2007 Volume 40 Issue 12 Pages 1121-1128
The understanding of biological systems has been developed to the point that they can be manufactured. The application of core skills of chemical engineering is being increasingly recognized as of valuable in further advancement of biological systems. To sustain the leading role in the industry, chemical engineers must be familiar with the methods available to create, analyze and manipulate biological molecules and systems, so that the engineering tool kit keeps as complete and up-to-date as possible. Chemical engineers also must be familiar with the biological term, and be comfortable in operating in the biology culture, so that they can effectively translate breakthroughs in fundamental biological research to engineering applications in society. Attempt has been made to put some light on the potential of linkage of biological sciences and chemical engineering and challenges and opportunities for chemical engineers in biological sciences in Pakistan. In order to cope with technological developments and globalization it is suggested to bring innovations into the existing curriculum of chemical engineering programs to develop the human resource in chemical and molecular engineering capable of both biological discovery and product development.