The Journal of Japanese College of Angiology
Online ISSN : 1880-8840
Print ISSN : 0387-1126
ISSN-L : 0387-1126
Original Articles
Improvement and Evaluation of a Walking-breathing Exercise for Hemodialysis Patients with Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease
Kenji KohnoKazuo TsuyukiKunio EbineYashihiro OhsekiTakehiro OharaToshiyuki AokiReibin TaiKenji NinomiyaKenta KumagaiKumiko ItoKyoko TakashimaShinichi Watanabe
Author information

2013 Volume 53 Issue November Pages 191-196


This study investigated the improvement and evaluation of a walking-breathing exercise for hemodialysis patients with peripheral arterial occlusive disease (HD-PAD). The subjects were 12 HD-PAD patients (6 patients each in the exercise group and the control group). For the patients, we designed a walking-breathing exercise to be carried out as follows: with each step forward, as the heel lands on the ground, two quick inhalations are done, followed by one exhalation as the foot’s plantar surface touches the ground. Seventy-five days after the exercise, there were significant improvements in the ankle blood pressure (p<0.05) and ankle brachial pressure index immediately post one minute walking (Ex-ABI, p<0.05), and their recovery time (p<0.05) in the exercise group. In addition, four PAD limbs showed negative Ex-ABI tests. However, there was no significant improvement in the control group. In conclusion, the walking-breathing exercise was effective in the treatment of HD-PAD.

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