Radiation Safety Management
Online ISSN : 1884-9520
Print ISSN : 1347-1511
ISSN-L : 1347-1511
Shielding Ability of a Novel Iron Ceramic Material for Gamma-Rays
Midori ISOBEHiroyuki MORINarufumi OKADAYuriko MANNAMIHiroaki TERATO
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2023 Volume 22 Pages 1-6


 Radiation shielding is one of the necessary procedures in radiation protection. The lead blocks are commonly used to shield against gamma- and X-rays. However, due to lead's biotoxicity, the development of alternative materials is required. We developed a novel ceramic product as a non-biotoxic shielding material composed mainly of iron (III) oxide. In this study, the radiation shielding performance against gamma-rays was evaluated and its potential as a radiation shielding material was investigated. We measured the gamma-ray amount transmitted through the ceramic specimens using a NaI scintillation counter with three different gamma sources (133Ba, 137Cs, and 60Co). The order of shielding ability of the sample with the same volume was lead > iron > the ceramics. The effects of piling the blocks and the type of jointing agent used in the gaps on the shielding ability were also observed for considering actual use.

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