Proceedings of Symposium on Human-Environment System
Online ISSN : 2434-8007
[volume title in Japanese]
Conference information

Study on evaluation about thermal adaptation based on cognitive temperature and cognitive comfort temperature
- Field survey for female university students in autumn and winter -
Author information

Pages 171-174


This study aimed to discuss relationship between cognitive temperature ‹CT › and thermal adaptation, and also to evaluate usability of cognitive comfort temperature ‹CCT ›. The CT is an index on thermal comfort in a space where people stay at that time. we think the CT has effects on variable factors, such as ‹a › experimental elements, ‹b › seasonal or regional conditions, ‹c › physical conditions, and ‹d › thermal conditions. It is expected that the cognitive temperature becomes more useful scale than present popular thermal comfort indexes such as PMV and SET ∗. We measured thermal environments in a university classroom in the period from autumn to winter seasons, and conducted questionnaire survey to students in the university. Conclusions of this study are as follows: ‹1 › Values of CT correlate significantly with those of both outdoor air temperature and operative temperature in the classroom. ‹2 › Combining CT with CCT enables us to accordingly evaluate the present state of the thermal adaptation. ‹3 › The CT is available to evaluate the adaptation process to thermal environment, because the CT relates strongly to the following adaptations: psychological, physiological, and behavioral adaptations.

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