Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis
Online ISSN : 1880-3873
Print ISSN : 1340-3478
ISSN-L : 1340-3478

This article has now been updated. Please use the final version.

Ischemic Necrosis of Lower Extremity in COVID-19: A Case Report
Yunlu LiuPeng ChenMuradil MutarMan HungZengwu ShaoYanjiu HanWei TongYong Liu
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JOURNAL OPEN ACCESS Advance online publication

Article ID: 57950


Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), which is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), is an acute infectious disease that spreads mainly via the respiratory route. Elderly patients or those with underlying diseases are more seriously affected. We report a case of COVID-19 infection in a geriatric patient with arteriovenous thrombosis of the right lower limb. Despite persistent anticoagulant therapy, the patient's arterial thrombosis continued to progress and presented with ischemic necrosis of the lower extremity. After amputation in this case, the levels of D-dimer and inflammatory cytokine increased progressively, and he presented with acute myocardial infarction, which progressed rapidly to multisystem organ failure. However, whether coronavirus can directly cause the damage of the cardiovascular system and thrombosis needs further investigation.

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