Funkcialaj Ekvacioj
Print ISSN : 0532-8721
Local and Global Analyticity for a Generalized Camassa-Holm System
Hideshi Yamane
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2023 Volume 66 Issue 3 Pages 159-193


We solve the analytic Cauchy problem for the generalized two-component Camassa-Holm system introduced by R. M. Chen and Y. Liu. We show the existence of a unique local/global-in-time analytic solution under certain conditions. This is the first result about global analyticity for a Camassa-Holm-like system. The method of proof is basically that developed by Barostichi, Himonas and Petronilho. The main differences between their proof and ours are twofold: (i) the system of Chen and Liu is not symmetric in the two unknowns and our estimates are not trivial generalization of those in their articles, (ii) we have simplified their argument by using fewer function spaces and the main result is stated in a simple and natural way.

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© 2023 by the Division of Functional Equations, The Mathematical Society of Japan
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