The Journal of Japan Institute of Navigation
Online ISSN : 2187-3275
Print ISSN : 0388-7405
ISSN-L : 0388-7405
An Experimental Study on a Water Cut-off Effect of the Prevention System of Ship Separation from Quay Wall Under Wave Condition-II
Masayoshi KUBOKatsuhiko SAITOTsuyoshi OKI
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1999 Volume 100 Pages 131-137


In the previous papers, we proposed the prevention system of ship separation from quay wall. In the last experiment, we carried out a small scale model test which was similar to an actual mooring ship in order to clear some problems for practical application under wave condition. In this experiment, we improve the water cut-off property by a cover on the device. We carry out the experiments and compare the results with and without the cover. From the studies, the obtained results are summarized as follows : (1) The improved model has a better water cut-off property. (2) From wave conditions and the calculated mooring force of the system, we obtain a design principle of the system. (3) By the principle, we can calculate a quantity of entering water from outside of the system by rolling motion.

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