Nihon Daicho Komonbyo Gakkai Zasshi
Online ISSN : 1882-9619
Print ISSN : 0047-1801
ISSN-L : 0047-1801
Case Reports
A Case of Fulminant Amoebic Colitis with Total Colon Necrosis
Ryo OhtaKoji SekikawaMasaya KitamuraYasumasa TakahashiMasataka OneyamaMikihiro Nakayama
Author information

2012 Volume 65 Issue 7 Pages 393-398


Acute fulminant necrotizing amoebic colitis is a rare complication of amoebiasis, which is associated with high mortality. We present a case of a 66-year-old female admitted to our hospital because of abdominal pain and diarrhea with distention of the abdomen. Before presenting to our institute, she had been treated with antibiotics. Abdominal computed tomographic scan showed diffuse wall thickening of the total colon with abscess formation. Colonoscopy revealed extensive mucosal necrosis of the colon and rectum, so a total colectomy with ileostomy was performed. The resected specimen showed that most of the colonic mucosa was necrotic macroscopically. A diagnosis of amoebic colitis was made based on a histopathological examination. This case report emphasizes the importance of early diagnosis and appropriate treatment to improve the outcome of fulminant amoebic colitis.

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© 2012 The Japan Society of Coloproctology

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