Biophilia Rehabilitation Journal
Online ISSN : 1882-5559
Print ISSN : 1347-5568
ISSN-L : 1347-5568
Original Article
Statistical Evaluation of Rehabilitation to the Disabled Elderly based Takizawa-Program
Kenji UshizawaShigeo TakizawaHiroshi NagasawaMitsuyo MakitaTetsuhiko KimuraKyoko Takizawa
Author information

2004 Volume 2 Issue 1 Pages 71-80


Elderly cases offered Takizawa-Program as one of the rehabilitation techniques were evaluated statistically. Initially we clarified the characteristics of the total FIM (Functional Independent Measure) score and the relation between the number of improved items and of worsened ones. Furthermore, we investigated the multidimensional relevance of 18 FIM items to explain the characteristics of improvement or aggravation clear, and obtained four factors by factor analysis and classified into six groups by cluster analysis, and then extracted some specific cases. Finally, we statistically verified the effect about the 18 FIM evaluation items using the t-test, a sign test and the Wilcoxon signed rank sum test, and several items in the FIM were turned out to be significantly effective.

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© 2004 by Biophilia Rehabilitation Academy
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