DENSHI SHASHIN (Electrophotography)
Online ISSN : 1880-5094
Print ISSN : 0011-8478
ISSN-L : 0011-8478
Original Papers
An Empirical Equation for the Light Ddecoy Curve of the Zinc Oxide Electrophotographic Layers
Kazumi TOKUNAGAMasayasu ANZAITetsuo DOI
Author information

1978 Volume 16 Issue 3 Pages 92-97


An empirical equation for the light decay curves of zinc-oxide electrophotographic (ZnO) layers is suggested.
In the relatively wide range from the initial value to a value about one third of the initial value, the surface potential of the ZnO-resin layers seems to conform to the equation
V = Vi exp(-α t2)
where Vi: initial value of the surface potential,
α positive constant.
The authors use this equation to quantitatively determine the degree of reciprocity law failure and to determine an intrinsic value for the photosensitivity of ZnO-resin layers.

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© 1978 by The Imaging Society of Japan
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