2023 Volume 17 Issue 2 Pages 42-48
In this study, groundwater potential and aquifer characteristics were analysed and investigated for the first time in an integrated manner using pumping test and resistivity method in all areas within Makassar City, Indonesia. It is identified that the soil layer in Makassar consists of alluvial sediment, clay sand, sandy clay, tuff, and volcanic breccia. Productive aquifers were found at a depth of 15 to 50 m in the northern, southern, and eastern areas of the city and at a depth of 51 to 120 m in the central areas. The storativity values showed that the type of aquifer in Makassar is dominated by unconfined and semi-confined. The largest optimum pumping discharge was identified in Panakkukang and Manggala Districts with values of 0.102 and 0.061 m3/min, respectively. It was found that the distribution of aquifer transmissivity corresponds to the distribution of the optimum pumping discharge where the largest transmissivity values are located in Panakkukang and Manggala Districts. Among all districts in Makassar City, Panakkukang and Manggala Districts have the greatest groundwater potential. This is most likely due to the position of these two areas which are situated in a groundwater discharge zone identified in the previous study.