Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology
Online ISSN : 1347-3913
ISSN-L : 1346-8014
Scientific paper
A Numerical Model for Concrete Strength Change under Neutron and Gamma-ray Irradiation
Ippei MaruyamaKazumoto HabaOsam SatoShunsuke IshikawaOsamu KontaniMasayuki Takizawa
Author information

2016 Volume 14 Issue 4 Pages 144-162


For performance evaluation of existing reinforced concrete members under irradiation conditions, a numerical code called “DEVICE” (Damage EValuation for Irradiated ConcretE), which takes into account the heat, moisture, and radiation transport coupled with cement hydration, is proposed. This code is composed of the established computational cement-based material (CCBM) model and the one-dimensional deterministic transport Sn code “ANISN”. In the proposed model, temperature-dependent irradiation-induced expansion of aggregate minerals and resultant strength deterioration of concrete are introduced. Currently, the knowledge and modeling of irradiation-induced expansion of aggregate mineral is limited only for α-quartz. DEVICE was used for evaluating the strength distribution of the decommissioned plant Japan Power Demonstration Reactor (JPDR). Compressive strength distribution in a concrete biological shielding (CBS) wall of the JPDR was obtained by core sampling, and the compressive loading test results were compared with the calculation results. This comparison proved the practicality potential of DEVICE to predict the concrete strength distribution in a CBS. In addition, concrete strength change and its distribution in a CBS of an anonymous two-loop pressurized water reactor was simulated by DEVICE. The contributing factors for the change in the distribution of concrete strength at the inner surface of the CBS are discussed. Furthermore, the ways of integrity evaluation other than the existing allowable fast neutron fluence method are proposed and discussed as follows: 1) mineral composition-based allowable fast neutron fluence; 2) strength prediction at the inner surface based on the expansion of mineral composition of aggregates and the lower limit curve of the ratio of compressive strength of the specimen after irradiation (Fc) to that of the reference specimen (Fco) as a function of concrete expansion; and 3) direct numerical calculation for seismic performance by considering irradiation-induced volume expansion and degradation of concrete.

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© 2016 by Japan Concrete Institute
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