Journal of Equine Science
Online ISSN : 1347-7501
Print ISSN : 1340-3516
ISSN-L : 1340-3516
Inconsistencies in horse coat color registration: A case study
Ivana Louise Santos SILVAGlebb Strauss Borges JUNQUEIRAChiara Albano de Araújo OLIVEIRARaphael Bermal COSTAGregório Miguel Ferreira DE CAMARGO
Author information

2020 Volume 31 Issue 3 Pages 57-60


Grullo is a dun dilution on a black coat that is common in the Campolina horse: an autochthonous Brazilian breed. The aims of this case study were to evaluate inconsistencies in grullo coat color registration and to explain their possible causes. A total of 3,270 grullo Campolina horses were evaluated. To confirm the genetic possibility of having grullo animals, the coat color genotypes of parents were inferred by phenotype and compared with those of progeny. A total of 242 horses that were registered as grullos could not have this coat based on their parents’ information. Possible explanations for incorrect registration are errors of paternity and in coat color identification. We suggest maintaining obligatory paternity testing and enhancing training in coat color identification.

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