Archivum histologicum japonicum
Print ISSN : 0004-0681
Histological Observations on the Hypothalamo-hypophysial System of a Chimpanzee (One Case Report)
Contributions to the Comparative Histology of the Hypothalamo-hypophysial System. 40th report
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1959 Volume 16 Issue 2 Pages 273-278


The hypothalamo-hypophysial system of a 9-year-old female Anthropopithecus niger was histologically investigated and the following results were obtained.
1. The general view of the hypothalamo-hypophysial system most resembles that of man.
2. The lobus tuberalis on the anterior side of the hypophysial stalk extends as far as the sulcus tubero-infundibularis, but on the posterior side it is replaced by the fibrovascular zone except on the small distal part of that side.
3. The lobus anterior is divided into several regions according to the manner of distribution of acidophil, basophil and chromophobe cells therein.
4. The cells of the lobus tuberalis are mostly basophil tuberalis ones. They also include some undifferentiated cells. The size of lobus tuberalis cells is generally much smaller than that of those of the lobus anterior.
5. The reticular fiber system in the adenohypophysis is composed of the basement membranes around the cell strands and around the blood vessels and interstitial tissue occupying the space between the two.
6. The lobus intermedius does not exist as a compact lobe. It has in itself sporadical gland cells some of which run deeply into the lobus posterior, being accompanied by rich reticular fibers and blood vessels.
7. Neurosecretory cells with remarkable vacuoles are found many especially in the supraoptic nucleus.
8. The infundibular recess of the third ventricle is shallow. The blood vessels belonging to the portal system invade into the infundibulum and infundibular stem at various points from the lobus tuberalis and the fibrovascular zone. These special vessels in the infundibulum and infundibular stem form vascular loops quite similar to those of human case, and are enwrapped with a thick reticular fiber sheath.
9. In the lobus posterior there are gomoriphil material densely gathering around the blood vessels in so-called ‘Verdichtungszone’ Some of the gomoriphil granules are found even in the blood vessels.
10. Gomoriphil material gathers to form a layer around the invading lobus intermedius tissue in the lobus posterior. Furthermore, gomoriphil material is seen within that lobus intermedius tissue and in the blood vessels therein.

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