Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies (Indogaku Bukkyogaku Kenkyu)
Online ISSN : 1884-0051
Print ISSN : 0019-4344
ISSN-L : 0019-4344
A Consideration of the Missing Section of Genshin's Bodaishin-gi-yomon
Based on the Insei era manuscript owned by Kosan-ji
Masazumi KOYAMA
Author information

2006 Volume 54 Issue 2 Pages 700-704,1307


For a long time, Genshin's Bodaishin-gi-yomon _??__??__??__??__??__??_ was thought to be no longer extant. However, in 1968, Sato Tetsuei _??__??__??__??_ discovered a manuscript and introduced it to academic circles. This manuscript is thought to be from the end of the Heian era or the Kamakura era. However, because this manuscript lacked its beginning, the complete contents could not be known. In examining whether or not another copy of the Bodaishin-gi-yomon existed someplace else, I learned that there was a copy in Kosan-ji _??__??__??_. This research considers the missing section based on the manuscript owned by Kosan-ji.

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