Nihon Fukubu Kyukyu Igakkai Zasshi (Journal of Abdominal Emergency Medicine)
Online ISSN : 1882-4781
Print ISSN : 1340-2242
ISSN-L : 1340-2242
Examination of Patients Undergoing US-Guided Drainage for Liver Abscesses
Hideki MatsuoRyuichi KawaharaKazunori NishimuraHisafumi KinoshitaShigeaki AoyagiKazuo Shirouzu
Author information

2003 Volume 23 Issue 7 Pages 1047-1052


Subjects were 29 patients undergoing drainage for liver abscesses, including 3 undergoing repeated drainage, in the last 20 years. They were 16 men and 10 women with a mean age of 59.9 years, a mean bospitalization of 74.8 days, and a mean drain insertion duration of 38.6 days. Most patients reporped fever. Of these, 9 had hepatocellular carcinoma, comprising the highest percentage. Seven underwent drainage before surgery and 22 after ward. Ten underwent hepatectomy (including micro-wave coagulonecrosis therapy), comprising the highest percentage. Staphylococcus epidermidius was detected in 8. Communication with the bile duct was observed in 8 and th with the duodenum, large intestine, or bronchus in 1 each. We discuss the clinical features of liver abscess and US-guided drainage as a strategy for liver abscess, its indications and procedures.

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© Japanese Society for Abdominal Emergency Medicine
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