The International Economy
Online ISSN : 1884-4367
Print ISSN : 2186-6074
ISSN-L : 1884-4367
Special Issue in Memory of Michihiro Ohyama and Makoto Ikema
Financial Imperfection and Outsourcing Decision
Noriyuki Yanagawa
Author information

2020 Volume 23 Pages 6-27


The relation between productivity level and the mode of organization remains on unsolved puzzle in international trade theory. As pointed out by Antràs and Helpman (2004), while some studies indicate that low productivity firms choose to outsource, other studies have derived results to the contrary. This paper attempts to solve the puzzle by taking into account the imperfections of financial markets. If the enforcement level of the financial market in the South country is low, only low productivity firms choose outsourcing in the South. On the other hand, if the enforcement level is sufficiently high in the South country, high productivity firms choose outsourcing in the South and low productivity firms choose integration in the North country. Thus, we demonstrate that the difference in the empirical results of previous studies arises from the different degrees of financial imperfections in the host country. Furtheremore, we extend this model to a multi-country model.

JEL Classification:F10, F23, F36, G28, G32

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© 2020 The Japan Society of International Economics
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