1999 Volume 29 Pages 5-26
The "Thirteenth Sphere" or the "Thieteenth Cone" in Yeats' A Vision has been treated lightly by most critics because it is not defined clearly or integrated into the system of A Vision exactly. However, I think we should not treat it lightly without looking into it closely. The aim of this paper is to make clear the essence of the "Thirteenth Sphere" If we can do so, we will know the reason why it is not defined clearly or integrated exactly. As a result it will not be treated lightly without proper reason. In the first chapter, I explain the essence of the "Thirteenth Sphere" in terms of the duality of divinity and humanity. In the second chapter, I direct a spotlight on the human aspect of it and make clear the reason why it is not integrated into the system of A Vision exactly. In the third chapter, I throw light on the divine aspect of it and make clear the reason why it is not defined clearly. On the whole, this paper aims at the restoration of the "Thirteenth Sphere".