2010 Volume 6 Issue 1 Pages 19-26
We enforced the construction of a community rehabilitation network for the autonomous rehabilitation of the disabled elderly by the official grant. We distributed the prepared manual and devices developed for subjects in order to perform the rehabilitation exercises. 47 disabled elderly 13 Aftereffect of cerebrovascular accident, 9 hemiplegia left, 3 hemiplegia left and one another), 8 knee osteoarthritis, 7 lumbar spinal stenosis and 19 others were involved as subjects. The change of a body situation depended on the Long-Term Care Insurance Survey (LTCIS) including the Degree of Independent Living for the Disabled Elderly (DILDE) was analyzed with changes in the level of care. As a result, the sitting ability with both feet on Ground has improved significantly (P<0.05). From these research findings, it is thought that the possibility of enforcement of the autonomous rehabilitation and home implementation of it has been specified for the disabled elderly.