Transactions of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
Online ISSN : 1881-1183
Print ISSN : 0021-1583
The Copper Partition between Na2S Bearing Fluxes and Carbon-saturated Iron Melts
Tadashi IMAINobuo SANO
Author information

1988 Volume 28 Issue 12 Pages 999-1005

The copper partition between Na2S bearing fluxes and carbon-saturated iron melts has been measured by a chemical equilibration technique at 1473K. The results are discussed in terms of the copper capacity CCu which is defined by the following equation.
CCu(copper capacity)=(%CuS0.5)/aCu(l)•P1/4S2
Of 5 sulfides of alkali and alkali-earth metals examined, the CCu value has been found to be in the order of Na2S>Li2S>BaS>K2S> CaS, With the NaS0.5-FeS system, the higher (%NaS0.5) leads to the higher CCu. The copper partition ratio LCu(=(%Cu)/[%Cu]) was 17 with [%S]-0.01 for the flux composition of 95%NaS0.5-5%FeS having the maximum CCu. Other thermodynamic properties of the sulfides and Fe-Csat.-Cu-S melts are also studied.
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