Journal of Computer Aided Chemistry
Online ISSN : 1345-8647
ISSN-L : 1345-8647
[Dedicated to Prof. T. Okada and Prof. T. Nishioka: data science in chemistry]Analysis of Water-soluble Constituents in Fermented Brown Rice and Rice Bran by Aspergillus oryzae (FBRA)
Ken TanakaYukiko HorieHideyuki NemotoHiroaki KosakaMichiko JoYasuhiro Tezuka
Author information

2017 Volume 18 Pages 46-50


In a previous paper, we analyzed the amounts of ferulic acid and its derivatives produced in the fermentation of brown rice and rice bran by Aspergillus oryzae (FBRA). Ferulic acid and its derivatives are considered to be biologically active constituents in FBRA and the amounts of these compounds increase remarkably depending on the fermentation time. Another benefit of fermentation is that it is considered to increase the nutritional value of the food. In this study, we examined changes in the nutritional components, such as dipeptides and the free forms of water soluble vitamins, in FBRA using LC-MS analysis.

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© 2017 The Chemical Society of Japan
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