Biomedical fuzzy systems bulletin
Online ISSN : 2433-1465
Print ISSN : 0915-9274
ISSN-L : 0915-9274
Conference information
Exclusive Fuzzy Hardware System for Appraisal of Results of Orthodontic Treatment
Yoshiyasu YoshikawaToshio DeguchiTakeshi Yamakawa
Author information

Pages 1-3

We report the development of fuzzy hardware system for appraising the results of orthodontic treatment. The method of inference is illustrated in Figure 1, and 2. The terms of the antecedent are the are- and post-treatment appraisals. These were treated as fuzzy variables, their membership functions were defined and linked with the conjunction "and". The membership functions of the consequent for the four logical outcomes were defined as the singleton values 10, 6.6, 3.3, and 0. The hardware consists of MFC blocks, and fuzzy logic complement circuits, pin matrix, centroid, and mean value circuits (Figure 3). This computer is the first model designed for appraisal of orthodontic results and improvements are planned for the future. It has demonstrated, however, the utility of fuzzy inference for evaluating orthodontic treatment, which often involves subjective judgements.
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© 1991 Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association
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