Online ISSN : 1884-636X
Print ISSN : 1349-046X
ISSN-L : 1349-046X
ULS (ULtra-small angle Scattering instrument) and Interference Imaging
Yoshie Otake
Author information

2014 Volume 24 Issue 2 Pages 151-155


The cold neutron beam port C1-3, ULS (ULtra Small angle scattering instrument) has been designed and built for the ultra-small angle scattering using a pair of Si-perfect crystals, neutron interferometry with Si-perfect crystal, double-crystal method to estimate the perfection of crystals. For these years, this beam port is used for the development of neutron interference imaging.

The neutron interference imaging technique has been developed for these years with several methods. These years we are developing neutron interference imaging technique using gratings at ULS. The neutron interference imaging experiment with two absorption gratings has been done. We develop new way to fabricate absorption gratings for neutron with the pitch of 150μm, 180μm, and 200μm. Small break in an acrylic plate was observed.

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© 2014 The Japanese Society for Neutron Science
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