Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology
Online ISSN : 1347-3913
ISSN-L : 1346-8014
Scientific paper
Mechanism of Long-Term Excessive Deformation and Delayed Shear Failure of Underground RC Box Culverts
Koichi MaekawaXiaoxu ZhuNobuhiro ChijiwaShigeru Tanabe
Author information

2016 Volume 14 Issue 5 Pages 183-204


The aim of this study is to clarify the mechanism of the progressive excessive deformation observed in real underground RC box culverts of about 30 years of age. It was found by the site-inspection, monitoring and the destructive testing that the excessive deflection of top slabs for the culverts, which is almost 10 times the design estimated value, accompanies the out-of-plane shear failure. It is also computationally investigated that the coupling of subsidence of the backfill soil and the combined creep and shrinkage of concrete after cracking is closely associated with the delayed shear failure found in the culvert in service. In order to prove the delayed shear failure under higher sustained loads, the time-dependent shear crack propagation was reproduced in the laboratory test and the computational approach used in this study was examined.

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© 2016 by Japan Concrete Institute
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