Nihon Daicho Komonbyo Gakkai Zasshi
Online ISSN : 1882-9619
Print ISSN : 0047-1801
ISSN-L : 0047-1801
Anorectal Manometric Investigation of Anorectal Disease
J. KuromizuM. MarutaT. UtsumiK. TohyamaH. SatoK. TakizawaY. Okumura
Author information

1994 Volume 47 Issue 10 Pages 1091-1098


The surgeon or physician investigates how good the anorectum is at preserving continence or facilitating defecation and what component of the mechanism is faulty. Anorectal manometry is one of the physiological tests to assess the anorectal function. There fore manometric study was carried out on patients with lower rectal cancer who underwent very low anterior resection and with ulcerative colitis who underwent J-pauch anal anastomosis, with traumatic anal injury (obstetric injury and anorectal surgery), with complete rectal prolapse and with pelvic floor outlet obstruction. As a result, anorectal manometry was appropriate as a screening test for anorectal disorders and very useful for the evaluation of the anal function after treatment, but did not indicate the aetiology. Therefore, more complex neurophysiological tests may be necessary.

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