Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research
Print ISSN : 0918-7928
Volume 80, Issue 4
Displaying 1-10 of 10 articles from this issue
Rapid Communications
  • Ken YUKIMURA, Ronghua WEI
    2004 Volume 80 Issue 4 Pages 281-288
    Published: 2004
    Released on J-STAGE: September 22, 2004
    Plasma-Based Ion Implantation and Deposition (PBII&D) has been developed for surface modification of three dimensional materials immersed in plasma. The ions are implanted into the material to which a train of pulsed voltage are directly applied so as to make an ion sheath around the surface of the material. During the ion implantation, plasma species and their compound materials are simultaneously deposited on the materials. This is a cost-effective and simple surface modification system. Conformal ion implantation can be carried out by this method. Metallic arcs such as cathodic arc and gas discharges using organic metallic gas have been used. In addition to the negative bias application system for extracting positive ions, positive pulse application system to extract electrons to heat the materials and positive pulsed bias method have been also developed. As industrial applications, the surface modification of inside pipes by PBII&D is introduced.
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Special Topic Article : Effect of Plasma Flow Velocity Shear on Fluctuation and Structure Formation
Lecture Note : Multiscale Modeling of Fusion Materials Behavior under Irradiation
Contributed Paper
  • Hiroaki NISHIMURA, Keisuke SHIGEMORI, Mitsuo NAKAI, Shinsuke FUJIOKA, ...
    2004 Volume 80 Issue 4 Pages 325-330
    Published: 2004
    Released on J-STAGE: September 22, 2004
    A new research project on extreme ultraviolet(EUV) source development has been started utilizing resources of laser fusion research. The main task of the project is to provide a scientific basis for generating efficient, debris-free, high power EUV plasma source for production of semiconductor devices. Spherical solid-tin targets were illuminated uniformly with twelve beams from GEKKO XII to create spherical plasmas, and EUV emission spectra were absolutely measured. The highest conversion efficiency of 3 % to 13.5 nm EUV light in 2 % bandwidth was attained at irradiance of around 5×1010W⁄cm2. The experimental data were well reproduced by a theoretical model taking power balance in the EUV plasma into consideration.
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