Journal of Echocardiography
Online ISSN : 1880-344X
Print ISSN : 1349-0222
Atypical Transient Left Ventricular Basal Dysfunction and Functional Mitral Regurgitation in a Patient With Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Masanori TsurugidaYutaka OtsujiKouichi ToyonagaSouki LeeMidori NegishiHitoshi TodaShinichi MinagoeChuwa Tei
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2008 Volume 6 Issue 4 Pages 119-121


Segmental left ventricular (LV) dysfunction associated with subarachnoid hemorrhage usually develops in the apex. We encountered a patient with subarachnoid hemorrhage associated with transient LV basal dysfunction and functional mitral regurgitation. Echocardiography showed akinesis in the whole basal LV and hyperkinesis in the apex with significant mitral regurgitation without organic leaflet lesion. The LV wall motion abnormality as well as mitral regurgitation disappeared 22 days later. Subarachnoid hemorrhage can occasionally cause atypical segmental basal LV dysfunction associated with functional mitral regurgitation.

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© 2008 by Japanese Society of Echocardiography
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