IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems
Online ISSN : 1348-8155
Print ISSN : 0385-4221
ISSN-L : 0385-4221
<Biomedical Instrumentation>
A Primary Study of Indirect ECG Monitor Embedded in a Bed for Home Health Care
Akinori UenoYuuki ShiogaiYoji Ishiyama
Author information

2007 Volume 127 Issue 10 Pages 1792-1799


A system for monitoring electrocardiogram (ECG) through clothes inserted between the measuring electrodes and the body surface of a subject when lying on a mattress has been proposed. The principle of the system is based on capacitive coupling involving the electrode, the clothes, and the skin. Validation of the system revealed the following: (1) In spite of the gain attenuation in the pass band of the system, distortion of the detected signal was subtle even when clothes thicker than 1mm were inserted, (2) The system was able to yield a stable ECG from a subject particularly during sound sleep, (3) The system succeeded in detecting ECG after changing the posture into any of supine, right lateral, or left lateral positions by adopting a newly devised electrode configuration. Therefore, the proposed system appears promising for application to bedding as a non-invasive and awareness-free system for ECG monitoring during sleep.

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© 2007 by the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
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