electrolytes on the dried papers, were examined by the high-frequency papyrography The ionic strength is proved to be small where the buffer flow is large. So, the ionic strength on paper decreases in proportion to the increases of distance from the equlibrium points of buffer flow.
    6. The time-migration relationship of B. P. B, stained Alb, is not linear but of inversely S-shaped curve, the formation of which is expounded to be due to the variations of ionic strength on paper.
    7. The most well separated electrophoretic patterns are obtained when serum is applied on the equlibrium points of buffer flow. It is because the applied serum migrates on the paper with relatively high ionic strength and relatively small buffer flow.
    8. In drying papers, the electrophoretically separated fractions are displaced owing to the water displacement due to the evaporation.
    9. The paper electrophoretic mobilities are only approximate in both of the closed and open method electrophoresis because the changes of buffer flow and ionic strength during electrophoresis, and the water displacement in drying papers do not take place uniformly on paper.
  • (1)泳動裝置の検討
    猪熊 孝治, S. Y. Duer, 仲西 クキ子, 阿部 正和
    1956年 3 巻 1 号 10-15
    発行日: 1956/07/15
    公開日: 2009/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    As a part of our fundamental studies on paper electrophoresis we here present our views regarding selection of the two methods of paper electrophoresis, the Grassmann and the Flynn method. The filter paper used was Whatman No. 1, the stain, Amido Black 10 B.
    Ten essentially normal human sera were used, and the results from both methods were almost identical, although differing in minor details. It is these minor differences that we wish to consider here.
    (1) With the electrophoretic time being the same for both methods, the length of the electrophoretic migration was longer for the Grassmann method than for the Flynn method. This may be due to the movement of the buffer toward the center of the paper, as a result of the evaporation from the surface of the paper.
    (2) The position of γ-globulin with the Flynn method was always on the negative side of the line of origin (electroosmosis), but with the Grassmann method it was consistently on the positive side. This, also, we consider is due to the flow of the buffer to compensate the evaporation loss.
    (3) The protein adsorbed at the line of origin was more marked for the Flynn method than for the Grassmann method. We are now considering a way to eliminate this defect in the Flynn method. In order to observe the tailing of the albumin, therefore, the Grassmann method is more convenient.
    (4) The reproducibility of both methods, as compared to free electrophoresis was not very good, owing to the evaporation from the paper and also to the sagging of the paper in the Grassmann method.
    (5) From the above it is concluded that although the Grassmann method is more popularly used, the Flynn method when properly handled is far from being inferior to the former method.
  • III 濾紙緩衝液系の変化と電気泳動像との関係,ならびに若干の技術的考案について
    山口 延男
    1963年 9 巻 3-4 号 243-251
    発行日: 1963/07/15
    公開日: 2009/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. For the precision of densitometry, each zone of serum fractions should be geometrically so figured as to be perpendicular to the direction of electromigration on its cathodic and anodic edges and to spread bilaterally just to the both edges of a paper strip. The electrophoretic patterns suiting this request will be got when the serum is applied as a rectangularly diffused zone at the starting line. The repeated streaking method proposed by Grassmann and Hannig, and the droplets depositing method are proved to be preferable in applying the serum on paper so far as the thorough attention to avoid the disfiguring effect of the first and last droplet running out from micropipett is paid. The author, in addition, devised a special micropipett which is fitted to push out a minute amout of serum by the pressure differences of fingers and to “handwrite” a uniform streak of serum on wet paper.
    2. On the paper, the migration velocities of serum fractions enhance as the water content of paper (g/cm2) increase. The increases of the tension lessen the water content of paper, subsequently leading to the slow migration velocities.
    3. The distortion and disfigure of a electrophoretic pattern on a paper strip are mainly due to the differences in tension.
    4. When several isolated paper strips are mounted in the same electrophoresis apparatus, the migration distance of each serum fraction on them are not generally equal, owing to the minute differences of tension among these paper strips.
    5. A sheet paper with slits as shown in Fig. 6 is newly designed for paper electrophoretic use.
    6. A new apparatus was devised for the facilitation of mounting a paper with slits and making the tensions of paper strips as equal as possible.
    7. As each fraction on paper strips on a paper with slits has almost the same migration distance, one of these strips can be used as a guide strip for checking the eletrophoretic separation as well as for cutting off the fractions from the strips for preparative experiments. The electrophoresis using a paper with slits is especially suitable for the preparation of serum fractions. This method is named the improved preparative electrophoresis by paper srips (Yamaguchi).
  • 交叉濾紙泳動法による附加化合物の検出の原理,操作法,および二三の応用例
    上田 務
    1959年 6 巻 1 号 41-49
    発行日: 1959/06/15
    公開日: 2009/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 山口 康夫, 中川路 慶一, 坂部 日出男, 秋元 真太郎, 関谷 昭
    1958年 5 巻 2 号 69-71
    発行日: 1958/11/15
    公開日: 2009/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 島尾 和男, 杉本 良一, 宮本 璋, 浅田 敏雄, 有賀 槐三, 土屋 豊, 小林 茂三郎, 幾島 明, 伊藤 斉, 橘 敏也, 阿部 正和
    1960年 6 巻 4 号 258-261
    発行日: 1960/07/15
    公開日: 2009/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー