ISIJ International
Online ISSN : 1347-5460
Print ISSN : 0915-1559
ISSN-L : 0915-1559
Decarburization and Oxygen Absorption of Molten Iron of Low Carbon Concentration with Blowing Ar-O2 Mixture of Low Oxygen Pressure
Masamichi SanoHan YetaoTadashi SawadaMasakazu Kato
Author information

1993 Volume 33 Issue 8 Pages 855-861


Kinetics of decarburization and oxygen absorption of molten iron of low carbon and oxygen concentrations has been studied. The decarburization and oxygen absorption experiments were performed by blowing Ar-O2 mixture (oxygen partial pressure 1.0×10–5<POs(atm)<5.5×10–2 and gas-flow rate 1000 (and 1900) Ncm3/min) onto the melt surface. The rates of decarburization and oxygen absorption increase with increasing oxygen partial pressure PO2>5×10–3 atm). At oxygen partial pressures of PO2<1.0×10–4 atm, the oxygen concentration is kept almost constant. The total reaction rate of oxygen with the melt (=decarburization rate+oxygen absorption rate) is larger than the rate of oxygen absorption without decarburization and smaller than the rate calculated from a reaction model of oyxgen diffusion in the gas phase. It is presumed that formation of oxide film on the melt surface has an influence on the decarburization and oxygen absorption rates. A mathematical model is proposed to explain the rates of decarburization and oxygen absorption.

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© The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
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